So it looks like Ubuntu might be moving to a rolling release for Raring Ringtail, but I wonder what impact this is going to have on Kubuntu?
From reading the mailing list, it's unclear what form the rolling release will take. From what I gather it will be more like a "developer only" release, and then the LTS is recommended for everyone else.
If this is the case, I think it's not too great for us Kubuntu users, because running the same version of KDE for 2 years would kind of suck. On the other hand, I don't want to lose any stability by using a half-baked dev only roling release.
From reading the mailing list, it's unclear what form the rolling release will take. From what I gather it will be more like a "developer only" release, and then the LTS is recommended for everyone else.
If this is the case, I think it's not too great for us Kubuntu users, because running the same version of KDE for 2 years would kind of suck. On the other hand, I don't want to lose any stability by using a half-baked dev only roling release.