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Kdevelop Suite

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    Kdevelop Suite

    It's been half a decade since I did anything in KUbuntu. I'm excited to begin again if KDevelop is still available. My developers goals are two fold to recompile Jitsi under Visual Studio 2008 and take a look at the bug report from the Visual Studio debugger to try independently getting Google phone through Jitsi, at the same time I intend to familiarize myself with KDevelop and recompile Jitsi there under. As to which format or windows manager.... Well I'll proceed once familiar again, but eventually under both forms using open source integrated QT widgets etc if I can get through the various piping of nested widgets in QT. We shall see, odds are flying solo I will not get very far.

    It should be fun trying and definitively a relearning process. I realize the windows version was likely compiled using Blood Sheds dev minigw compiler, hopefully after the hard work has already been done it will be mainly a process of reorganizing and integrating various aspects. I suspect this will be a three month endeavor adhoc as regard to time.

    I notice no one lately in the freenode on IRC so perhaps I can track down emails if help is needed.

    If everyone has abandoned IRC perhaps Teams Speak would be a better way to shoot the breeze, but obviously falls short for integrated web based working environment. I wonder what KDevelop is looking for, Visual Studio 2008 uses Tortois integrated with a nice addition, but that's $50 dollars for that piece of software. So for now it will be traditional SVN management, KDevelop is there an integrated SVN?

    Source forge would be awsome, but certainly not without permission of Jitsi. As to QT that fully intgrates in VS2008, but it takes some time to setup properly.

    As to those with 2010 VS forget about it, it's not mature, lacks all these tools. Stick with any university edition 2008. I earned mine at the University of Montana and when they say life long education they mean it, because I'll never get another degree.

    So that's my intro, I know I didn't ask many questions but if your interested please comment. I'll return to the forums. My oldest gmail email adress is ripspinner contact me anytime and as long as it's from a real individual I'll try to respond in a timely manner.

    Hello and Welcome to the kubuntu forums

    Originally posted by Quadrophenia View Post
    It's been half a decade since I did anything in KUbuntu. I'm excited to begin again if KDevelop is still available.
    It is and is still under heavy development so is improving all the time (and is still one of the better IDEs around). I also recommend trying Qt Creator, the official Qt IDE which is just as good, better in some areas, worst in others but both are excellent IDEs.

    if I can get through the various piping of nested widgets in QT.
    Not sure what you mean by this? There has been allot of improvement in Qt since a decade ago and is now one of if not the best GUI toolkit around. It is nice and easy to get into and is very powerful. They have also released a new framework/language QtQuick/QML designed to make it very easy to create stunning GUIs and is designed for designers to use so if very easy to get into.

    I notice no one lately in the freenode on IRC so perhaps I can track down emails if help is needed.
    IRC is still widely used, it depends on which channel you are on as to how long you get a response but it is still very popular form of communication.

    I wonder what KDevelop is looking for, Visual Studio 2008 uses Tortois integrated with a nice addition, but that's $50 dollars for that piece of software. So for now it will be traditional SVN management, KDevelop is there an integrated SVN?
    KDevelop supports plugins as if it doesn't do something you want it is easy to make it. But there are already version control plugins availble for SVN, CVS and git. But why you would want to use SVN or CVS I do not know git is far better then them both.

    Source forge would be awsome, but certainly not without permission of Jitsi. As to QT that fully intgrates in VS2008, but it takes some time to setup properly.
    There is also github (for git only though) but does allow private repos if you pay for the micro account (not very expensive). Hell, the Linux kernel was once officially hosted on github when their (the kernels) servers became compromised.

    As to those with 2010 VS forget about it, it's not mature, lacks all these tools. Stick with any university edition 2008. I earned mine at the University of Montana and when they say life long education they mean it, because I'll never get another degree.
    I would still use Qt creator on windows for development it is far better then VS. And Qt is far better then .NET


      Thanks James. It seems the KDevelop install wreaked havoc on the partition table on my drive where I asked to install to a particular windows form partition. Your quick response suggest an encouraging note. Because I have lost everything on the terrabyte drive short of Ubuntu and have only a base install that was partially dependent on my windows partitions still being there I have little choice for now. The one partition that is visible is set in platter so to speak, so perhaps my family pictures are recoverable. I also have VS still on disk so everything is still golden, but wobi of KUbuntu would give a heart attack to most.
      I'll read more on the Jitsi site once Ubuntu is golden. My passwords so long I'm forced to write it in the transition. I believe the only login still says Ubuntu 12.04 so I know that is fine. BTW Good morning to the rest of US North Americans. Partition Magic could potentially recover the partition table, or simply uninstall KUbuntu via wubi and see what happens. For now I'm satisfied and thanks for the in on Github, QT Creator is a good idea when I integrate both win/linux so QT it is or QT based anyhow as to the design. Lot's of work to do here, but to be honest all the women in Missoula avoid me so there is nothing better to do once January rolls around. Also of note perhaps a trilinear boot is in order but one step at a time.


        hi and welcome to kubuntuforums.

        I have no experience in coding or developing, but as far as I've read the new Qt dev kit will push those boundaries down to user level. Maybe I'll try to make something one day. I find it intriguing that it's platform independent. Came across this Qt 5 demo, I'd like to share. Looking forward to Qt5 and KDE 5.0

        I think you'll find KFN a great place for resources and Q&A, welcome to KFN.


        PS: and don't let you get intimidated by the soapbox/social area, discussion can get heated but in the end with respect to each and all
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          I agree with those recommending qtcreator and the QT API. From my experience QtCreator is equal to or better than MSVS C++. Even without QtCreator, I was able to develop from 2 to 3X faster with Kate and Kdbg in Linux than with MSVS. I'd do all my development on my Linux side against PostgreSQL and then move the source to my Windows side and recompile, using compiler defines to select the Oracle code. QtCreator didn't come out till after I retired by I promised to be available when ever they needed me so I installed QtCreator on my own laptop here at home and used it to compile the source from work. QtCreator worked much better than MSVSC++.

          There is a forum that supports development using Qt, and KDE development:

          But if KDE development is what you are specifically after then I'd check into this site:

          Last edited by GreyGeek; Dec 25, 2012, 02:24 PM.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

