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I'm reverting - sadly - to Windows

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    Re: I'm reverting - sadly - to Windows

    I have to agree with most of what's written here. I've been dabbling in Linux for about
    three weeks and it's the most subtly addictive experience this side of the Columbian
    dandruff - Windoze already looks about as hi-tech as a coloring book! I upgraded
    from 6.10 to Feisty yesterday and I'm sticking with the Penguin from now on.

    But Eamann is right - Until the console is relegated to a historical curiosity and the
    acquisition of multimedia capabilities becomes a 'point-and-click' proposition, Linux
    will never achieve the market penetration and Redmond-humbling impact it has
    more than sufficient power and potential to both achieve and deserve.
    Registered Kubuntu User #17173...and proud of it! 8)


      Re: I'm reverting - sadly - to Windows

      The main problem linux have now is that most hardware makers / software publisher don't care about linux.
      As such, the damm my network card / graphic card / whatever isn't compatible is a more common problem under linux than windows, because they can't ignore windows.
      if linux manage to have enough peaple using it to make the publisher pays attention to it, more compatibility, more people coming in.

      From my first start of linux, where my sister had quite a trouble making lillo to work, to kubuntu where most things works without having to type any command line, there have been nice changes.

      Though feisty have been a disappointment, graphic card won't work (ATIX300), ntfs used to work like a charm and won't anymore. Other things work better though.

      Can't we get a 7.05 fixing all the major bugs like this ? For a newcomer, getting a black screen form the start, bad. Even I, a bit more experienced, almost didn't re-install kubuntu again because of this.

      I'm running sabayon on live cd right now. Wanted to try beryl, so as to make an idea of if it worth installing it.


        Re: I'm reverting - sadly - to Windows

        I have to agree with most of the above. Ihaven't booted my HD version of winxp for a year. MY vmware guest xp is running (faster and more stable ) paralell to my kubuntu on a different desktop panel so I can easily switch back and forth. I need it for my webdesign work with adobe/macromedia stuff.

        @Eowyn( nice name): Try the latest mint 3.0 kde community. It is based on feisty, very stable, multimedia out of the box (which can be an issue depending on where you live. I live in drm free switzerland). Great GUI and eyecandy plus a few apps preinstalled that rock. I think it is a great distro and if you prefer kde all the better.
        Like ubuntu mint's main focus is gnome and the last beta (celina) is the best gnome I have ever seen/experienced.

        I love kubuntu and gutsy (my main distro) is turning out to be veeeery nice, but for those that want less terminals (although that should not dissapear) Mint is the way to go. It gives you the best of both worlds. Kubuntu and an easy out of the box experience.

        For more:

        Cheers everyone and enjoy your freedom
        HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
        4 GB Ram
        Kubuntu 18.10


          Re: I'm reverting - sadly - to Windows

          i had never heard about mint. might be worth to give it a try someday.
          For now, i managed to have kunbuntu all running, save for ntsf, but that can be solved.

          However, i mean to have my roommate give linux a try. He is not playing or anything as far as i know, and using a non-genuine xp. Result is he got virused. So linux could be a fit for him and Mint might be better for him the kubuntu.

          I need to have him install firefox at least. :P


            Re: I'm reverting - sadly - to Windows

            Take the live cd's for a drive

            FF and TB come preinstalled as well on mint
            HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
            4 GB Ram
            Kubuntu 18.10


              Re: I'm reverting - sadly - to Windows

              Yes, by all means, try other distros. Kubuntu isn't the only kid on the block. If one particular distro doesn't 'do it for you,' try the others, and there are plenty of others! You will find one that meets your needs.
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: I'm reverting - sadly - to Windows

                Originally posted by EowynCarter

                The main problem linux have now is that most hardware makers / software publisher don't care about linux. As such, the damm my network card / graphic card / whatever isn't compatible is a more common problem under linux than windows, because they can't ignore windows.

                However, this well-stated problem is pretty much the same in all Linux distros, so you can't fix it by changing distros.

                But, if you want to try something very different from (K)Ubuntu, my personal favorite alternative OS is E-Live, another Debian distro. They try to get you to pay for it, but if you download the "development" version, you get it for free, at the slowest download rate I've ever seen. So, start it when you go to bed, and possibly it will be done when you wake up.

                E-Live uses the Enlightenment desktop environment, and I have found it more compatible with my hardware "out of the box" than even Kubuntu is.


