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Prezi for presentations in the cloud

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    Prezi for presentations in the cloud

    Somewhere in this thread is mention of an application called Prezi, however, search is not sufficiently granular for me to find the particular sentence

    [The thread mentioned above. --Admin]

    However, I was just blown away today because a young lady, who, of course, is not at all qualified to do THAT kind of stuff in a male dominated Internet..... use Prezi in here ....presentation!

    And, without being prompted she opined, after the presentation, something to the effect of:

    "Most people just don't need all the stuff that is in PPT.(and by implication) most other office software) for "everyday" use.

    She had done a project on "leaves" discussing, generally, about the idea that the reason a leaf "is green" is because the leaf uses all of the other colours of the spectrum except "green" and reflects it, (or transmits it).

    Since she had done the project early in the fall, she had collected leaves over a period of time, from different trees and of different hues and arranged them on her carpet into pleasing arrangements showing the colours, species, etc.

    And had taken pictures thereof.

    She then made a Prezi presentation for it and the "fluid motion" of it going from one information area to another was...well....tres kewl!

    And she said, something to the effect of: "You don't need to fiddle with timing, or transitions or whether this kind of text is there or that kind there or being able to include music or a snippet of a video from YouTube".

    One of the big criticisms of Win8 is that in being two GUIS in one package that there is very LOW density of information and the low density is all stuff that is "on the cloud" in terms of articles, etc.

    It may just be that MS has actually figured out something about "most" users....

    And that is;

    "Most" users are not ....power users.....

    just a thought inspired by a 99 percenter (grade/intelligence/motivation/creativity - wise) young lady who is probably going to actually "go places".

    Last edited by SteveRiley; Dec 11, 2012, 04:27 PM.

    Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
    Interesting, definitely looks an improvement over power-point... to be honest the next presentation I give might be done using this, or possibly just with qtqick both look far more flexible then powerpoint does.


      I dabbled with Prezi for many months in 2009. I tried to bend it to the way I do presentations and found it to be a monumental struggle. I don't want to rely on how the tool thinks the material in my presentation should flow, so I attached a defined flow through each object. This is fine if you plan to never change your presentation even once. But as soon as you want to add another item, getting it incorporated correctly into the flow was one of the more frustrating experiences I've ever encountered. So I abandoned it. Maybe it's better now, I haven't checked.


        My kids have used it a lot. At least the youngest 2. The older ones not so much. I think someone woke up one day and realized it would be nice to use a platform independent always up to date application. The kids seem to have a lot of fun with it and are able to create fairly nice presentations. I was more impressed with their results using this then the ones done at church with powerpoint. I imagine prezi is just a lot more user friendly for a novice user.


          My main concern with it is that it seems to be completely online, and knowing my luck this tends to be an issue at presentation time

          As much as I love the cloud, I do like not being completely reliant on it and like to access my data locally as well.

          Think I might try creating a QtQuick presentation first just to see what it can do .


            i never heard of QTquick so I'll give it a look see! thanks!


              Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
              i never heard of QTquick so I'll give it a look see! thanks!
              It is more a programming/user interface thing, but I think could be used to create very interactive presentation as well hell, I might end up developing a presentation framework for it if I like it enough...

              PS: Allot of kde elements are being rewritten in qml, most notably some of the plasma widgets in kde 4.10

