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Bodhi Linux

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    Bodhi Linux

    I bought the latest edition of Linux Format magazine yesterday and on the cover disk were three distros. One of them was Bodhi Linux and after booting up the computer using the disk and selecting Linux I discovered that it appears to be a very good / well designed distro. It uses the Enlightenment desktop and when running the composite option the desktop looked very nice. It is based upon Ubuntu so will get all it's updates from them and uses the LTS versions.

    For software, it appears you have to download most of the packages after installation. It is not like Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu/Lubuntu that installs a lot of packages by default and is therefore very light.

    I realise that most of you on this forum are KDE fans and probably won't like this desktop but if you have an older computer put this on it.

    I have Xubuntu 11.10 on my aging Dell OptiPlex desktop and am now seriously thinking of replacing it with Bodhi when it comes to the end of its life next April.

    Installed Bodhi on a test machine about 6 months ago and played around with it for a few days. I've always found the E-17 desktop very nice, and I agree this seems to be a very solid implementation -- a good choice for older hardware that has trouble with a full KDE suite.


      Also a good choice for little low-powered netbooks like my HP Mini 110.

      Please Read Me


        I think I will wipe out my 12.04 and try it, 12.10 is very smooth right now and I have not used .04 in two weeks.


          I used to use it a lot before I started using KDE. One thing that drove me crazy was the fact that E17 is not as functional as KDE or GNOME. Though I do like how you can customize it majorly.


            Originally posted by KDE_dude View Post
            I used to use it a lot before I started using KDE. One thing that drove me crazy was the fact that E17 is not as functional as KDE or GNOME. Though I do like how you can customize it majorly.
            What do you mean by "not as functional as KDE or Gnome"? Surely you can run apps through it?


              I didn't find the file manager as easy to do normal tasks with and there is no right click. It is also probably personal opinion. I like the looks and it is super easy to make it look sweet! But some of the stuff threw me off.


                Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
                Also a good choice for little low-powered netbooks like my HP Mini 110.
                Did you actually install it on your HP Mini 110, or just recommend it?

                I've got a HP Mini 110-3518CL with Kubuntu 12.04. Maxed out at 2 GB RAM. It functions, but not as smooth as my regular notebook.


                  I have a basic HP 110 I got as a gift from Verizon for being an early adopter of FIOS. It runs Bodhi better than any other OS I've tried. Currently, I'm having OK success with Plasma Active. It's not as polished as Bodhi is but it's usable. The only upgrade I've done to it is swap out the HD for a small SSD.

                  Please Read Me


                    Originally posted by KDE_dude View Post
                    I didn't find the file manager as easy to do normal tasks with and there is no right click. It is also probably personal opinion. I like the looks and it is super easy to make it look sweet! But some of the stuff threw me off.
                    Couldn't you have changed the file manager? You do know that you don't have to stick to the default applications within a Linux distro, don't you?


                      Yes, I did change the file manager to nautilus and that helped a lot. I would just go for installing it. I really liked it just there were a couple things that bugged me, like the stuff I mentioned above. I really do think a lot of it is personal opinion. I had it on my laptop with 750 mbs and it was super fast.


                        Originally posted by KDE_dude View Post
                        ... and there is no right click.
                        Hmmm -- that doesn't right -- something apparently was not configured correctly. In the default E17 desktop, EVERYTHING is accessible via right-click on the desktop.


                          Yes that is the app menu. There was no "copy" or "paste" and "change desktop background" and stuff like that. You have to go to the settings and open that. It just takes longer to get to a certain settings because there are so many settings. Also the desktop background is usually a default from the theme, and it is really hard to change.

                          Sorry if this was not understood. I can try to explain it better maybe.


                            Ahhhh -- OK, yes you are right about the reconfiguration stuff. Nothing comes close to KDE for that. You kinda gotta like E17 more or less as it comes -- you can't easily change a lot on it.


                              Yeah, though it is really easy to change the theme. I liked that because I like to changes looks a lot.

