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Katrina and Sally media response

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    Katrina and Sally media response

    At this stage after Katrina,

    a) Bush was being burned at the stake by "the media" for his "response".

    At this stage for Sandy,

    a) there is widespread looting being reported BY INTERVIEW on Fox but not by the rest of the media.
    b) people are "dumpster diving" to get food, reported by Fox, but not by the rest of the media
    c) power workers from "down south" were TURNED AWAY.... reported by Fox, but not the rest of the media

    i) the power workers said they were turned away because they were "non-union"
    ii) "the state representative" said they were turned away ...........because they were not needed?!!! :0
    .......when a reporter asked why they were just not sent "where they were needed".... no response...

    So.... for the lamestream media which all of the liberals say is "neutral".........

    Bush was evil.... reporting..

    Last edited by woodsmoke; Nov 02, 2012, 12:27 PM.

    This post is meaningless. So Fox is being neutral? Surely this has nothing to do with the upcoming election......... I have no idea why you decide to trust any media outlet woodsmoke, especially Fox.


      Continuing to make these reckless, blatantly political posts; so, yes, what IS your point woodsmoke?
      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


        Please prove me wrong, that the media is not blatantly pro Democrat/liberal, in a time when we SHOULD have unbiased reportage.



          Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
          Please prove me wrong, that the media is not blatantly pro Democrat/liberal, in a time when we SHOULD have unbiased reportage.

          That wasnt my point. My point is that using Fox "news" as an example of fair and unbiased roporting is laughable. Why do you think Fox news is reporting on this? Because they are fair, neutral professionals? Ha. Its just days before an election and theres a democrat in the white house, thats why. If the roles were reversed and Mittens was in office right now up against Obama Fox would be quiet as a mouse and other media outlets would be reporting on it. You keep going on and on about the nation drinking Koolaid, woodsmoke, but youre the only one who seems to be drinking it.... All major media outlets are companies, trying to make a profit regardless of the costs. Fox seems to be especially good at this and is turing America into a nation of morons.


            Originally posted by whatthefunk View Post
            roles were reversed and Mittens was in office right now up against Obama Fox would be quiet as a mouse and other media outlets would be reporting on it.
            Ok, lets take another tack at this.

            The factual information is that three days after Katrina all of the national media, CBS, ABC, NBC was trying to lynch Bush

            The factual information is that three days after Sally all of the national media, CBS, ABC, NBC is NOT trying to lynch Obama.

            The "people" watch the national media, which is the problem.

            The "people" are getting news which is slanted to not cause harm to one political side and to cause harm to the other.

            How would "you" feel if the "national media" was Fox?

            How would you feel if Fox, the national media, viewed by "the people" was only getting the side that YOU....say that Fox produces?

            What I find curious is that people who are "supposedly' so....UNbiased, looking only at the facts. and allowing the facts to lead them....

            will not look at the facts before them.

            So again, I challenge any and all to prove me wrong.

            The challenge is to prove that the national media ARE reporting full throat about the bad situation with Sally

            ...just as they reported full throat about a bad situation with Katrina...

            In other words, find the same number of news reportings by CBS, ABC, NBC


            "widespread looting"
            "Alabama power workers who SAY.....they were turned back because they were "not union".

            as the number of news reportings by Fox.

            Whatever you think of Fox is irrelevant to the bad situation.

            The bad situation.....of widespread looting and power workers turned away when they are so desperately needed.

            CBS, ABC, NBC "should" be full throat about this but they are curiously silent.

            If anyone can find the same number of reports, or even close that CBS, ABC and NBC are making then I shall be proved wrong.

            And I will openly admit that I was wrong.

            So.....again.....find the massive number of reports by CBS, ABC and NBC on prime time news or any other time news....

            that the "people' see and I will openly admit that I was wrong.

            Last edited by woodsmoke; Nov 03, 2012, 12:25 AM.


              First, Hurricane Sandy and Hurricane Katrina are not comparable. Katrina killed nearly 2,000 people. Sandy has so far claimed around 100. New Orleans was flattened. New York was flooded. Can you really compare these two? In Katrina people were stranded on their rooves for days after the storm because of a poor response. this is why the media were lynching Bush.

              Please tell me why the media should be lynching Obama.

              Second, you are using information gained from a notoriously biased "news" network to call other news networks biased. Does this not sound odd to you?

              Was a front story page on their news home site.

