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Conservatives are now terrorists?

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    Conservatives are now terrorists?

    It's coming...
    Klaatu Barada Nikto

    Our (the U.S.) Government has/is/continues to infringe on the freedoms and liberties of it's citizens guaranteed in the Constitution. If our founding fathers were alive today, they would be the first to condemn our Federal Government.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      It's funny how liberals would be up in arms if you stereotyped Muslims like this but I guess it's okay to do against conservative Americans. I guess we shouldn't be surprised. We have a president that defined millions of Americans as bitter clingers. About as hypocritical as being agianst water boarding terrorists but being okay with dropping cruise missiles on everyone without any due justice what so ever.


        While I do not disagree with the net effect of attaching "terrorist" to "conservative", I do think that being at least a little bit aware of what extreme radicals here may be up to is not a bad thing necessarily.

        However Waco and Oklahoma City do come to mind, though I am sure the mistakes made there all around have long been forgotten.

        I so hate this black and white society we are creating and feeding. I am a grey sort of bloke


          I kind of look at things like this. You have people from all races, ethnic backgrounds, and cultures who are ignoring their past, their heritage, and the elements that make them unique.

          The youth are raised by televisions, video games, computers, and cell phones. The art of physical social interaction has been replaced by social media and texting.

          The elderly are slowly passing away, and as they go our diversity and uniqueness passes away with them.

          The game of today is to blame. No one wants to take any responsibility for anything. So those that are in the ruling class will do what the ruling class has always done. The will try to inslave, subjugate, spin rhetoric and hope the masses will blindly follow and believe them.

          I guess for now I will be happy remembering playing outside in the dark on warm summers nights in the south chasing lightning bugs. I'll remeber that having a bicycle, bb gun, fishing pole, and a pocket knife were pretty good times. I will remember when my Grandpa couldn't believe watermelon had got to a nickle a pound. Them old days when saying Sir and Mam was expected out of a child, along with respect.

          Those days when life was a little simpler and people lived withing their means. People wanting a handout were called bums and hobos. Now they are the poor unfortunate looking to the government and tax payers for a handout, and more often than not the government is the one who put them in the position they are in.

          I kind of figure my road in this world now is to live out my time, and then take that old fashoined piece of my people I hang on to with me and return to them. Nice to know I have made it to someones definition of a terrorist.
          Last edited by cavedweller; Jan 22, 2013, 04:31 PM.


            A little FYI concerning gun control (which has nothing to do with controlling violence but everything do do with controlling people) Once
            you disarm the citizens, they become subjects.

            From the World Health Organization:
            The latest Murder Statistics for the world:
            Murders per 100,000 citizens

            Honduras 91.6
            El Salvador 69.2
            Cote d'lvoire 56.9
            Jamaica 52.2
            Venezuela 45.1
            Belize 41.4
            US Virgin Islands 39.2
            Guatemala 38.5
            Saint Kits and Nevis 38.2
            Zambia 38.0
            Uganda 36.3
            Malawi 36.0
            Lesotho 35.2
            Trinidad and Tobago 35.2
            Colombia 33.4
            South Africa 31.8
            Congo 30.8
            Central African Republic 29.3
            Bahamas 27.4
            Puerto Rico 26.2
            Saint Lucia 25.2
            Dominican Republic 25.0
            Tanzania 24.5
            Sudan 24.2
            Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22.9
            Ethiopia 22.5
            Guinea 22.5
            Dominica 22.1
            Burundi 21.7
            Democratic Republic of the Congo 21.7
            Panama 21.6
            Brazil 21.0
            Equatorial Guinea 20.7
            Guinea-Bissau 20.2
            Kenya 20.1
            Kyrgyzstan 20.1
            Cameroon 19.7
            Montserrat 19.7
            Greenland 19.2
            Angola 19.0
            Guyana 18.6
            Burkina Faso 18.0
            Eritrea 17.8
            Namibia 17.2
            Rwanda 17.1
            Mexico 16.9
            Chad 15.8
            Ghana 15.7
            Ecuador 15.2
            North Korea 15.2
            Benin 15.1
            Sierra Leone 14.9
            Mauritania 14.7
            Botswana 14.5
            Zimbabwe 14.3
            Gabon 13.8
            Nicaragua 13.6
            French Guiana 13.3
            Papua New Guinea 13.0
            Swaziland 12.9
            Bermuda 12.3
            Comoros 12.2
            Nigeria 12.2
            Cape Verde 11.6
            Grenada 11.5
            Paraguay 11.5
            Barbados 11.3
            Togo 10.9
            Gambia 10.8
            Peru 10.8
            Myanmar 10.2
            Russia 10.2
            Liberia 10.1
            Costa Rica 10.0
            Nauru 9.8
            Bolivia 8.9
            Mozambique 8.8
            Kazakhstan 8.8
            Senegal 8.7
            Turks and Caicos Islands 8.7
            Mongolia 8.7
            British Virgin Islands 8.6
            Cayman Islands 8.4
            Seychelles 8.3
            Madagascar 8.1
            Indonesia 8.1
            Mali 8.0
            Pakistan 7.8
            Moldova 7.5
            Kiribati 7.3
            Guadeloupe 7.0
            Haiti 6.9
            Timor-Leste 6.9
            Anguilla 6.8
            Antigua and Barbuda 6.8
            Lithuania 6.6
            Uruguay 5.9
            Philippines 5.4
            Ukraine 5.2
            Estonia 5.2
            Cuba 5.0
            Belarus 4.9
            Thailand 4.8
            Suriname 4.6
            Laos 4.6
            Georgia 4.3
            Martinique 4.2


            The United States 4.2

            ALL the countries above America have 100% gun bans
            Ya hear that? That's the blues callin' baby.


