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Programming/Networking and other online courses

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    Programming/Networking and other online courses

    Recently a Programming Languages and Introduction to networking course started at as well as many others you might be interested in. They are all free, and you can unenroll at any time you want.

    So far the programming languages one has been quite interesting, it not an introduction to programming but designed to help you better understand programming and become a better programmer though this and is targeted at beginner to intermediate programmers. It started yesterday and the first course work is due on the 24th so there is still time to enrol if you are interested.

    The networking course also started yesterday and there are no assignments yet so there is time to join that as well.

    There are also allot of other courses that might be of interest in all sorts of areas of study and if you are interested in learning more I recommend you check it out.

    Hope you don't live in Minnesota.

    The Chronicle of Higher Education reports that the state has decided to crack down on free education, notifying California-based startup Coursera that it is not allowed to offer its online courses to the state’s residents.... A policy analyst for the state’s Office of Higher Education told The Chronicle that Minnesota is simply enforcing a longstanding state law requiring colleges to get the government’s permission to offer instruction within its borders.... State law prohibits degree-granting institutions from offering instruction in Minnesota without obtaining permission from the office and paying a registration fee.... The law's intent is to protect Minnesota students from wasting their money on degrees from substandard institutions, [George] Roedler [manager of institutional registration and licensing at the Minnesota Office of Higher education] says.... The thing is, no one is wasting their money on Coursera courses, because they're free. (Yes, says Roedler, but they could still be wasting their time.)
    Oh wait, everything's cool now. Minnesotans can return to their free online classes.

    ...the 20-year-old statute in question clearly didn't envision free online classes from accredited universities...


      Thank you james147.

      i have been looking for something like coursera.
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