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Mir will be in 13.10

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    Mir will be in 13.10

    Canonical has just announced they will include Mir in the upcoming 13.10 release.

    some bits:

    Our Display Server Mir has gone from a proof of concept, sufficient to
    justify its announcement in March this year, to high quality, high
    performance component that we think will deliver the fastest, cleanest
    display experience for the Ubuntu platform. We are confident that all
    desktop environments and derivatives will work well throughout the
    transition, based on our ability to provide a full X compatibility layer.

    Here is the roadmap and milestones for the Ubuntu graphics stack transition
    to Mir:

    Ubuntu 13.10:
    XMir on Mir by default, with a fallback session to X where there is no Mir
    driver support, supported for 9 months

    Ubuntu 14.04 LTS:
    XMir as default with the fallback session removed, full Mir driver support,
    traditional LTS support for 5 years

    Ubuntu 14.10 and beyond:
    Mir stack as default, including rootless X support for legacy X
    applications, supported for 9 months

    XMir: X & Unity7 running on top of the system compositor Mir
    Mir stack: Mir as system compositor with Unity 8 as session shell on top

    Kubuntu won't be using it, though...for which I'm quite happy.


      does anyone else find it funny that they are gonna run MIR by default but need to run XMIR because Unity only works on X currently. what is the point of this why not wait until Unity can run inside MIR without the need for XMIR.
      Mark Your Solved Issues [SOLVED]
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        Baby steps?
        Opinions are like rear-ends, everybody has one. Here's mine. (|)


          I'd call it sensible to start this migration in steps.
          As someone who uses Linux mainly for graphics and multi-media I can see the issues with X are hard if not impossible to overcome.
          At the same time I truly appreciate the networking capabilities that same X is giving.


            Originally posted by Teunis View Post
            I'd call it sensible to start this migration in steps.
            As someone who uses Linux mainly for graphics and multi-media I can see the issues with X are hard if not impossible to overcome.
            At the same time I truly appreciate the networking capabilities that same X is giving.
            I don't necessarily disagree with any of these, I just know that Mir is not the answer for *me*. Canonical has a very poor track record of sticking with what they start, and I strongly dislike their walled garden attitude.

            And I wouldn't worry too much losing the network transparency of X (with it's own issues like security and latency), I'm confident we'll get networking capabilities in Wayland (they are just too useful to lose...and we two are not the only ones using them).

            Here's a couple of blog posts about the matter:


              "...based on our ability to provide a full X compatibility layer." Meaning, IMO, added bloat. :-P Oh how I long for the days when you could obtain a LiveCD .iso of Kubuntu.
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Originally posted by Snowhog View Post
                Oh how I long for the days when you could obtain a LiveCD .iso of Kubuntu.
                Yeah, because nobody ever needed more than 675 MB for anything. LOL


                  Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                  Yeah, because nobody ever needed more than 675 MB for anything. LOL
                  Or spoke a different language, etc......

                  More LOL

                  Sent from my Droid DNA using Tapatalk.


                    Or DVD's and USB drives have not yet been invented.
                    Really, computers that can only be booted from a CD are very rare indeed and possibly not the intended target for a KDE-centric distribution.


                      Originally posted by kubicle View Post
                      Kubuntu won't be using it, though...for which I'm quite happy.

                      Same here. Just more useless, added bloat, and running Xmir is of course braking things out. Benchmarks here:

                      Creating that Mir was the second-most stupid decision Canonical ever made (the alltime most stupid decision being to use gross Gnome instead of Kde as main DE for Ubuntu).
                      Kubuntu Raring Ringtail x64 w/ Kde 4.10.5

                      Multimedia packages for Kubuntu x64 (x264 10bit, mplayer2, Aegisub etc.)

                      My stuff on


                        Hi Shamipan!!!

                        LOOOVE the avatar!!!

                        but....I mean...I am shaved to about a hundred and seventy pounds....

                        SCUBA JERKS 900 calories an hour off you!!! LOL....

                        But.....what is all this "bloat" stuff when I have a BCD that will make me VERY SEXY....

                        I mean....why worry about "bloat" when we have so many gigagybytes that I could float a battleship?

                        just wonderin' WOOD no disrespect....smoke....if you would very kindly explain why I should not go to the casino in Oklahomah!! lol
                        Last edited by woodsmoke; Jun 30, 2013, 10:36 PM.


                          Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
                          I mean....why worry about "bloat" when we have so many gigagybytes that I could float a battleship?
                          We might have terabytes of spare disc, and even gigabytes of free RAM, but there's still only 60 seconds in a minute

                          Regards, John Little
                          Regards, John Little


                            Originally posted by jlittle View Post
                            We might have terabytes of spare disc, and even gigabytes of free RAM, but there's still only 60 seconds in a minute
                            Sure, but given the regular speed increase of modern CPUs, the 60-second minute is no barrier. Faster clock cycles combined with increased storage mean that it's possible to process an ever-larger amount of information every cycle. We don't need more seconds per minute to achieve this.



                              Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                              Sure, but given the regular speed increase of modern CPUs, the 60-second minute is no barrier. Faster clock cycles combined with increased storage mean that it's possible to process an ever-larger amount of information every cycle. We don't need more seconds per minute to achieve this.

                              True, but we could use the speed increase to actually achieve more in a sixty second minute rather than keeping the steady pace


