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Obama will never; Romney might

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    quite funny!


      I have been following this for a while. so just my 2 cts. As an expat living in Switzerland, yes I know all of the lost US tax money resides here . Won't go into that here.

      Anyway in the stone age of 2000 when "wya" "won" (stole?) his first term, I knew he was dangerous (my dad taught me a few things about world history), so I put my passport in the freezer and left it there for 8 long years.

      Obama may not be the perfect choice, but as a consultant in the hotel business I can relate to a pile of difficult issues being left over from the ex-owner of a business. Yes, I also know that this has been harped upon, and dismissed as an old hat by many, but the reality remains. Solutions to these kind of issues do not come quick and easy. Many Americans like it quick and easy, we wouldn't eat at MC D's if we weren't brought up to that belief.

      Romney, although in my eyes a hypocrite to point of being a liar, is dangerous enough. Paul Ryan on the other hand is on a completely different level. Just check out his love for Ayn Rand for size.

      Now he really scares me.

      If they win the ticket, I will not freeze my passport. I will give it back.

      I grew up believing (and I still do) in the virtues that made the USA what it was and can become again.

      With R&R we will go back to the 50's and my old friend Mc Carthy. Now he was a real help to everything American. He was so good he reminded my mom & dad of their great friend Adolf, who they went to great pains to flee not so long ago.

      Some of you are "speaking" of marxists, socialism = communists, etc. I wonder how many have actually read "Das kaptial" from Marx. If you had, you would see many parallels with some of today’s economic models for the future in a globalized world. And yes, we live in a globalized world. Take it or leave it.

      I live in a country most of the right wing would call socialist. (Mandatory health care for all, a functioning social security system that puts people back to work without food stamps, etc.) are we poor?

      Hardly although we have our issues over here, and there is a lively political debate, not every 2-4 years but every weekend and at least once every 2-3 months when everyone gets to vote. The Swiss actually are allowed to vote if and what kind of fighters the government can buy.

      Capitalism as we have practised it for the last 30 years is not the same capitalism I was taught and practice.

      Switzerland has the third largest GNP per capita in the world, a jobless rate of way below 5%, a functioning infrastructure in education, R&D, roads, bridges, tunnels, and is on top of the innovative countries in the world.

      To I like living here? hell yeah! Would I consider moving back to the States? Hell yeah! Given we don't go back into the stone ages again.

      We Americans are going to have to pull together and do what we do best.

      Sorry if these 2cts felt more like $20

      Edit: Back to the title. Obama has done it. He understands the WORLD very nicely. I hope Romney never gets the chance.
      Ask the English, Palestinians, Arabs, Polish, Turkish, Russians, etc.
      Last edited by Fintan; Sep 17, 2012, 10:52 AM.
      HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
      4 GB Ram
      Kubuntu 18.10


        I don't understand the difference between 'Dubya' and Obama. Both have started and maintained conflict in the middle east, both have bailed out banks, neither are doing the economy any favors, and both have kept up the status quo. The only difference I see is that Obama gave out free sell phones and apologizes to violent Muslims after they kill Americans over a stupid movie trailer.

        Even if the only reason to vote for Romney is to get Obama out of office, I'll do it. Of course, I'll want Romney out of office too. I don't like either of them and I personally think that we should be able to vote out the incumbent sooner than 4 years. Better yet, death by firing squad should they go back on their campaign promises!


          Originally posted by charles052 View Post
          The only difference I see is that Obama gave out free sell phones
          I have no idea what that even is

          Originally posted by charles052 View Post
          and apologizes to violent Muslims after they kill Americans over a stupid movie trailer.
          Given you believe a complete lie (on multiple points) which is trivially easily to find out online demonstrates a rather partisan approach to the truth.
          Last edited by blackpaw; Sep 20, 2012, 10:21 PM.


            Originally posted by charles052 View Post
            Obama gave out free sell phones
            This has been disproven, many times.

            The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and Congress recognize that telephone service provides a vital link to emergency services, government services, and surrounding communities. Telephone service is considered a necessity for daily modern life. Yet the cost of starting and maintaining such service may be too high for some consumers. Under Congressional mandate, the federal Universal Service Fund (USF) supports the Lifeline Assistance and Link-Up America programs. These programs provide discounts on basic monthly service and initial installation or activation fees for telephone service at the primary residence to income-eligible consumers. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), with the help of the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), administers the USF.

            Lifeline Assistance provides discounts on basic monthly service at the primary residence for qualified telephone subscribers. These discounts can be up to $10.00 per month, depending on your state.

