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Bodhi Linux

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    Two days ago I decided to clear out my computer with Xubuntu 11.10 and replace it with Bodhi Linux. I am really enjoying using E17. Still have Kubuntu 12.04 on my laptop though until I decide to replace it!


      Installed it on the trial laptop.
      I like the minimalist approach, but not much else really.
      I'll keep it in mind for the next time someone wants me to fix the 5-year-old netbook though.
      You have to admit, it's light on resources:
      bob@joey:~$ free
                   total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
      Mem:       2055460     383144    1672316          0      16500     275720
      -/+ buffers/cache:      90924    1964536
      Swap:      2666320          0    2666320
      bob@joey:~$ df
      Filesystem     1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on
      /dev/sda3       14255848  1600940  11930748  12% /
      udev             1018124        4   1018120   1% /dev
      tmpfs             411092      836    410256   1% /run
      none                5120        0      5120   0% /run/lock
      none             1027728        0   1027728   0% /run/shm
      Originally posted by dibl View Post
      In the default E17 desktop, EVERYTHING is accessible via right-click on the desktop.
      Actually, nothing is accessible via right-click on the desktop for me...
      Last edited by Don B. Cilly; Nov 22, 2012, 02:45 PM. Reason: can¡t find fixed font : (


        Last edited by Don B. Cilly; Today at 11:45 AM. Reason: can¡t find fixed font : (
        We don't have a fixed font, but you can get around this by using the CODE tags instead of the QUOTE tags.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Currently running Bodhi Linux on my tiny wee all-but-forgotten Asus EeePC 701 4G. It's very hard to find the right distro for this machine, but Bodhi is the perfect fit and doesn't feel like there's any compromise at all. Crunchbang is pretty good too.
          PUNCH IT CHEWIE!


            Originally posted by Don B. Cilly View Post
            Actually, nothing is accessible via right-click on the desktop for me...
            There must be some hardware incompatility or driver problem that is interfering with right-click on that laptop. Right-click on the desktop is the basic way that E17 makes the package menus available.


              Actually, in Bodhi the left click opens the main menu, the middle (with 3-button mouse or wheel mouse) opens the window menu, and the right-click is reserved for your "favorites". You add to this menu by opening an app with the left-click menu (or using the Everything launcher), then click the app icon on the left side of the titlebar (or right-click on the app's titlebar). In the menu that pops up, the first item will be the app's name. If you hover the mouse on that name another menu will open, and the option to add it to your favorites is there. Do that with two or three of your most-used apps and then try right-clicking on the desktop, you'll see them in the new menu. You can add as many apps as you want.

              You can also add an app to the iBar or Engage launcher by just dragging the titlebar icon to them.
              Computers don't make mistakes. They only execute them.

