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wattOS R5 on P4 1.7GHz and 3 browsers

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    wattOS R5 on P4 1.7GHz and 3 browsers

    Yes, I know, R5 is the release before last but the PCI slot D-Link network adapter wasn't being initialized by anything newer, I mean ANYTHING (kernel wise), regardless of distro, WM or DE. Yes, I could have written a driver to an optical disk (no floppy in this experimental junker) and went through all that headache but meh, this machine probably wouldn't handle a newer distro anyway, it doesn't even like a full set of updates.

    wattOS is fine, once you install some tweak packages, why on earth would the author not include lxinput (keyboard and mouse speed) as a default package is beyond me, lxsession-edit is useful too, shuts a lot of bloat off as well, anyway, on to the 3 browser issues in this 'lite' distro. Disclaimer, the issues are with the browsers themselves, the distro is fine.

    Midori, Firefox and Chromium

    Midori: Nice effort but...functionality, yeesh.
    Flash - works, fastest of the 3 actually.
    Java - Nope, not working, have JRE installed and tried symlinking it everywhere possible.
    Bookmarks - this is a sore spot, you can't organize them, you can edit but not organize, that is just crazy, unless I am missing something.
    Saving passwords - It doesn't, another sore spot, major pain in the keester, one of the major reasons I made Chromium the default browser.

    Firefox: The 'bloatiest' of the 3, and the slowest for typical surfing.
    Flash - works but slooooooooooow, so much so that is lags like crazy in the homepage, the other 2 browsers don't do this.
    Java - Yes, works, surprisingly enough, reasonably well too, although some games and websites don't like it, at, 1 game worked while another wouldn't, strange.
    Bookmarks - Firefox has always had ok bookmark management, no complaints there.
    Saving passwords - Yes, works.

    Chromium: Fast but snoopy (you pretty much have to be a settings expert to tone down the invasive aspects), and a liar (Java), read on...
    Flash: works ok for ads but a flash based game, sloooooooow
    Java: This is the funny part, although Chromium says it 'sees' JRE and I checked the enable box, it doesn't work with the same game Firefox will, weird.
    Bookmarks: the bookmark management is better than Midori but that is not saying much, Midori's bookmark management really sucks, same with toolbar customization, Midori's is actually better, how sad is that?
    Saving passwords - Yes, works quite well actually

    So...this is the deal, and it's quite bizarre, I use Chromium for typical everyday browsing because it doesn't choke in a typical webpage like Firefox does and it saves passwords, Midori for speed in flash based online games or flash based video chat, and Firefox, which has been shoved to the back of the line and used solely for a Java based game I occasionally play online.

    The winner, reluctantly, Chromium, I hate being snooped on, I have it locked down but a typical user who is clueless to this, most of the snoop is on by default, not good.

    Thank you for reading about my old computer hardware recycle experiment.
    Last edited by tek_heretik; Nov 28, 2012, 07:46 AM. Reason: Corrections

    Have you tried SR Ware "Iron" browser - it's a less-snoopy Chromium.

    Please Read Me


      Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
      Have you tried SR Ware "Iron" browser - it's a less-snoopy Chromium.
      Thanks ever so much, checking it out.

      Edit: Same as Chromium sans snoopiness, says Java enabled, not working, flash slow in game but fine for general browsing, I will be using this as the system default browser and the others for the reasons stated in the original post, thanks again oshunluvr.

      Edit 2: Uninstalled Chromium AND switched search engines in all 3 browsers, I am a little tired of Google's shenanigans.
      Last edited by tek_heretik; Nov 28, 2012, 04:52 PM.

