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How Bruce Lee maintained an Indian Motorcycle

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    How Bruce Lee maintained an Indian Motorcycle

    How Bruce Lee maintained a motorcycle.

    If you follow the path of the Jeet Kune Do then please....

    close this post....go to your better half....and have a wonderful time tickling each other on the couch.

    If you do not follow the path....


    a) Watch the film "Enter the Dragon"...paying especial attention to the sequence at the beginning concerning Bruce Lee and "the Student"... this author will say no more...for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see....let them see....and let them hear....

    b) Read the VERY short book "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance".( this author PURPOSLY does not provide a link...if the student is not ready then the cook monk throws rice pudding at she or he....go clean it up and temporarily do not pollute the gene pool.)

    Hint: if you really cannot get to a motorcycle at least read the VERY SHORT book.

    Then....if you cannot "get to a motorcycle".

    c) Get you hence to becoming "open water" dive certified....

    when you are "doing pushups"....come back to this post and so state! lol will not need to buy an Indian Motorcycle if you can "do pushups"..... lol but you will spend an equivalent amount of money...

    after all....even the poor monk begs alms...

    woodapoorbeggarwhostilldonatesLinuxcomputerspulled fromthebeltwaysbytheGregmansmoke

    AND SINCE YOU ARE A LINUX GEEK READ ANYthing from either Stallman or Torvalds and then go get a latte and commit hara-kari...unless Torvalds or Stallman happen to be in the shoppe and stop you...

    then after you have resheathed the plastic knife that will not be there since the plastic knife is politically incorrect...

    .you can then purchase a refreshment for said person...

    or.... lol....

    ..the HUNK. that is in the healthfoods, not vegan, section...

    ...or SENSUAL LADY READING A BOOK IN A SHORT SKIRT below the paintings of great authors in B and N. lol

    Last edited by woodsmoke; Apr 04, 2013, 10:16 PM.

    I really enjoyed Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance when I read it about 20 years ago... even though IIRC the book had very little to do with either Zen or motorcycle maintenance.
    "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all."
    -- Douglas Adams


      I also read it about 20 years ago. IIRC the motorcycle in the book was a BMW.


        Ya I'll never forget Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance. I remember that I saw it in a bookstore when I was in my 20s, and wondered about it, but did not buy it. When I was about 26 I bought my first motorcycle, and when I was about 29 I bought a 1977 Kawasaki KZ-1000, which I owned and rode for more than 15 years. Sometime in my 30s I bought the book. What an interesting take on the subject of "Quality" -- and the various human understandings of what that might mean. I worked with engineers, and I'll never forget how grossed out the BMW owner was at the idea of using pieces of a cut-up beer can as shims on his handlebar clamps. It was "function" versus "form", fullscale. Very enlightening!


          Yes, exactly dibl ;-)
          There's a helluva lot of solutions between/including combos of art and science, rationality and creativity. And, thusly, contrary to 'rumors,' there's a helluva lot a Zen in that book!
          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


            The passage referred to by dible is also the one that I remember. The author mused about what the German engineers would of thought about his solution, and decided they would have approved of his choice of materials. The reason this passage stood out for me was I could totally identify with his approach to the problem and immediately thought that this guy and I have a lot in common.

