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Thank you Unity...

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    Thank you Unity...

    ... for finally getting me to Kubuntu :·)
    Just the thing for me. It... just seems to think the way I do. Not only it looks good, it can be made to look good and essential, and as customizable as it gets. The way I want it, not the way it wants.
    Not much more you can ask.

    The only little gripe I have so far... I've looked and looked, and can't find a decent sysmonitor.
    All I want on the desktop (though I absolutely love the real-time globe) is an analog clock and a system monitor, as essential and informative as it gets. I found some good ones with the screenlets on Ubuntu.
    I found a... well, not that good one, using superkaramba. See screenshot.

    I'll probably get down to writing one myself, actually, it looks straightforward enough, unless someone can suggest one.

    Still, I'm glad I found this at last, the pae thing with virtualbox delayed me awhile.
    I even love the Vbulletin layout

    How about using a Conky display as your system monitor? It's highly configurable and there are loads of ready made conkyrcs (configurations) that you can download. Something like this for example:



      Yes, well... I see what you mean by "highly configurable". I certainly had to configure it... pretty much from scratch
      I did, after quite a few tries, find a script in the wiki that didn't crash completely (after deleting half the lines).
      Still, something to play with, I guess. But then maybe I'll play with the karamba instead... best sysmonitor screenlet I found was info-panel, czech job. See this screenshot (not mine).

      I just wish someone would either (a) make python screenlets work with KDE or (b) make a karamba, plasmoid or conky even vaguely at the level of that czech job.
      Thanks for the tip anyway.


        Try Htop.

        No I am not a fan of Unity.


          Originally posted by Robtygart View Post
          Try Htop.
          I tried htop. Very nice. It is. Not what the "gripe" was about though :·/

          not a fan of Unity
          Let me state that again, in more detail. After the initial (strong) dislike, I actually had two months during which I was using a borrowed netbook... being borrowed I couldn't change things... to get used to it (Unity).
          Well, no way I got used to it. The more I used it, the more I hated it.
          I mean, if I have to do things the way Canonical wants me to do them, rather than how I want to, I might as well go full lobotomy, use a mac and offer masses to S. J.

          After a brief sad affair with Mint, and a few pae-silliness-induced aborted tries on virtualbox, I deleted the Win-boot partition (no, you don't need it) and installed Kubuntu.
          Pity about the sysmonitor, with the screenlets I had good ones and a really good one, but no big deal, I'm really glad I switched.
          I still wonder why python scripts shouldn't work with KDE (really, why?) and why there's no decent monitors for it... no big deal mind you, just wondering.


            Originally posted by Don B. Cilly View Post
            I still wonder why python scripts shouldn't work with KDE (really, why?)
            Python scripts should work under kubuntu... parts of kde are even written in python.

            There are also allot of plasmoids on to display system stats: try this one or this one
            Last edited by james147; Nov 13, 2012, 05:24 PM.


              I started off with Mint 10 +KDE then went to Kubuntu, I had Unity on for about a day, and I have installed it a couple of times after that (dual boot) I can't get used to it. Now with Unity Lense (Stupid Idea!!) You get even more unwanted annoyances.


                By python scripts I meant the screenlets in particular which work just fine on plain Ubuntu, but not with KDE, just wonder why.

                Still, thanks for the tips, I've tweaked a superkaramba theme, Glass Monitor, which I use because it fits the look of the Elegance theme (I just love the clock) to fit my setup and needs.
                Those themes are really easy to work on, so I'll probably expand on it eventually, though at the moment it's just fine, I'm a happy chappy, my only regret is I didn't switch to this earlier.
                Hadn't been for Unity, I may never have done, so, thanks again ;·)


                  I thought htop was the sysmon you were looking for, within a plasmoid. The superkaramba theme you linked to is almost identical to the regular/default sys monitor plasmas that ship with Kubuntu (?) or have I misunderstood again ?

                  I never liked unity nor Gnome. I like seamless theme - it's what it say seamless and apart from the info it's invisible.


                  ASUS M4A87TD | AMD Ph II x6 | 12 GB ram | MSI GeForce GTX 560 Ti (448 Cuda cores)
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                    Originally posted by Jonas View Post
                    htop ... within a plasmoid.
                    Hey, that would be good, a plasmoided htop. Know of one?
                    The way I got Glassmonitor working is just fine for me for the moment, see code below. It really fits the theme, and is minimal enough (for me).
                    It looks like this.
                    If I want to do some more work on it (the htop thing would be top I guess I'd better ask for advice in the programming session...