                  Re: I'm reverting - sadly - to Windows

                  Another possibility is Dreamlinux
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                    Re: I'm reverting - sadly - to Windows

                    Hi ...

                    I too am a linux virgin but with a background in OpenVMS, & many years of grappling with microslop and various other systems, including some exposure to Digital Unix & Solaris. I sympathise with the first note in this thread - I have had a steep learning curve to get Gutsy running (mainly because I couldn't remember how to do very much from Konsole commands!)

                    There is no shortage of documentation out here - but as a noob it's hard to know what questions to ask until you've learned a few things by fumbling about of a half-broken system for a while

                    "If Kubuntu and other Linux distributions want to attract "ordinary" PC users who have no IT training, they must be made more user friendly."

                    I felt the same frustration - after installing various iso's of Ubuntu & Kubuntu on two pc's & observing various crashes & hangs (often caused by my finger trouble!!) I have finally got a working procedure for installing Gutsy on a pc with a Belkin wireless adapter - it has taken 3 weeks of my spare time, much reading of other peoples fixes & struggling to apply those to my environment.

                    I now feel I have enough knowledge to get by -

                    but the developers really need to get on top of wireless network configuration because that gave me (& others posting in various forums) lots of pain -- if I had a 20m UTP cable to hand all would have gone much more smoothly.

                    At the moment my network works, but is still not able to configure from my dhcp server - i'll tackle that issue another day.

                    anyway - i'm now a happy new kubuntu user :-) (but with issues)


                      Re: I'm reverting - sadly - to Windows

                      Originally posted by eamann
                      in general I have been discouraged by the need to type so much gibberish into the Konsole.

                      If Kubuntu and other Linux distributions want to attract "ordinary" PC users who have no IT training, they must be made more user friendly.
                      I agree. The Konsole as the primary way of installing programs and making modifications has got to go. I know there are a lot of old-school guys who disagree strongly. But if Linux is to be accepted by John Q. Public, that's the way it needs to be. Whenever I install a new system, the very first thing I do before anything else is unlock the root account so that I can use the system as an administrator (ala Windows XP). I know that typing "Sudo" can achieve the same thing but the truth is that I want to run my computer without ever having to see a terminal.


                        Re: I'm reverting - sadly - to Windows

                        @Dipper: Unlocking your root account is A Very Bad Idea! Please take a look at this thread. Before the incident was over I had logged thousands of atempts to break into my machine (including several dictionary attacks, based on the assumption that there was a user called "root" on my machine. Also, please read this entry at the Ubuntu community help wiki.

                        I strongly recommend:
                        (0) Disable your root account. From a konsole type
                        sudo passwd -l root
                        Sudo the best friend you've got!

                        (1)You can start anything with root PRIVILEGES by right clicking on the desktop, clicking "Run Command" and entering "kdesudo <your favorite graphical command>.

                        (2)Alternatively, install Kubicle's Root Actions Service Menu. Then, you can right click on a file in Konqueror and work on it as root (just like windoze) but safer.


                          Re: I'm reverting - sadly - to Windows

                          Originally posted by askrieger
                          I strongly recommend:
                          (0) Disable your root account. From a konsole type
                          sudo passwd -l root
                          Sudo the best friend you've got!
                          All due respect intended, I believe I stated above that I don't want to see a terminal at all, period. I know how to use it. I just don't like the idea of using 1982 technology in 2008. The fact is that 99% of all users are accustomed to a Windows-type of environment. CLI is too "techie" for most people and they will be greatly turned off by the idea of having to operate their machine via command prompt. I really wasn't trying to ignite a debate over whether or you should run your machine as the root. Sudo would be just fine with me if it could be done entirely in GUI without ever having to use a terminal or typed commands.


                            Re: I'm reverting - sadly - to Windows

                            Sudo would be just fine with me if it could be done entirely in GUI without ever having to use a terminal or typed commands.
                            Please, make one exception and deactivate your root account. Then install, Kubicle's Root Actions Service Menu (see above). You will never again need to use the command line (although you may learn to love it).


                              Re: I'm reverting - sadly - to Windows

                              Originally posted by LaneLester


                              I've switched (for now) to Kubuntu because I wanted a more "pure" version of Linux.

                              I know this was posted a while ago but just to let you know.... K/Ubuntu users can access the CNR Warehouse!


