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In their dreams, North Korea bombs America

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    In their dreams, North Korea bombs America

    This is just plain silly. Money shot at 2:06.

    Exercise for the viewer: identify the music.

    It's somebody's rendition of We are the World. I have no idea how you find such stuff, Steve!


      link broken


        LOL. Dibl, in this case, someone else posted it to a general chatter email list at work. I thought it would be entertaining to post here.

        You really have to wonder about the irony of North Korea's propaganda machine. Co-opting a song about peace, love, and world unity, written by two Americans even!

        I'm amazed at how quickly the original was taken down. Damn...


          CNN found it and put it on their web site -- it's presently on the home page of CNN US:


            Well, one has to put this into historical perspective.

            One cannot seem to find it on the net but I can remember a news commentator, probably CBS which my parents tended to watch......but when Kruschev visited the U.S. in 1959 he said something to the effect of "how long did it take you to get all these cars here in New York City to impress me?" and was told that nobody brought them there, they were just the normal ones there.

            In other words, he just could not comprehend that there were SO MANY cars in the U.S. that he was seeing more in NYC than he would see in all of the major cities of the U.S.S.R.

            Same with helicopter repair in VietNam. There was a white square below the pilot's door. If there was a problem with the chopper he was to paint a red "X" on the white square so that nobody would try to take it up.

            I was in Great Lakes when the SVN were being traind to repair choppers and other equipment and they were properly trained.

            But....choppers started going down at take off when the cadres were returned to country.

            Seems that the local shamans were telling them that they didn't have to actually repair anything, just put a spell on the chopper, provided by the shaman.

            Everybody seems to think that the NKs actually think logically and coherently like the wonderfully educated people of the U.S....

            ummmm no.....

            I, personally, think and conservatives think....NO I AM NOT A CONSERVATIVE.... that they really just do not comprehend that if they actually launched such a missile that the whole country would be turned into glass.

            And this under an Obama adminstration also...because if he did not he would be impeached and thrown into jail.

            just the observations of a guy that is older than dirt and actually listened to what Kruschev said even when he was a kid.

            I also read Mein Kampf, Das Kapital, Darwin's theory of evolution, Roger Bacon and Bertrand Russel when i was in high school....

            WHAT A NERDY GEEK!! lol



              Pardon for asking but what's the actual source of this video? Apart from the claims made by by The Sun and CNN. There's much more to be gain for some world 'actors' by the fear it may create among US/EU citizens, then the lunatics of North Korea would possibly ever gain by it.

              I'd believe that it's equally likely that it's made by a North Korean official as it's made by Haliburton or any other corporation of war. The authenticity of this video should be questioned.

              Don't get me wrong, I don't support NK's Nuclear program, nor US Nuclear program, nor Sweden's nuclear energy program ... but this just feels like a shot at 'Tonkin bay' all over again.

              Here's a better US song, more in tune with reality then "we are the world" ever were...

              "Generals gathered in their masses
              Just like witches at black masses
              Evil minds that plot destruction
              Sorcerers of death's construction
              In the fields the bodies burning
              As the war machine keeps turning
              Death and hatred to mankind
              Poisoning their brainwashed minds
              Oh lord yeah!


              Last edited by Jonas; Feb 09, 2013, 05:12 PM.
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                Originally posted by Jonas View Post
                Pardon for asking but what's the actual source of this video? Apart from the claims made by by The Sun and CNN. There's much more to be gain for some world 'actors' by the fear it may create among US/EU citizens, then the lunatics of North Korea would possibly ever gain by it.

                I'd believe that it's equally likely that it's made by a North Korean official as it's made by Haliburton or any other corporation of war. The authenticity of this video should be questioned.
                Reportage seems fairly consistent that the video was created by the DPRK's official propaganda machine, as also reported by the New York Times. Forbes's report includes a link to the government's official YouTube channel (!).

                The Forbes report also contains this little gem, where someone compares the attack scene to one from Modern Warfare 3:

                Given the double-whammy copyright violation here, it seems fairly obvious this was created either by someone constructing an elaborate joke or by a bumbling, ridiculous, self-aggrandizing, tin pot dictatorship with dreams of world domination.