              The CTC's claim is that since 2007, “there has been a dramatic rise in the number of attacks and violent plots originating from individuals and groups who self-identify with the far-right of American politics.”

              If so, the major media, which trumpets all the negative things it can find or create about the "Far Right" has been strangely silent on these "recent" attacks and plots. The MM has a consistant meme that associates all racists; skinheads, kkk, Aryan Nation, etc..., with "Conservatives", but never associates the Communist Party of America, the Students for Democatic Action and various Marxist groups posing as labor unions as "Liberal", or even Marxists. Calling themselves "Progresssives" instead, they essentially label ANYONE who is not setting in their region of the political spectrum as "Far Right" or "Facists".

              Left-wing terrorists, according to the FBI, have a revolutionary socialist agenda, and present themselves as protectors of the populace against the alienating effects of capitalism and U.S. imperialism. The FBI classifies acts of skinhead and KKK as as racially motivated Hate Crimes, rather than domestic terrorism. Other racists groups include the American Nazi Party. The Nazis of Germany. whom most would also call Facists, were a party based on National Socialism, not conservatism. On the other hand, many racist groups, such as the White Patriot Party, have built the "patriot" theme into their name. Others, such as the so-called "Christian Identity Movement" (whose members reject that name) identify white America with the 10 lost tribes of Israel. The "Christian Identity Movement" and other such groups are profoundly anti-Semitic. None of these groups is, in strict terms, a terrorist group but as with the Klan, discussions of right-wing terrorism by the Liberals require reference to such groups.

              Probably what the CTC is refering to is the recent poliferation of "militias" and other non-Leftist groups that mistrust the government. In the mid 1980s I was asked by the Nebraska Highway Patrol to assist in the defense of 5 swat team members who had been sued by the widow of a man who successfully did a "suicide by cop". Her lawyer was a "Posse Comitatus" member, and a poor lawyer. The jury ruled against her. I later was told that he had been to a Denver cancer speciallist and was diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer. She and he had conspired to do a "death by cop" so she could live comfortably on the law suit winnings after he died. The Posse Comitatus has apparently disappeared from the political scene after its only violent attack against law officers on Feb 13, 1983 in Medina, SD.

              However, being suspecious of one's government isn't terrorism and neither is practicing for self protection in the event of civil unrest. This weekend Black Hawk Helicopters swept low over Miami highways firing blank .50 cal rounds from their machine guns, which is totally unprecidented in military training of that sort, which usually takes place on training reserves far from populated areas and with fake buildings and streets. What if a helicopter had crashed into a building or onto a road, or someone inadvertantly mixed in live rounds in some of the links of an ammo belt?

              The most fameous example of "Right Wing" terrorism is the Oklahoma bomb blast, by two nuts. That incident is repeated often by the media, who seems to have forgotten, as the authors of the CTC report have, of the number bombings and fatalities due to Theodore Kaczynski, the accused Unabomber. His "Maninfesto" is a long Marxist rant against capitalism, but many of the corporate acts he mentioned are indeed criminal, IMO. But, only he knows his true motivations. But, undoubtedly, anti-capitalist pro-Marxist attitudes motivated the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) and the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) and their actions fit within the FBI's definition of terrorism. The ALF, affiliated with similar groups worldwide, conducts raids on research laboratories and other facilities where, in the view of group members, animals are mistreated.

              The Left wing bombs industrial, research and business locations to "protect" animals. Right wing bombs abortion mills to "protect" the unborn. They are so afar apart on the political spectrum they meet on the backside in agreement with methods.

              The CTC revealed their bias when they wrote:
              While liberal worldviews are future- or progressive -oriented, conservative perspectives are more past-oriented, and in general, are interested in preserving the status quo.
              The far right represents a more extreme version of conservatism, as its political vision is usually justified by the aspiration to restore or preserve values and practices that are part of the idealized historical heritage of the nation or ethnic community.

              They couldn't have made their own bias any clearer. Now, perhaps, a Right Wing faction of the US Military Acadamy will publish a report which catagorizes all Liberals as subversive Marxists or fellow travelers? It's what happened when the DHS, in Jan of 2009, released a bulletin warning law officers nation wide that among the "Right Wing" radicals the nation faced were Chistians, returning soldiers from Iraq (who were especially dangerous because of their training), anti-abortionists, etc... After a hail of protests they published a "warning" about "Left Wing" radicals. The only one they named, in the appendix, was the ELF, but justified their acts as humanitarian.
              Last edited by GreyGeek; Jan 29, 2013, 05:03 PM.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Originally posted by BubbaBlues View Post
                ALL the countries above America have 100% gun bans
                No they dont. Many of those countries restrict the ownership of guns, but owning a gun is possible. Ive been in gun stores in the Philippines, fired a rifle in Mongolia, and I saw more guns in Africa out of the hands of police than I could count. Also keep in mind that several countries that you named could count as partially failed states meaning that the government does not have control over many parts of the country. This means that any law regulating firearms is essentially meaningless.


                  Originally posted by whatthefunk View Post
                  No they dont. Many of those countries restrict the ownership of guns, but owning a gun is possible. Ive been in gun stores in the Philippines, fired a rifle in Mongolia, and I saw more guns in Africa out of the hands of police than I could count. Also keep in mind that several countries that you named could count as partially failed states meaning that the government does not have control over many parts of the country. This means that any law regulating firearms is essentially meaningless.

                  That list makes no sense what so ever (to the US gun control debate), compare the poverty and educational rate in those countries and you'll realise that 'life is cheap', and gun violence is just a small portion of the problems there. Some countries even are (or were) in domestic armed conflicts.


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