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Has anybody else noticed the new WinDOHS! 8 ads sound...

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    Has anybody else noticed the new WinDOHS! 8 ads sound...

    a lot like the Apple ads of a few years ago? Do they have NO shame at all? Now they are copying Apple's ad music style too? Kinda sad, Microsoft used to be a 'leader' (I am using that term extremely loosely here), now they are playing catch up at every turn, awe (lol).

    How did I notice this? When my TV was running in the background (my eyes on my monitor) and I heard the ad jingle, I swear I thought it was an Apple ad, when I looked up, guess who?!

    Edit: This ad...

    Edit 2: The old Apple ad...
    Last edited by tek_heretik; Oct 28, 2012, 06:59 PM.

    Strange... the Win8 ad catch phrase is "Every at once", but if what I heard is correct Win8 can run only two apps simultaneously. Anyone know if that is true?
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
      Strange... the Win8 ad catch phrase is "Every at once", but if what I heard is correct Win8 can run only two apps simultaneously. Anyone know if that is true?
      Malarkey. It can multitask just fine. The Microsoft-issued PC sitting on my desk in Building 25 is running Windows 8 and I've had many apps running at a time. Why would someone even make such a claim?

      Cringely has a much better analysis of Microsoft and Windows 8. Definitely worth reading. Here's a teaser:
      Windows 8 shipped last week to mixed reviews. Ballmer himself called it “a bold re-imagining” of Windows. It’s bold alright, but not bold enough. Windows is doomed.

      We can argue all day about whether Windows 8 is better or worse than Windows 7 or even Windows 9, but the real issue here isn’t the software at all but the platform, by which I mean the desktop PC. Companies, governments, families, schools, and individuals are all buying fewer desktop PCs than they used to. Desktop growth has reversed and international desktop expansion is slowing as even that market matures. This year will probably mark Microsoft’s highest desktop sales ever in dollar volume, which sounds good, except that next year sales will be less as they will again the year after and every year past that.

      Six years from now (four hardware generations) Windows will be dead. Or free.

