Until 13.04, I've used OpenOffice because it's just more polished and has been way better than LibreOffice. But: I'm trying to turn over a new leaf and stick to "pure" Kubuntu. You know - Kmail instead of Thunderbird, Telepathy instead of Skype or Pidgin, etc., so I can update without downloading a stack of .debs from the OO website. (BTW: Naming the meta package for LibreOffice "OpenOffice" in 12.04 was down right fraud and someone should be sued for that maneuver)
To be fair, I use MS Office at work and I guess you can tell where the $499 went. I don't like the new 2010 "ribbon" menu, but I'm getting used to it.
Tried out LibreOffice Calc today; doing some in-depth spreadsheet magic. I'm really having a hard time using it. There are no menu drop-shadows, stuff is hard to find (just about everything), toolbars are too numerous, under populated, and too difficult to adjust, etc.
The almost total inability to create decent headers and footers makes it unsuitable for any serious work. It's fine for figuring out your mortgage, but I can't even re-format the date field in the footer or put a graphic in the header. Supposedly, you can create a different header for page 1 but it doesn't work and the Page Organizer is simply grayed out all the time.
Too bad. I had read a lot of good reviews and had high hopes. Well, off to OpenOffice.org for some downloading...
To be fair, I use MS Office at work and I guess you can tell where the $499 went. I don't like the new 2010 "ribbon" menu, but I'm getting used to it.
Tried out LibreOffice Calc today; doing some in-depth spreadsheet magic. I'm really having a hard time using it. There are no menu drop-shadows, stuff is hard to find (just about everything), toolbars are too numerous, under populated, and too difficult to adjust, etc.
The almost total inability to create decent headers and footers makes it unsuitable for any serious work. It's fine for figuring out your mortgage, but I can't even re-format the date field in the footer or put a graphic in the header. Supposedly, you can create a different header for page 1 but it doesn't work and the Page Organizer is simply grayed out all the time.
Too bad. I had read a lot of good reviews and had high hopes. Well, off to OpenOffice.org for some downloading...