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The Presidential 'Debate'

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    And Dick Cheney, while standing on the floor of the Senate, yelled at Patrick Leahy to go perform upon himself a physiologically impossible action. So what?
    Last edited by SteveRiley; Oct 26, 2012, 11:16 AM. Reason: spelling


      Glad someone (besides me) said it. So what? What's your off-topic point, woodsmoke? That's how real people and politicians talk. (But Romney's talk to a select group re the 49% didn't seem to bother you.) And, fact is--as scores of interviewers would attest (yes, MY conjecture about that, though I have seen many/most of the televised ones)--Romney has been shy on specifics, loosy-goosy all over the board saying and un-saying all sorts of stuff, variably to all sorts of audiences, at different times. Some politicians do that, to varying degrees, but somewhere underneath is usually a list of core-beliefs that is usually clear, a solid list of clear specifics (key word there). Thus the designation applied to him. Besides, Romney is tough, he can take being called a b-s-er. Take time to look into his business record and how he operates by remote control to quickly, with utmost efficiency, go from red to black, decimating/selling/firing anything unsightly in his way that would distract a venture capitalist or big investor during the flip. Yes, he is a corporate turnaround expert, Mitt is one of the best.
      Last edited by Qqmike; Oct 26, 2012, 06:57 AM.
      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


        The truth is that no matter which of those two you vote for, you're voting for the same thing; corpratism.


          capt-zero, yes, that's a given these days, and needs to be fixed. In the meantime, we need elected reps, including the president, who can work within that corporate setting (that's the constraint) to maximize the 'drop'--the net, real, practical benefit to the small guy (the middle class and under), to the country (e.g., infrastructure, future energy alternatives, education, equality), and to the environment. The real goal, long term, in this democracy is to get to where the big corporates get the 'drop' (what's leftover) and 'we' get the top-drawer goodies, unconstrained--a strong middle class, a strong country (infrastructure), a relatively clean environment, and equality of social/ethnic classes.
          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


            Your first sentence is the real theme. I'm sorry, but the 'drop' just sounds like "trickle down" rehashed. It seems you are saying we have to wait until the coorporations see fit to give us a pittance, then everything will be alright. So far, we've managed to "trickle down" most of the country. We've lost the post-war middle class, and now live in a country where there is a greater divide between the "rich and poor" than any this century. Example: GE made record multi-billion profits last year; paid no income taxes and in fact recieved tens of millions in " tax rebates" from the IRS. I, for one, am sick of this sort of concept and am tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. Both of which are bought and paid for.


              I'd mention that "pointing at bad behaviour by another person does not excuse bad behaviour by the first".

              After all, he was the guy who ran on the premise that he would bring back "civility" that the horrid Republicans did not have.


              It looks as if the "october surprise" was the released, today only in reverse.

              CIA released information that they(about twenty minutes away) made three requests to "go help" with Bengazi and they were told to "stand down".

              That multiple requests were made for spectre gunships, again turned down, the fighting lasted for four hours and that some kind of "above special", special ops people that are specially outfitted to handle this kind of stuff. were two hours away and the request to use them was turned down.... all by "higher ups".

              In terms of "offshore bombardment" (which is what I did when I was in the navy), apparently, somebody in the compound had a laser pointer on the mortars that were used in the attack and the offshore people did not use cannonfire, and no drones were used even though a drone had been moved overhead and was filming in real time

              Our response time, back in the sixties, was about five minutes so with four hours to make a decision...I'll leave it to the reader to think about the mindset involved by the "higher ups".

              Apparently, the person who is going to be thrown under the bus is an "admiral" who was in charge of the overall scene.

              Last edited by woodsmoke; Oct 26, 2012, 09:15 AM.


                Now we're debating what a "bad" word is. Somewhere, sometime, a group people decided to make a list of words and categorize them as shall-not-be-saids. Why? What's the reason for that? As Qqmike said, most people ignore this rather arbitrary classification. Go trawl YouTube, you'll find plenty of videos of prominent politicians of all stripes making the same decision (example, example. example). The only thing even remotely newsworthy about Obama's statement is that it's an example of a politician telling the truth


                  Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
        's an example of a politician telling the truth
                  That statement is an oxymoron. Politicians can't tell the truth, but because of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, they can't lie either.
                  Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                  Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                  "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                    Unfortunately since this was reported to GvS by a Republican it is completely UNtrustworthy.

                    Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) told Greta Van Susteren on Wednesday that Ambassador Chris Stevens called for help when the consulate came under attack on 9-11. The ambassador made calls to the Deputy Chief of Mission Gregory Hicks in Tripoli. Chaffetz talked about this tonight On the Record,

                    “He said shortly after 9:40 PM what happened is his phone rang and he didn’t recognize the number so he didn’t answer it. And then it rang again and again he didn’t answer it because he didn’t recognize the number. But then given the persistence he did answer it. It was Ambassador Stevens and Ambassador Stevens was saying we’re under attack. Now I can’t say he told me specifically but that’s kind of what I read into it.

                    he hung up the phone and immediately called into Washington DC to trigger all the mechanisms that need to be put on. And then he wasn’t able to contact him. And there were hours and hours that we didn’t know where our ambassador was.”



                      Please read the PREVIOUS post.

                      This is now being reported by first, Fox News, and very quickly CBS and ABC.

                      While the Bengazi attack was ongoing, ..."the administration" did not activate:

                      Counter Terrorism and Security Group, which was started by Pres. Clinton.

                      Foeign Emergency Support Team

                      The FEST is in TWENTY COUNTRIES....including Libya, here is a list of the countries.

                      The Foreign Emergency Support Team is the United States Government's only interagency, on-call, short-notice team poised to respond to terrorist incidents worldwide. Led and trained by the Operations Directorate of the Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism,

                      it assists U.S. missions and host governments in responding quickly and effectively to terrorist attacks.

                      The FEST, which has deployed to over 20 countries since its inception in 1986,

                      leaves for an incident site within four hours of notification, providing the fastest assistance possible.
                      Last edited by woodsmoke; Nov 01, 2012, 05:01 PM.


                        Foreign Policy Magazine is now weighing in on this, that something was not done at the highest levels prior to, and during the attack.



                          The Washington Post Editorial board, which supports Pres. Obama is now wieghing on an administration failure.


