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For all you linux using gun lovers out there

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    For all you linux using gun lovers out there

    A $17,000 Linux powered Auto Aiming Hunting Rifle. Now you can use your favourite GNU/Linux operating system to help you to kill animals (or criminals).

    I wonder if Linus ever thought his kernal would be used this way?

    Linux is a gun sure is new. But Linux in weapons has been around for ages. US DOD loves linux for its drones and many other applications.


      Not much sport in that... May as well just buy meat from the supermarket.


        what a letdown ,,,,,,,I was thinking mechanical base auto tracking and fire request or just on motion ,,,,,,,thats nothing but a glorified scope .

        save your self a BUNCH of $ and just practise at the range.

        heck I can pop a soda can with a 7.62mm SKS and iron sites at 100 yards :-P

        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
        16GB RAM
        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


          Looks pretty cool but with the price tag I'll have to pass. I'd imagine ballistic profile would be caliber or even load specific. Imagine that on a Big SS Windrunner Rifle chambering the .338 Yellow Bastard something else just a little out of my shooting budget @ $100 per shell casing.


            Originally posted by whatthefunk View Post
            Not much sport in that... May as well just buy meat from the supermarket.
            Agreed. Hunting is supposed to be difficult else it defeats the purpose of the sport. Its pretty easy for us to assert our dominance over animals therefore we need to make it more fair.


              ummm this is reminiscent of the hyperliberalism of academia.

              "All information is "neutral" is "just" information.

              In other words to the hyperliberal, since those stoopid "conservatives" think that maybe killing your first born with a sledghammer is slightly more offensive than killing the fly your food....... to the hyperliberal killing the fly is equivalent to killing your first born.

              Whatever a conservative does not want is what the hyperliberal WILL have....

              but....anyway..... how many tens of thousands of posts litter the Linux fora that "Linux is "just" a program" it is neutral......

              sooo using it to control a gun is not in any way better or worse than controlling a telescope to gaze at the stars....

              which FLIES in the face of the "liberal" mantra that..... weapons are BAD.....

              wherein the conservative says it is the person using the gun which kills....

              It is all about the "blinders" that either side puts over their eyes.



                When a target is marked, the tracking scope takes into account the range of the target, the ambient temperature and humidity, the age of the barrel, and a whole boatload of other parameters. It quickly reorients the display so the crosshairs in the center accurately show where the round will go.
                Therein lies the problem. The round will only "go" where the pip is IF the shooter adjusts the rifle to put the cross on the pip. I failed to see and servos that would automatically adjust elevation or yaw to slew the barrel in order to place the crosshairs on the pip. Ergo, it's just an overpriced digital display scope. Maybe worth $1K or $2K. After all, Linux is free.

                It would be cheaper and easier to use a laser sight and when you see the red or green dot on the target then gently squeeze the trigger. No scope, and the battery will last for hours since the laser is only turned on why actually shooting.

                I used to hunt a lot in Colorado and Nebraska. I used a scope on my rifle. It amounted to sniping. The was no stalking, to sneaking up. From 3 or 4 hundred yards you put the appropriate mil dot on where you want the bullet to go and squeeze the trigger. It took all the "sport" out of hunting. So, I switched to using a bow.

                On my first bow hunt for a deer I was in a tree stand when a pretty good sized doe walked up to the tree and looked up. We made eye contact. I sat in the stand for 15 minutes, not moving, barely breathing. She decided I wasn't a threat (good camo) and went back to causally browsing the plants and eventually walked off into the brush. I had never seen a live deer that close, or for that length of time. Watching wildlife films showing the same thing is NOT the same as being there in the flesh and seeing it for yourself.

                I abandon the bow in favor of a 35mm camera with a 500 mm telephoto lens, and even with that lens I had to learn how to really stalk. IF I had to shoot an animal for food, as I did during the Arab oil embargo of 1974, while teaching at a small, rural highschool, I would. But usings a high velocity rifle at several hundred yards is neither a hunt, a challenge or even a risk. Want to go on a real hunt? Hunt Kodiak bears with a bow and no backup firearms. Good luck with that.
                Last edited by GreyGeek; Feb 06, 2013, 05:30 PM.
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  How about wild boar with a knife!

                  Please Read Me


                    Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
                    ummm this is reminiscent of the hyperliberalism of academia.

                    "All information is "neutral" is "just" information.

                    In other words to the hyperliberal, since those stoopid "conservatives" think that maybe killing your first born with a sledghammer is slightly more offensive than killing the fly your food....... to the hyperliberal killing the fly is equivalent to killing your first born.

                    Whatever a conservative does not want is what the hyperliberal WILL have....

                    but....anyway..... how many tens of thousands of posts litter the Linux fora that "Linux is "just" a program" it is neutral......

                    sooo using it to control a gun is not in any way better or worse than controlling a telescope to gaze at the stars....

                    which FLIES in the face of the "liberal" mantra that..... weapons are BAD.....

                    wherein the conservative says it is the person using the gun which kills....

                    It is all about the "blinders" that either side puts over their eyes.

                    Why do you have to turn everything into a fight against those horrible liberals?? dmeyer and I simply noted that using a high tech tracking scope to kill animals takes the sport out of it. My ultra conservative uncles who bow hunt would agree as well. This has nothing to do with politics.


                      Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
                      How about wild boar with a knife!
                      Now that's a brave man but:


                      To be fair, a wild boar is probably just as if not more dangerous than those except they sound a lot more hardcore.


                        That second article is a hoot!

                        Please Read Me


                          Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
                          to the hyperliberal killing the fly is equivalent to killing your first born.
                          I am flamingly hyperliberal. I have brutally murdered many hundreds of flies, yet shed nary a tear. My firstborn has often made me much angrier than any member of the genus Musca, yet he remains alive even after 16 years.

                          Nearly every human on the planet is possessed of two nipples, yet those possessors of a certain gender are prohibited from showing me theirs on broadcast television. Why do hyperconservatives get to dictate what I am allowed to observe with my own eyes?

                          Oh, wait. I do believe my question has already been answered:
                          Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
                          Whatever a conservative does not want is what the hyperliberal WILL have

                          = = = =

                          Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
                          How about wild boar with a knife!
                          No match for a scaredycat pedestrian with cell phone, obviously.


                            Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post

                            Nearly every human on the planet is possessed of two nipples, yet those possessors of a certain gender are prohibited from showing me theirs on broadcast television. Why do hyperconservatives get to dictate what I am allowed to observe with my own eyes?
                            O yes nipple control is right up there with gun control , nipples can be Quite dangerous in the wrong hands...............Bwahahaha ,,,

                            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                            16GB RAM
                            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                              If one REALLY thinks about it.....

                              Since "conservatives" hold to "the way it was always done" and "do not throw the baby out with the bathwater"....

                              The "progressive".....who has "progressed" beyond "the way it was always done" because they are "smarter" than "those old fuddy duddys"....

                              has to do things "differently" from what was done before...or the "progressive" will be tainted with the brush of conservatism.

                              The conservative says that there is information that is more important than other items of information.

                              The conservative says that there are actions which are more important/have greater consequence...than other actions.

                              Ergo...since the progressive MUST "move beyond"...old outmoded ways of thinking....

                              no...information is more important than other information...

                              no action is more important than another action....

                              since the conservative thinks that possibly humans are more important than...cockaroaches......

                              the progressive HAS to equate cockaroaches with humans....neither have importance over the other....

                              The great Linux gurus....seemingly adhear to the all information is neutral way of thinking...

                              Wikipedia publishes all information.....whether it offends another or not...

                              except, for...of course, conservative information which is just EVIL on SO MANY a look at the discussions behind the articles.....

                              Yes....some "conservative agenda" people DO delete "liberal" information......

                              But MUCH more "conservaive stuff" is deleted by "liberal agenda" people...

                              don't believe me...look at the conversations and histories.

                              So....for a Linux to be use for an EVIL thing like controlling a rifle.......

                              HOW could the good name of Linux be besmirched by using it to control a rifle.... which KILLS animals and people.....although it is probably not good for cockaroaches except when used as a club! lol

                              But...wait......Linux is can be used for say the people who produce it.....

                              Now....what we need is an automatic cockaroach killer that is run by a Linux OS! lol

                              in that way....Linux would, indeed be....neutral! lol

                              equal opportunity!


                              Last edited by woodsmoke; Feb 09, 2013, 02:03 PM.