              Alabama power companies are denying a local TV station's report that linemen who had traveled to New Jersey from Alabama (a right to work state) to help restore power to those hit hard by Superstorm Sandy were told they could not work there because they were non-union.
              So what we have is Fox News taking something untrue, blowing it way out of proportion, and selling it to all its viewers. Congratulations woodsmoke, youve been duped.


                Woodsmoke, I know this is the Social/Casual Talk part of the forum and I respect your role in the Kubuntu community but I really don't think people care much for your frequent, random political threads. If you really want to talk politics try /r/politics on Reddit, there are tons of people who love debates etc.

                I know you want to educate us all to all the "evil" left wing conspiracy or whatever else you feel you are hoping to accomplish but most people just don't want to get dragged into political debates on a forum dedicated to Kubuntu. Social/Casual Talk should still sort of be tied to Kubuntu related talk such as get togethers or launch parties with rare exceptions.

                I sincerely hope I don't come off as brash or ungrateful for your contribution to this community, and I know a lot of this has to do with election fever taking over the USA. All this is just my opinion and others may love these threads (possibly take a poll and I may learn to live with these) but I don't feel they add value to the community.



                  Thanks for the comment.

                  Unfortunately the same attitude that is being played out in the media is in Linux fora.

         not care what happens in Linux fora in terms of this political agenda or that political agenda.

                  But, people in Linux fora are people that have influence in other places.

                  And people who have influence in various places should be able to step back and "see a situation for what it is".

                  And not see it through the a pair of blinders, one of which is closed and the other open.

                  We have had several people leave the forum because their views were not respected, even though the people that were left behind beat their chests that they are "open minded".

                  These people say that Fox news is biased.

                  Ok.... so I would like for them to show that CBS, ABC and NBC and PBS are NOT biased "the other way".

                  And maybe, two years down the road, when they are sitting in a bar or in a coffee house and they see something on t.v. they just "might" say....

                  Well, I just wonder if that is correct or not...

                  Maybe they might notice when something is NOT being reported to save the political hide of either a Republican or a Democrat.

                  Is there ANYbody in this forum that would NOT have wanted WaterGate to be reported because it was "just" a burglary?

                  I don't think so...

                  Bob Woodward was praised and raised to the roof by a "grateful liberal community" for the reportage on Nixon.

                  But the same Bob Woodward is now being

                  TOSSED TO THE the SAME people for doing a book critical of Obama.

                  It would seem to me that if the people thought he was such a WONDERFUL writer about Nixon, how his his writing now verboten about Obama?

                  We have lost very nice people merely because of different political outlooks.

                  And they were basically told, "don't let the door hit you on the butt on the way out".

                  By people who shout to the rafters that they are "open minded".

                  So,again, thanks for the comment.

                  But back to the request for instances of nightly news broadcasts by CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS



                  "Broadcast" media....

                  The broadcasts, through the aether, or through cable that has a news anchor sitting behind a desk, with a live feed from the guy that said, on t.v. unfortunately Fox... that the government needs to get down here and stop the looting.

                  that is broadcasts........that the average "sheeple" as the elites call them.... watches on the telly

                  not an internet site.

                  And the same NUMBER of reports as were heaped pile upon pile about what happened at Katrina.

                  And about the 2000 people.

                  I guess that we are now in a game of numbers....

                  Just how many dead people does it take for news media to report?

                  How much looting does it take for news media to report.

                  We could also go to the instance of Valerie Plame and "being outed.......which was flailed with cats of nine tails by CBS, ABC, NBC.....

                  There is a dead ambassador....and not a peep for three weeks, finally, a week or so agao....a reporter blithely walked into the compound, and picked up "data" from the floor and the "administration" still says it is "investigating".

                  And nobody reported it....hmmmm what reporter did that....

                  not fox news... and still CBS, ABC, NBC PBS has said nothing....

                  How many dead ambassadors does it take to equal "outing" one Valerie Plame?


                  If CBS, ABC and NBC will ignore this......

                  what will you think when they ignore something that YOU think is important?

                  What if Minnie gets in, with a senate and a house.....and decides to enact the Fairness Doctrine which the liberal elites had a hue and cry that they WANTED...

                  Only Minnie taxes CBS, NBC and ABC to death leaving only Fox News?

