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thread on developing a drag coeff for tassels on flying carpets

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    thread on developing a drag coeff for tassels on flying carpets

    It has been suggested in certain learned precincts that there might be a possibility of developing the drag coefficient of "TASSELS" on a flying carpet.

    One should note the use of the plural "tassels" on "a" single carpet.

    It has been noted by this author that there does not seem to be notice on the net of such a study.

    So, in that vein it might be an efficacious exercise of the erudite denizens of this estimable forum's environs to embark on the development of such a coefficient.

    Pursuant to that is the question of the relationship of the single coefficient to the number of tassels and placement.

    I) Simple multiplication of the coefficient.

    This discussion might concern whether a coffecient can be developed for one tassel and that then the coefficient merely be multiplied by the number of tassels, irrespective of placement.

    II) Tassels in relation to placement and / or number.

    We might take as a given that a flying carpet is generally rectangular in construction and that one can treat the "carpet itself" as a (two-dimensional) "plane" with negligible cross-section presented to the air through which the carpet is moving.

    Deriving from the above we might consider whether the "wild" (wild as in being that form most common in nature) carpet has:

    A) four (large) tassels, one on each corner of the carpet
    B) "rows" of smaller tassels, of which there would be rows on the anterior and the posterior and a row each on the lateral sides
    C) a combination of the above.

    comments? volunteers?

    woodanythingtogetourmindsofftheunendingelectionstu ffsmoke
    Last edited by woodsmoke; Nov 01, 2012, 07:39 PM.