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Obama will never; Romney might

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    Obama will never; Romney might

    Understand Memphis Belle.

    My dad was a belly gunner in another ship in the same box. and the next flight to be the lead plane, for then next two years with seven planes of the same name shot out of the sky and from under them.

    He looked like the character played by Billy Zane in the movie but was only 5' 5", kinda stocky in build.

    He, along with the rest of the crew, is in a painting of another famous B-17 that was placed in the Capitol building Wash D.C. a few years ago.

    Obama will never understand this film and Romney might understand it; when we DESPERATELY need a person who is President who at least SOMEWHAT understands what it means to the WORLD to have an adversary that is implacable.

    Last edited by woodsmoke; Sep 10, 2012, 10:43 PM.

    I don't understand a single bit of your post woodsmoke, is it a riddle?

    Are you suggesting that US should bomb the rest of the world? or just those who don't agree with US policies?



    PS; Today - 11th September - I honour and remember the brave people who fought for democracy and justice in Chile, destroyed by the CIA led fascists in a coup d'état in 1973.
    Last edited by Jonas; Sep 11, 2012, 12:04 AM.
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      Romney's just another draft dodging republican, while Obama actually got Osama.

      And the hysterical OMG! the MUSLINS ARE OUT TO GET US! is just old.


        I'm with Jonas. I honestly don't understand what you are trying to say in Post #1. As for what I know ... is that Obama has the respect of the world; he may be taunted-tested now and then by some world leaders who are on shaky ground and who know they are; he knows how to fight smart, knows how to "get"--kill--enemies in a smart way (we got yet another one + 5 in Yemen yesterday); has used military methods (many covert) that had Bush used, we wouldn't be all screwed up around the globe (esp wrt terrorists) this past 11 years; and, finally, Obama is not to be messed with, and people around the world know it. Unlike the current batch of reckless, desperate (for wealth) Republicans, Obama will not be found all over the media slewing wild, boisterous statements about all this. Do you expect him to be on the nightly news detailing our drone/covert/intelligence assaults/defenses around the globe?
        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


          Originally posted by Qqmike View Post
          I'm with Jonas. I honestly don't understand what you are trying to say in Post #1. As for what I know ... is that Obama has the respect of the world; he may be taunted-tested now and then by some world leaders who are on shaky ground and who know they are; he knows how to fight smart, knows how to "get"--kill--enemies in a smart way (we got yet another one + 5 in Yemen yesterday); has used military methods (many covert) that had Bush used, we wouldn't be all screwed up around the globe (esp wrt terrorists) this past 11 years; and, finally, Obama is not to be messed with, and people around the world know it. Unlike the current batch of reckless, desperate (for wealth) Republicans, Obama will not be found all over the media slewing wild, boisterous statements about all this. Do you expect him to be on the nightly news detailing our drone/covert/intelligence assaults/defenses around the globe?
          Well said Qqmike!


            Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
            Understand Memphis Belle.
            This paragraph from the Wikipedia article would seem to summarize everything we need to know:
            With the exception of the aircraft names, this film is fiction based only very loosely on fact. The characters are composites, the names are not those of the real crew of the Memphis Belle and the incidents shown are supposed to be representative of B-17 missions in general. Indeed, the characters and situations of the film bear little resemblance to the crew of the actual Memphis Belle, the nature of her final mission, the accuracy of strategic bombing, or Allied policy on the bombing of civilians. No optimistic official celebration on the evening before the Belle's 25th mission occurred, and there was no special welcome for the crew when the mission was over. The final, 25th mission of the real Belle was to Kiel, Germany, before being flown back to the United States.
            Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
            Obama will never understand this film and Romney might understand it; when we DESPERATELY need a person who is President who at least SOMEWHAT understands what it means to the WORLD to have an adversary that is implacable.
            Any person who'd value an attempt to divine foreign policy from a fictional semi-documentary is not somone I'd want to be president. This is scarcely better than consulting astrologers for policy guidance. And which adversaries, exactly, do we need to fear? China, whose first aircraft carrier hardly seems much improved over a bathtub toy? Russia, whose drones exhibit haphazard, ancient technical design?


              Originally posted by Jonas View Post
              I don't understand a single bit of your post woodsmoke, is it a riddle?
              So I'm not the only one who finds Woodsmokes comments baffling. Whenever, I read his/hers comments I feel the need to have subtitles. haha!

              (this is just a tongue in cheek comment, please don't anyone take offence)


                I have little doubt the Pres. Obama will be elected for a second term.

                Although I would not vote for either Obama or Romney, Romney is just too close to multinational corporatism to suite me. Like Romney, Ron Paul is now against everything he once was for. A person who shifts that quickly and often cannot be trusted.

                IF we have one big giant problem in the USA it is that giant multinational corporations, through their bags of money, control both the legislative and judicial branches. We need to return to when corporation could NOT interfere with politics on any level, and elected representatives who took corporate bribes (a.k.a. "campaign contributions" went to jail.

                Oh, and Obama is not a Muslim. He knows a lot about it, but as a Marxist he probably doesn't have anything to do with any religions except to give them lip service. He did teach "community organizing" in Chicago using Saul D Alinsky's paperback, "Rules For Radicals", which a must read and the handbook for how the Left does political activities.
                Last edited by GreyGeek; Sep 11, 2012, 03:21 PM.
                "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                  Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
                  but as a Marxist
                  Oh for gods sake, Obama is no Marxist, like Romney he's does his corporate masters bidding. Definitely wall streets friend.

                  This bizarre reality defying tendency the right has to project "muslim/marxist/facist/socilaist" on the so called left is quite baffling. Next you'll be talking about his plan to let the secret vast UN army in to take all your guns and establish a one world state.


                    Originally posted by blackpaw View Post
                    Oh for gods sake
                    Now now, let's not be exclusive. Here on KFN, we allow equal name-in-vain taking. A more proper introduction would be, "Oh for $DEITY's sake..."


                      Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                      Now now, let's not be exclusive. Here on KFN, we allow equal name-in-vain taking. A more proper introduction would be, "Oh for $DEITY's sake..."

                      Heh Actually my normal reference would be "For Dogs sake"


                        Originally posted by blackpaw View Post
                        Next you'll be talking about his plan to let the secret vast UN army in to take all your guns and establish a one world state.
                        Who let you in on the plan ?

                        it's in the works ,,,,,

                        i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                        16GB RAM
                        Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                          Great! where and when do we assemble? I need to order my Jack boots and Red cap.


                            Originally posted by blackpaw View Post
                            Great! where and when do we assemble? I need to order my Jack boots and Red cap.
                            tisk tisk ,,,,,,you waited to long , those are now on the banned from public sail list

                            i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                            16GB RAM
                            Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                              Originally posted by Jonas View Post
                              I don't understand a single bit of your post woodsmoke, is it a riddle?

                              Are you suggesting that US should bomb the rest of the world? or just those who don't agree with US policies?



                              PS; Today - 11th September - I honour and remember the brave people who fought for democracy and justice in Chile, destroyed by the CIA led fascists in a coup d'état in 1973.
                              AS well as, obviously, those who lost their lives in the terrorist attack 29 years later (and 11 years ago today).
                              The unjust distribution of goods persists, creating a situation of social sin that cries out to Heaven and limits the possibilities of a fuller life for so many of our brothers. -- Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires (now Pope Francis)

