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The 5 best things coming to Kubuntu 12.10

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    The 5 best things coming to Kubuntu 12.10

    I have just read an article (yes I can read) about the 5 best things that are coming to Ubuntu 12.10 and was wondering (in your opinion) what are the 5 best things coming to Kubuntu 12.10?

    The article is here

    A Kontact that is finally pretty damn close to being all round reliable


      well all of those are good and wonderful things but I, personlly, think that they should concentrateon drivers for video cards and printers and get flash, etc. to work with no interaction by the user.

      Why? Because these are OBVIOUS things to the NEW user.

      So, upon consideration, I'd say that

      a) that the preview pane and further integration with "social media" stuff are something that would quickly be observable as a good thing by new users to Linux in general.
      b) Secondarily, the UbuntuOne thing ( I have observed that, possibly, 3 of 20 students are actually using a clould storage app of some kind. And this MAINLY by tablet users. )

      Last edited by woodsmoke; Oct 09, 2012, 07:29 PM.


        My top 5 would be:

        5: The out of the box integration telepathy-kontact-google account, my calendar is now so easy to handle it almost just drop on the desktop with no effort. A major "must-have" for a new Kubuntu user.

        4: Default draw-tablet settings integrated into the input peripherals - this was fairly easy to install since ~11.10 but the setting out of the box will be welcomed by the many artists who don't want to do much tweaking to get their hardware to work.

        3: The ditched CD format. I've actually been pro the less 700 MB/CD size, but since this is dropped and since most can easy make a bootable USB drive, there's now alot of potential to add more quality software without consider the 700 limit. Be it 1 GB or 4 GB it'll fit on most USBs or DVDs and can hold almost anything from the KDE/Qt community.

        2:The new colour management tool to synchronize colours on-screen-to-printer. This is what could be a pro tool for printing

        1: I totally disagree with the article on De Icazas view to put all eggs in one basket **. The best thing coming with Kubuntu is that it's not Ubuntu!
        Ubuntu may have it's benefits to many users but I disagree on how the Ubuntu desktop take my choices as a user away (by default) for the sake of simplicity. Kubuntu and KDE still have simplicity with many options to change your system.



        edit:** Oops - I went on reading another article and mixed them together lol (in the morning with no coffee) the article I refer to is this
        Last edited by Jonas; Oct 10, 2012, 01:57 AM.
        ASUS M4A87TD | AMD Ph II x6 | 12 GB ram | MSI GeForce GTX 560 Ti (448 Cuda cores)
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