            Link-Up America helps income-eligible consumers initiate telephone service. This program pays one-half (up to a maximum of $30) of the initial installation fee for a traditional, wireline telephone or activation fee for a wireless telephone for a primary residence. It also allows participants to pay the remaining amount they owe on a deferred schedule, interest-free. (In some cases cellular service is cheaper than landlines, and the latter is not a viable option for persons without fixed residential addresses.)

            The LifeLine and Link-Up programs were established by the FCC in 1984 and 1987, respectively, during the administration of Ronald Reagan.


              Originally posted by blackpaw View Post
              I have no idea what that even is
              This is the SECOND time that I have posted this, but I'll do it again.

              Umm, I've actually seen these being given out.

              The people believe that President Obama personally did this for "them" and "they" are going to vote for him because of it.


              Here is an image of one that is being held in the hand of the person who is DEFINITELY going to vote for President Obama.

              Now....if BUSH had done this:

              If it had been a "Bushphone".... the Linux fora, the blogosphere, the internet in general, the lamestream media would be going ballistic, and would be screaming for Bush's blood.

              But for it to be an Obamaphone and not a "government phone" is quite ok.

              One of the security guys at the college whereat I teach told me about it, he is an African-American btw and was steamed about it because he does not want "anyone" "BUYING" votes. I drove to the place later, but the popup tent was gone and the people were just milling around.

              The fellow who showed me his phone told me that they had to go across the intersection to a store to "activate" the phone, so I said I'd go over and check it out and he said that I shouldn't go because it would be dangerous.

              But, stupid me, I went anyway, the fellow running the store "came at me" because he didn't want any body "investigatin" him, I headed for the door. When he saw the first guy, and his girlfriend, looking at him from outside he stopped.

              I thanked the folks outside and LEFT IN A HURRY....

              SO NO MATTER WHAT THE LETTER OF THE LAW IS....and the INTENT....and WHEN it was started.....

              The people RECEIVING THE PHONES think that President Obama did it for them and they are going to vote for him.

              The President COULD ....personally call the company and request that they change the name of the company and the picture on the website and the spiel when they are sold....

              But, as of the date of this post the President has not done so. I don't know why, but he has not done so.

              Possibly he is too busy.

              If Bush was in office and they were "Bushphones" it would be called "buying votes" at least by "inaction" , plausible deniability.

              But, apparently not for President Obama.

              Last edited by woodsmoke; Sep 20, 2012, 11:47 PM.


                I am sorry. You guys can have Romney/Ryan. A Candidate who just can't get the facts right (Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Syria), and whose party, still perpetuates its silly "belief" that Obama is not a US citizen and then goes on to actually try to scratch Obama for the the voting list Kansas?

                Oh and I like this one too:
                Last edited by Fintan; Sep 21, 2012, 09:36 AM.
                HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                4 GB Ram
                Kubuntu 18.10


                  Originally posted by Fintan View Post
                  I am sorry. You guys can have Romney/Ryan. A Candidate who just can't get the facts right (Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Syria), and whose party, still perpetuates its silly "belief" that Obama is not a US citizen and then goes on to actually try to scratch Obama for the the voting list Kansas?
                  This is the kind of stuff, along with that wonderful groups like "God Hates Fags" are the main reasons I got the hell out of Kansas 25 years ago. They should stick to growing wheat and leave politics alone.

                  Please Read Me


                    Originally posted by oshunluvr View Post
                    This is the kind of stuff, along with that wonderful groups like "God Hates Fags" are the main reasons I got the hell out of Kansas 25 years ago. They should stick to growing wheat and leave politics alone.
                    I guess there isn't much wheat to grow this year.

                    No wonder they placed the wizard of oz in that state
                    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                    4 GB Ram
                    Kubuntu 18.10


                      Originally posted by blackpaw View Post
                      I have no idea what that even is
                      It's called a typo. That's what that is.

                      Originally posted by blackpaw View Post
                      Given you believe a complete lie (on multiple points) which is trivially easily to find out online demonstrates a rather partisan approach to the truth.
                      Partisan? Um.. I don't like Romney anymore than Obama. The only reason to vote for Romney, is to fire Obama. And then, we should fire Romney.

                      There is no reason to vote for Obama since Romney is probably gong to do everything Obama did, just like Obama done everything 'Dubya' did. To actually believe that either candidate is going to make that much of a difference is rather naive. The political system of the US is not set up to 'make a difference', but to keep those who are in power in power and to keep those who are rich, rich.

