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Upgrade bitch session.

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    Upgrade bitch session.

    As some of you may know who have tried and upgrade to Kubuntu 13.04, there is an extremely annoying Firefox bug that makes users want to throw the computer across the room. This is especially annoying if you have previously install Firefox.

    A little background.
    You think, I'll try the newest upgrade; it's been tested and should be usable. You choose Installation Upgrade rather than fresh install. You wait the hours it takes to download. You check the computer when it keeps asking you questions. You restart the computer and (for some, there's that lovely watermark saying your hardware is unsupported--another story, and then) you start Firefox from the same icon that's been in the same place for months. However, for some reason Muon starts because firefox.desktop is linked to kubuntu-firefox-installer. On top of that, there is a bug in the installer. The installer crashes and leaves a mess. Your previous installation won't start either.

    The first question is why has a program (Firefox Installer) that has been working, now no longer working. The second is, if I'm doing an Upgrade, why has it overwritten my installed Firefox with the Firefox Installer. Keep in mind this is a beta upgrade. New users don't, or really shouldn't, install a beta release. Why would an upgrade of this type even default to this. Either you are a Firefox user and already have it install, or you don't use Firefox and don't plan to.

    Please feel free to comment. Let's just keep it civil. I really hope someone from Ubuntu or Canonical read this. I await an explanation.

    Yes, we've encountered that here on the forum. I would recommend that you file a bug against kubuntu-firefox-installer on Launchpad. It's a great way to contribute.


      I tried filing as a bug, but it basically said I had no useful information--not the exact wording. Apparently, it's already been filed. I just thought I'd rant. Someone with a similar issue may find my rant humorous, or enjoy having someone with whom to commiserate.

      I don't wish to fill up Linux forums with useless junk (there's enough already), but I share freely.

      In case someone discovers this issue, I found a workable solution.

      apt-get remove firefox*
      That will remove every Firefox package. Do a search for firefox.desktop to be sure none are in system files. Do a rm -r firefox.desktop to remove offending desktop shortcuts. Personal desktop shortcut files in home directories do not need to be removed.

      Of course a simple solution would have been to call it firefox-installer.desktop, so this issue would not have happened in the first place. This is in addition to the already reported bug on installer script that crashes Muon.



        years ago...
        at Xandros...I had a guy tell me to file a report....
        I did not...
        years later...
        if you do not file a report...
        then...a report does not get filed...

        hey..............get a really nice pinapple whip at the pineapple whip girl and go about other things....