                  The point here is that the "media" should be going after BOTH OF THEM equally

                  and it is not...

                  and if it will not go after "this one this time".....

                  what happens when it "turns on it's master" and goes after something thatyou like?

                  Puttting something on a web page is only creating "plausible deniability".

                  Turning away contractors because they are Union is something that should NOT have happened.

                  What if the contractors that had been turned away were union...only the "wrong union" ....

                  What if union contractors had been turned away in a "right to work state"?

                  So again....

                  the simple request remains....

                  Please post the same numer of on-air reports by CBS, ABC and NBC that Fox has done ....

                  about something that is just plain wrong from any standpoint.

                  and I will admit mea culpa.

                  Last edited by woodsmoke; Nov 03, 2012, 02:20 AM.


                    Originally posted by dmeyer View Post
                    ...I know this is the Social/Casual Talk part of the forum and I respect your role in the Kubuntu community but I really don't think people care much for your frequent, random political threads. If you really want to talk politics try /r/politics on Reddit, there are tons of people who love debates etc.
                    I do not agree with you on this. Actually the Social/Casual Talk forum is for anything and everything not just about Kubuntu. I for one like reading the number of discussions that appear on here and other forums I view. They make the forums feel active and alive and it also proves that everyone is different with different views that we should all respect.

                    There is an extreme right wing political party here in the UK called the British National Party (BNP) which is a legal political party. I am glad to say the majority of us living here don't like their political views. A few years back when the BBC invited the leader of this party on to a political show there was uproar from the public as to why this person was allowed on. I heard one person claim that even though they believed in freedom of speech this party's views should not be heard. I could not believe the hypocrisy of what this person said!


                      Originally posted by nickstonefan View Post
                      I do not agree with you on this. Actually the Social/Casual Talk forum is for anything and everything not just about Kubuntu. I for one like reading the number of discussions that appear on here and other forums I view. They make the forums feel active and alive and it also proves that everyone is different with different views that we should all respect.

                      There is an extreme right wing political party here in the UK called the British National Party (BNP) which is a legal political party. I am glad to say the majority of us living here don't like their political views. A few years back when the BBC invited the leader of this party on to a political show there was uproar from the public as to why this person was allowed on. I heard one person claim that even though they believed in freedom of speech this party's views should not be heard. I could not believe the hypocrisy of what this person said!
                      Agreed. This subforum is for anything we want to get off our chests about, even politics (which almost always promises to ruffle someone's feathers eventually).

                      All media has at least some bias in its broadcasts. Even those who are in the middle could be said to be bias against both sides (left and right).
                      The unjust distribution of goods persists, creating a situation of social sin that cries out to Heaven and limits the possibilities of a fuller life for so many of our brothers. -- Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires (now Pope Francis)


                        dmeyer, you make some good points about woodsmoke's obsessive posts. I do, however, feel that political issues should be OK here at KFN. I think it's not the what but the how. Woody, you are clearly on some sort of cyclic mission to pound out messages to influence someone (who? most of us don't give a s* about many of these petty, even naive posts). A political forum would be a better place for these campaigns, where your views would be critically and quickly addressed by smart, informed people who do those things every day. We here are also smart, informed, quick people. But who has time to do this? Yet when exposed to some of these outlandish posts, (I conjecture) that many here feel that they or someone SHOULD respond. Ad nauseum, et cetera, ... Point is that these posts are disruptive, a nuisance, really. You may notice that responses (number and intensity) to your posts have declined over time. The (largely biased) posting campaigns belong on a personal blog.
                        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                          Indeed, the Social / Casual Talk forum here exists precisely for this kind of conversation. Our members freely exchange ideas and occasionally debate each other, but rarely do these degenerate into personal attacks. If that should happen, one of the admins will close the thread quickly.

                          Now about the topic at hand...the entire national conversation over response vs. non-response is little more than media-generated distraction. It works because Americans are easily distracted, alas. But not all are: Chris Christie, Republican governor of New Jersey, called BS on the whole thing.


                            Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                            Indeed, the Social / Casual Talk forum here exists precisely for this kind of conversation. Our members freely exchange ideas and occasionally debate each other, but rarely do these degenerate into personal attacks. If that should happen, one of the admins will close the thread quickly.
                            In that case I'm sorry I brought it up. I never meant it as an assault at all. I guess I'll just live with it. All that bugged me was the high frequency of these threads and how the fill up my RSS feeds a lot.


                              Which is more biased?