                      All these issues such as gay marriage, abortion rights, etc... If you believe that any politician you vote for is really going to care about these issues as anything more than a way to divide the country and keep it divided so that we keep fighting amongst ourselves rather than fight the real threats to America, the politicians themselves, then I've got a very nice bridge to sell you.
                      Last edited by charles052; Sep 22, 2012, 03:24 PM.


                        Charles052 wrote:

                        All these issues such as gay marriage, abortion rights, etc... If you believe that any politician you vote for is really going to care about these issues as anything more than a way to divide the country and keep it divided so that we keep fighting amongst ourselves rather than fight the real threats to America, the politicians themselves, then I've got a very nice bridge to sell you.



                          Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
                          This is the SECOND time that I have posted this, but I'll do it again.

                          Umm, I've actually seen these being given out.

                          The people believe that President Obama personally did this for "them" and "they" are going to vote for him because of it.


                          Here is an image of one that is being held in the hand of the person who is DEFINITELY going to vote for President Obama.

                          Now....if BUSH had done this:

                          If it had been a "Bushphone".... the Linux fora, the blogosphere, the internet in general, the lamestream media would be going ballistic, and would be screaming for Bush's blood.

                          But for it to be an Obamaphone and not a "government phone" is quite ok.

                          One of the security guys at the college whereat I teach told me about it, he is an African-American btw and was steamed about it because he does not want "anyone" "BUYING" votes. I drove to the place later, but the popup tent was gone and the people were just milling around.

                          The fellow who showed me his phone told me that they had to go across the intersection to a store to "activate" the phone, so I said I'd go over and check it out and he said that I shouldn't go because it would be dangerous.

                          But, stupid me, I went anyway, the fellow running the store "came at me" because he didn't want any body "investigatin" him, I headed for the door. When he saw the first guy, and his girlfriend, looking at him from outside he stopped.

                          I thanked the folks outside and LEFT IN A HURRY....

                          SO NO MATTER WHAT THE LETTER OF THE LAW IS....and the INTENT....and WHEN it was started.....

                          The people RECEIVING THE PHONES think that President Obama did it for them and they are going to vote for him.

                          The President COULD ....personally call the company and request that they change the name of the company and the picture on the website and the spiel when they are sold....

                          But, as of the date of this post the President has not done so. I don't know why, but he has not done so.

                          Possibly he is too busy.

                          If Bush was in office and they were "Bushphones" it would be called "buying votes" at least by "inaction" , plausible deniability.

                          But, apparently not for President Obama.

                          If you follow links, that site just takes you to a different site, which eventually links you to the providers who offer these phones. So it looks like some are simply trying to cash in, using the Obama name. Anyone can get one of these, if the meet income qualifications. It is all funded by one of the little , um, fees, we pay on our phone bills every month. Nope, it isn't funded by taxes at all. But I probably qualify for one. Wonder if I should get one?


                            "wonder if I should get one?"

                            I would probably advise against it!

                            Oh I followed the links alright...

                            The situation begs to have a question answered:

                            The question is, that since this is a "government" based thing... yes it is a "fee" we pay but the whole idea is government sponsored and backed and pushed...

                            Why are there no obvious, permanent, "offices" where any person, like the little old lady down the street, can "pop in and get one"?

                            I scoured the net looking for an "office"....

                            I called around here....

                            Because there are a LOT of college kids who would fit into the financial profile for these phones.

                            The college whereat I teach actually does have a secretary who knows about the program but, again, no permanent office.

                            One has to get it "online".

                            But..... the "popup tents" appear in.....well.....certain kinds of neighborhoods,

                            The tents have a big sign that says in big letters: Obama Phone!

                            The multitude gathers, gets the phone, activates it and then sells it...

                            and the popup tent disappears to mysteriously appear, at a random time, later.

                            Again, if some "private entity" had been using BUSH's name to do this... and done it in the way it is being done....

                            where the people think that President Obama is THE person who did this...and that they say right up front that they will vote for him because of it...

                            The media and the left precincts would be aflame with indignation...

                            but....not a sound....

                            Last edited by woodsmoke; Sep 23, 2012, 01:56 PM.



                              It is a government sponsored thing, but you have to find the carrier who offers them, there is not a government agency that gives out the phones.

                              I wonder about the tent thing, as you have to provide proof of receiving certain aid, such as food stamps, etc to get one , at least here in Georgia. Maybe just having the card is enough?

                              I am sure that it is planned and staged a certain way to support Obama, but seeing as this has been around a while, the fact that it does not get more attention is telling me it isn't a big enough issue for the right wing talking heads to blather about, and even a fake-conservative neo-con would probably not use such a giveaway to garner votes.


                                this what you all are talking about ?
                                I have one

                                i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                                16GB RAM
                                Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores

