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Windows (8) STILL phones home...

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    Windows (8) STILL phones home...

    GAWD! When will they ever learn?! I really hate people sniffing the skid-marks in my digital underwear, lol.
    Last edited by tek_heretik; Nov 06, 2012, 10:25 PM.

    Kind of an old story, and somewhat blown out of proportion by The Register (as if that's never happened before). SmartScreen isn't the kind of "phone home with all your details" feature that people imagine it is. We discussed this back in August when the news broke.


      Thanks for the reply Steve, can you shut it off? Better yet, can you shut if off without knee-capping Windows? Or should we call it Metro, or Tiles? Because it's not Windows anymore, that's for sure. I would download Metro-Tiles (lol) and see just how snoopy it is, but I don't have the time or energy, would rather test distro releases.


        You get prompted during install, and the default choice is opt-out. Microsoft is doing the right thing here.

        Regarding the UI name... Official terminology is Windows 8 style apps, but everyone in the world will continue to say Metro. Too late to fix that one!


          Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
          You get prompted during install, and the default choice is opt-out. Microsoft is doing the right thing here.

          Regarding the UI name... Official terminology is Windows 8 style apps, but everyone in the world will continue to say Metro. Too late to fix that one!
          I thought it felt a little chilly, ("Microsoft is doing the right thing here.") hell hath certainly froze over, lmao. I know where I could find some Metro-Tiles...on a subway station wall, pah ha ha, ok, bad joke.


            It was easy enough to do it the right way. IE: But Kobeissi points out that the need for this could be eliminated if such data was stored locally on the client end and updated regularly.

            However they didn't.
            GigaByte GA-965G-DS3, Core2Duo at 2.1 GHz, 4 GB RAM, ASUS DRW-24B1ST, LiteOn iHAS 324 A, NVIDIA 7300 GS, 500 GB and 80 GB WD HDD

