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Is Google morphing the Internet into its own playground?

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    Is Google morphing the Internet into its own playground?

    I offer the following exhibits.
    • WebM -- an audio/video format
    • WebP -- an image format
    • Jingle -- multimedia interactions over XMPP
    • WebRTC -- a real-time communication API
    • SPDY -- a proposal for HTTP 2.0
    • Dart -- a web programming language
    • Protocol Buffers -- an interprocess/program communications mechanism

    Surely there are others. These are just the ones that came to mind quickly. Something to ponder, methinks...

    Just because I am a Canadian and live in a quasi monarchist socialist country doesn't mean I don't understand human greed.

    Who said, "Knowledge is power."? Well Albert Einstein said, "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. So is a lot.". Google collects as much information as possible on us, maybe more than it is worth for free email. The Onion News made fun of Facebook being a CIA operation you can see the YouTube video here. ROFL
    But that is so true, people toss what I consider personal information out there and don't think twice.

    Google now can find out if Simon has the backdoor runs from his search on WebMD through Google Analytics and then sell him some Pepto while he is looking at his gmail. But yeah I have Yahoo and they do the same crap. I try very hard to confuse and confound them with random searches on feminism or odd products. You know I opened a bank account in my original name (Simon is my legal name for the past 2 years) Satoshi and I had calls to my place inside of a month sellers asking for SAT - oshy and all sorts of misappropriations of my original name. Well it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out my bank sold my information. I closed the account and change my number.

    So yeah, I am against fat cats getting rich off our info but the best you can do is screw with their heads.


      Originally posted by Simon View Post
      Google now can find out if Simon has the backdoor runs from his search on WebMD through Google Analytics and then sell him some Pepto while he is looking at his gmail.
      You can defeat this by deleting Google-related cookies, or at least configure your browser to treat them as session-only.

      Originally posted by Simon View Post
      screw with their heads.
      Are Canadians allowed to do that?


        I wonder if consistently proclaiming myself to be an impoverished, advert hating, anti-corporate anarchist in all my online activities will be enough to assure that I'm ignored by ad companies?
        "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
        -- Douglas Adams


          If you could buy a bumpersticker with that proclamation, would you? If yes, then the answer to your question is no.


            As someone who doesn't own a car, a bumper sticker would be a really tough sell!
            "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
            -- Douglas Adams


              Originally posted by HalationEffect View Post
              ... to assure that I'm ignored by ad companies?...
              Just pretend to be old or penniless, and you won't even exist to them.

              Regards, John Little
              Regards, John Little


                It bothers me to some degree that Google ganked Chrome from open source and "made it there own". I know that anyone is allowed to do that with open source but here is a good example of irksome open source scoundrels.

                Blender 3D is an open source program and you can rebuild and even sell your own version of what gives away for FREE. Well some scoundrels don't play by the rules very well. I tend place Google in with this bunch, because they don't exactly go out of their way to inform people, that Google didn't develop Chrome they just rebuilt it from Chromium. There is no telling what kind of code they will incorporate into multimedia formats or internet protocols either. I see they are selling cheap laptops for $250 ... Chromebook, I for one won't be lining up to buy one. But as I recall the EEE PC did the same with a solid state drive and Xandros Linux. To me, this shows they lack originality as well. I know I sound like I am paranoid, many of my close friends are waiting for me to wear the aluminum foil hat any day now.


                  I dunno, I think chromium came after chrome....
                  at least if wikipedia is accurate.


                    Claydoh your avatar looks worn out. Maybe I am wrong but I based my opinion on this first line from wiki about Chromium. Which states;
                    "Chromium is the open source web browser project from which Google Chrome draws its source code." Draws here as a verb meaning gathers or derives. So I wonder now which page is more accurate? Maybe there was some bias on the author.


                      Originally posted by Simon View Post
                      It bothers me to some degree that Google ganked Chrome from open source and "made it there own". I know that anyone is allowed to do that with open source but here is a good example of irksome open source scoundrels.

                      Blender 3D is an open source program and you can rebuild and even sell your own version of what gives away for FREE. Well some scoundrels don't play by the rules very well. I tend place Google in with this bunch, because they don't exactly go out of their way to inform people, that Google didn't develop Chrome they just rebuilt it from Chromium. There is no telling what kind of code they will incorporate into multimedia formats or internet protocols either. I see they are selling cheap laptops for $250 ... Chromebook, I for one won't be lining up to buy one. But as I recall the EEE PC did the same with a solid state drive and Xandros Linux. To me, this shows they lack originality as well. I know I sound like I am paranoid, many of my close friends are waiting for me to wear the aluminum foil hat any day now.
                      This is so misleading. Please check your facts before making such a nasty claim. Chromium is developed predominantly by Google but what they do is spin a closed source version so that they can include some other blobs like their own version of flash etc. Google is one of the biggest supporters of open source and open standards. Sure they can have some questionable practices but by far and a large they give more than they get.


                        Originally posted by Simon View Post
                        Claydoh your avatar looks worn out. Maybe I am wrong but I based my opinion on this first line from wiki about Chromium. Which states;
                        "Chromium is the open source web browser project from which Google Chrome draws its source code." Draws here as a verb meaning gathers or derives. So I wonder now which page is more accurate? Maybe there was some bias on the author.
                        No conflIct between the two pages. Chrome was developed first, then later released it as the open sourced chromium. Which they now use to create new versions of chrome.

                        Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2


                          Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                          • WebM -- an audio/video format
                          • WebP -- an image format
                          • Jingle -- multimedia interactions over XMPP
                          • WebRTC -- a real-time communication API
                          • SPDY -- a proposal for HTTP 2.0
                          • Dart -- a web programming language
                          • Protocol Buffers -- an interprocess/program communications mechanism
                          Another one:
                          • QUIC -- connection-oriented transport on UDP, trying to be "better" than TCP


                            Originally posted by jlittle View Post
                            Just pretend to be old or penniless, and you won't even exist to them.

                            Regards, John Little
                            That does not work. I am constantly bombarded with ads wanting me to buy Medicare supplemental insurance, senior dating sites, reverse mortgages, etc.
                            And I am very old and very near penniless.


                              My 16-year-old son's online persona is a 95-year-old filthy rich homeless gay muslim stripper. Every time he visits Google, one of their ad servers explodes.