                    I never liked unity nor Gnome
                    I didn't mind Gnome... but then, as I said, I just could not get used to Unity, even though I had the time do do so. KDE, the more I use it, the more I love it.

                    [To check this code, get GlassMonitor and substitute the .theme within the .skz (with your favorite archive manager)]

                    # Theme by	:	Diego Ghersi <vemecdos at gmail dot com>
                    # Website	:
                    # Theme name 	: GlassMonitor
                    # Theme Version	: 1.1 v
                    #	KarambaDisplay settings
                    karamba x=100 y=100 w=243 h=720 interval=1000 locked=false
                    #	Font settings
                    defaultfont color=255,255,255 fontsize=9 font="Bitstream Vera Sans" shadow=1 bgcolor=0,0,0
                    #	Background and Image settings
                    image x=0 y=0 path="image/none.png" name="background"
                    #	Karamba Body
                    # INFO SECCTION
                    <group> x=0 y=25
                    image x=21 y=24 path="image/backtittle.png" # INFOS Title
                    text x=121 y=0 sensor=program program="echo ${USER}@`hostname`" fontsize=15 align=center interval=3600000 # User name Line
                    text x=21 y=25 value="General" fontsize=14 align=left font="" #Info Tittle
                    text x=30 y=45 value="Kernel :" 				#
                    text x=100 y=45  sensor=program program="uname -r" interval=3600000	# Kernel Lines
                    text x=30 y=60 value="Machine :" 			#
                    text x=100 y=60 sensor=program program="uname -p" interval=3600000	# Machine Lines
                    text x=30 y=75 value="KDE / Qt :"								#
                    text x=172 y=75 value="/"									#
                    text x=100 y=75 sensor=program program="kde4-config --version | grep KDE | awk '{ print $2 }'" interval=3600000	#
                    text x=180 y=75 sensor=program program="kde4-config --version | grep Qt | awk '{ print $2 }'" interval=3600000	# KDE and QT version.
                    text x=30 y=90 value="Uptime :"								#
                    text x=100 y=90 sensor=uptime format="%d day(s)  %H h %M m" interval=60000		# UpTime Lines
                    #text x=30 y=105 value="Users :"				#
                    #text x=100 y=105 sensor=program program="users"		# User Line
                    # CPU and Memory SECCTION
                    <group> x=0 y=135
                    image x=21 y=0 path="image/backtittle.png" # CPU AND MEMORY Title
                    text x=21 y=0 value="CPU and Memory" fontsize=14 align=left font="" # CPU MEMORY Tittle
                    text x=30 y=25 sensor=program program="cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'model name' | sed -e 's/.*: //'" interval=120000	# CPU memory lines
                    graph x=32 y=43 w=150 h=33 sensor=cpu points=80 color=255,255,255 interval=1000	# CPU GRAPH
                    text x=190 y=56 sensor=cpu format="%v%" interval=1000
                    text x=30 y=85 value="CPU frequency :"
                    text x=129 y=85 sensor=program program="cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'cpu MHz' | sed -e 's/.*: //'| sed -e 's/\..../ MHz/'"  interval=120000
                    text x=30 y=100 value="CPU temp :"
                    #text x=120 y=100 sensor=program program="cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature | grep 'temperature' | sed -e 's/.*: //'"
                    text x=129 y=100 sensor=program program="sensors -A | grep 'Core0' | awk '{print $3}'" interval=1000
                    #text x=129 y=100 sensor=sensor format="%v°C" type="temp" interval=5000
                    text x=42 y=138 value="Ram"
                    text x=133 y=138 sensor=memory format="%fm Mb free" interval=5000
                    text x=121 y=163 sensor=memory format="%um of %tm Mb" align=center interval=5000
                    bar  x=42  y=150 path="image/barload.png" sensor=memory format="%um" interval=10000
                    image x=42  y=150 path="image/barlines.png"
                    #text x=42 y=160 value="Swap:"
                    #text x=133 y=160 sensor=memory format="%fs Mb free"  interval=10000
                    #text x=121 y=185 sensor=memory format="%us of %ts Mb" align=center  interval=10000
                    #bar  x=42 y=182 path="image/barload.png" sensor=memory format="%us" interval=10000
                    #image x=42  y=182 path="image/barlines.png"
                    image x=30 y=40 path="image/grill.png" # CPU grill
                    # Network Info
                    <group> x=0 y=320
                    image x=21 y=0 path="image/backtittle.png" # NETWORK Title
                    text x=21 y=0 value="Network" fontsize=14 align=left font="" # Network Tittle
                    text x=30 y=67 value="Local addr. :"
                    text x=120 y=67 sensor=program program="/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet ' | cut -d : -f2 | cut -d ' ' -f1" interval=600000
                    text x=30 y=83 value="Ext addr.:" color=255,255,255 fontsize=10 font="Droid Sans Mono" color=255,255,255
                    text x=120 y=83 sensor=program program="rm -rf .jftgwh ; mkdir .jftgwh ; cd .jftgwh ; wget && cat index.html | cut -d ' ' -f 6 | cut -d '<' -f 1 ; cd .. ; rm -rf .jftgwh" fontsize=10 font="Droid Sans Mono" color=255,255,255
                    text x=30 y=100 value="Download :"
                    text x=90 y=100 fontsize=14 sensor=network device="eth0" format="%in kB/s" interval=1000 decimals=2
                    text x=168 y=105 sensor=program program="/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'RX byte' | awk '{print $3 OFS $4}'" interval=30000
                    text x=30 y=113 value="Upload :"
                    text x=90 y=113 fontsize=14 sensor=network device="eth0" format="%out kB/s" interval=1000 decimals=2
                    text x=168 y=118 sensor=program program="/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep 'TX byte' | awk '{print $7 OFS $8}'" interval=30000
                    graph x=32 y=25 w=150 h=34 color=1,247,1 points=60 sensor=network format="%in" device="eth0"  max=110 interval=1000
                    graph x=32 y=26 w=150 h=34 color=247,1,1 points=60 sensor=network format="%out" device="eth0"  max=110 interval=1000
                    image x=30 y=25 path="image/grill.png" # Net grill
                    # Top ****e
                    <group> x=0 y=460
                    image x=21 y=0 path="image/backtittle.png"
                    text x=21 y=0 value="Top ****e" fontsize=14 align=left font=""
                    text x=21 y=24 value="Top processes:"
                    text x=21 y=38 sensor=program program="/bin/ps -eo pcpu,cpu,ucmd --sort pcpu | sed '/^ 0.0 /d' | tail -8;sleep 2" interval=120# SHADOW=1 FIXEDPITCH=true
                    Last edited by Don B. Cilly; Nov 16, 2012, 08:18 AM.


