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Libert Global buys Virgin Media in UK

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    Libert Global buys Virgin Media in UK

    Liberty Global to buy Virgin Media for £10Bn. What will this mean to Virgin Media customers?

    I was a customer of Virgin Media and even though I never experienced major problems when I was a customer I am currently experiencing bad customer service after cancelling my account. If you look at their Forums you will find a lot of customers complaining of very poor service.

    The question is, will Liberty Global improve the services of Virgin Media or will it be business as usual?

    I'd like to think that they'll improve telephone support by bringing it all back to the UK and that'll they'll invest heavily in the over-utilised cable network. They need to be able to deliver what their advertising campaigns portray as being the best.

    I know from bitter experience that at times broadband speeds can be slower than dial-up in some areas at peak times. Fortunately my area has now been upgraded and I get 60Mb speeds for most of the day.

    I guess it all depends on how much money they are willing to spend on putting things right.
    Last edited by Guest; Feb 25, 2013, 06:08 PM.

