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IE's newest advert

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    IE's newest advert

    Most people here probably don't watch adverts, but MS has been airing a new advert for the new Internet Explorer and the reasoning for it just perplexes me.

    a) Given the song which backs it up has been on the top ten for half a year or so now, so it is a popular song which any younger person has heard over and over,

    So, possibly it is a "familiarity" thing.

    b) Possibly the group mind of MS is so far out in la la land that they truely have become transcendentaly one in the cloud and see the world in a way that we, mere mortals, cannot comprehend!

    But, here are the lyrics that are the real intent of the song:

    And it feels like I am just too close to love you
    There's nothing I can really say I can't lie no more,
    I can't hide no more
    Got to be true to myself
    And it feels like I am just too close to love you
    So I'll be on my way
    Here is a link to the original video for the song:

    Here is a link to one of the commercials.


    Last edited by woodsmoke; Oct 07, 2012, 09:25 PM.

    I'm sorry. The following might seem self-serving, and for that I apologize.

    But: when I see crap like that, and I consider the money wasted spent to produce it vs. its likely outcome, and I weigh that against the purported reason for my involuntary departure ("it's the economy, Steve"), I am reduced to a state of aghast perplexedness.


      aghast perplexedness


        That ad was/is almost identical to the one shown on UK tv a month or so ago. When I saw it I just wanted to put my foot in the tv. I am sure IE will be fast smooth flowing images if you run it on a very powerful pc with nothing else running and you have super fast fibre-optic broadband. But I bet it still has more holes than swiss cheese.


          The other thing is the number of "sponsored links" that are in the first returns to a search as opposed to FF.

          Going past them takes time also.


