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the many reasons to not use Windblows

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    the many reasons to not use Windblows

    I'll start with what happened just now:

    I'm finishing an exam to take to the college to run copies for a Monday exam:

    I "thought" that I had shut all of these down:

    a) Java Updater
    b) McAffee updater
    c) Windows updater
    d) Adobe updater
    e) Windows defender

    But, in the middle of the very last "tweak" to the exam, I had right clicked to change the text of an answer.... and ALL of these things decided to "go" at once.....

    Apparently, when I right clicked and the appropriate window appeared all of these things decided to "go at once" and locked the system up.

    The whole exam was lost.


    Why were you using Windows?

    I don't miss it....


      The college provid(ed) instructors with test making proggys for a while, but do not now for some reason.

      The one that I use came with a text book which we used to use.

      It is sufficiently simple in it's construction that it now can be used under WINE( to which I attested in another thread) but it is "clunky".

      I "could", indeed, use it, but when I want to go back to modify previous exams and include images, etc. it overpowers WINE.

      So, I have a VISTA laptop machine which I purchased especially for this program and for the crossword puzzle program, the first semester that I started at the college, and this is the full bore business version with copious memory, etc.

      But, MS long ago decided that my fully legal and purchased Office program and PPT and FrontPage programs are now illegal so WGA is continually complaining. It crept into the system surreptitiously when I installed the newest MS version of PPT etc. that the college provided for instructors for a very large discount.

      So, I don't do any MS updates, but all of the other programs keep yammering and also there is MS update etc. that keep yammering.

      And sometimes the yammering hits all at once and overwelms the system.

      Last edited by woodsmoke; Oct 26, 2012, 11:15 PM.


        I can't even imagine, in my worst nightmare, going back to WinDOHS! My last MS OS was XP for a reason. Of course I STILL have people bringing their 'sick' WinDOHS! machines to me, kinda like a bad rash that refuses to go away. Maybe it's time I made a rule, if it's not Linux or Apple, don't bring it to me! (don't much care for Apple either but they didn't cost me exponential $ and hours of headache so they get a temporary stay of execution, lol) @ Windows Defenceless (aka Defender).


          Its too bad schools (including grade school) don't use Linux or open source software.
          Vista was my last OS, and it was a RAM hog, My dad even switched, I showed him the Live CD and he was clicking install before I had my files backed up.
          Last edited by Robtygart; Oct 27, 2012, 09:12 AM.





            Clicking install before...