                      I just tried Unity or should say, I'm trying out the live version on a usb stick. I don't hate it. Does it get more annoying or something?

                      I thought I'd dislike it since I don't like bloated or high-resource desktop environments so I wasn't really fond of where they were all going. But, I found myself getting frustrated with xfce so I am planning on going back to kde. However, I used YUMI to have a multi-boot usb stick and Kubuntu 12.10, Mint 13 KDE and now Ubuntu are on it and all (each) boot up fine.

                      I just thought I'd try it (Ubuntu). My system seems fast and yes, there are some annoyances but I'm wondering what all the fuss is about. I think Gnome 3 is 100x worse. That DE is just an atrocity now. I thought Gnome2, MATE and Cinnamon aren't bad but Gnome3 I couldn't stand.

                      'Interesting that some users don't like Unity at all. It's not the best, imho, but far from the worst.


                        I have to pick from gnome3, unity and xfce on our uni computers and I hate them all... Can't say which I prefer though, I tend to be launching gnome3 at the moment but mostly because unity hates dual screens - it stops the mouse at the edge of the screen unless you move it fast enough which really messes with my work flow... You can probably turn it off... but I hate the way gnome3 and unity do configuration and can never find the option I am looking for...

                        Personally I miss krunner most of all from them, I can live with gnome if I have access to a decent runner.


                          This may sound silly but have you tried...right click desktop add widget? lol


                            Originally posted by james147 View Post
                            I have to pick from gnome3, unity and xfce on our uni computers and I hate them all... Can't say which I prefer though, I tend to be launching gnome3 at the moment but mostly because unity hates dual screens - it stops the mouse at the edge of the screen unless you move it fast enough which really messes with my work flow... You can probably turn it off... but I hate the way gnome3 and unity do configuration and can never find the option I am looking for...

                            Personally I miss krunner most of all from them, I can live with gnome if I have access to a decent runner.
                            look at gnome-do it works ok on my Ubuntu-12.04 that uses the "classic gnome" log in insted of unity .....

                            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                            16GB RAM
                            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                              Originally posted by vinnywright View Post
                              look at gnome-do it works ok on my Ubuntu-12.04 that uses the "classic gnome" log in insted of unity .....

                              The problem is they are uni computers and I really don't feel like building it on them...

