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Obama will never; Romney might

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    sometimes the truth can be messy ...
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      The Truth is Out There Scully


        So, if I might, I'd ask a question.

        Some few posts ago I opined that it would be interesting to see the refutation of his Grey Geekness' post about the associations of Pres. Obama with avowed, liberals, hyper-liberals, self stated socialists, and self-stated communists and self-stated people who want to overthrow the U.S. government.

        No such refutation so far.

        So, I would like to ask a question.

        a) Other posts stated that "just because Pres. Obama spent decades with these people, it does not make him like them."

        In other words there is no "guilt by association" with Pres. Obama and these people.


        b) So why is it that just because I have mentioned that I seldom watch any of the lame stream media and sometimes watch O'Reilly, that I am then labled a right wing nut extremist? hoisted on guilt by association with a television personality that I have possibly watched for a total of maybe... fifty hours or so.

        One might think that:

        a) what was NOT sauce for President Obama

        b) would also NOT be sauce for the old woodsmoker, or ANY OTHER person who says he has happned to watch O'Reilly.

        So, again why is that?

        just askin'.



          Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
          So, if I might, I'd ask a question.

          Some few posts ago I opined that it would be interesting to see the refutation of his Grey Geekness' post about the associations of Pres. Obama with avowed, liberals, hyper-liberals, self stated socialists, and self-stated communists and self-stated people who want to overthrow the U.S. government.

          No such refutation so far.

          So, I would like to ask a question.

          a) Other posts stated that "just because Pres. Obama spent decades with these people, it does not make him like them."

          In other words there is no "guilt by association" with Pres. Obama and these people.


          b) So why is it that just because I have mentioned that I seldom watch any of the lame stream media and sometimes watch O'Reilly, that I am then labled a right wing nut extremist?

 hoisted on guilt by association with a television personality that I have possibly watched for a total of maybe... fifty hours or so.

          One might think that:

          a) what was NOT sauce for President Obama

          b) would also NOT be sauce for the old woodsmoker, or ANY OTHER person who says he has happned to watch O'Reilly.

          So, again why is that?

          just askin'.

          Well, if it makes you feel any better, I had no idea that you watched O'Rilley and I thought you were a right-wing nut. No guilt by association going on there


            lol GOOD ONE whatthefunk, as he very SMOOTHLY sidesteps the question! lol

            But, as I said, anyone who has read my posts going back over the decade, I really am "middle of the road". Financially conservative, socially libertarian on a lot of issues and socially conservative on others.

            But, since I am not as far "left" as most of the denizens of the internet they perceive me as being "right wing".



              woodsmoke says, "... why is it that ... I am then labled a right wing nut extremist?"

              Because of your posts here at KFN. Self proclaimed, by vitue of your positions on issues.
              Straight up.
              (or Midwest, easy-peasy)
              An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                Bingo! The Smoker has just had his point made - at least looking at things from his perspective

                But this perspective goes both ways, so others points are being made as well.

                Makes things terrible and confusing.

                I have been labeled as Tea Bagger Republican Evangelical for stating my thoughts on the stupid Chik-Fil-A vs the LBGT community thing. I have also been labeled a Socialist simply for using and supporting F/OSS.

                I have given up trying to get people to even begin to glance at things from differing perspectives even for a moment. It just doesn't happen enough to matter, imo. For a vast majority of topics, people on both "sides" (and I hate that polarization) want to make things better. What is happening in these days of instant blather and reaction on the internet is a magnification of the extremes, which brings a disproportional amount of screen time, and I believe creates a feedback loop perhaps.

                This is why I have fears about these subjects being brought in here. That and I am getting cranky as I age I endeavor for less crank


                  Teabagger republican

                  That is precisely why the "right wing commentators" have DISMISSED just about anything that "lefties" say because instead of the "lefties" being "respectful" of the right....

                  which is what the lefties say that they want...

                  they then call tea PARTY people,

                  by the extremely insulting term tea "bagger" which is a reference to a certain sexual activity.

                  Some people may like the activity but it really is a term of insult, the lefties know it, and they relish in using it.

                  So much for the civility that President Obama preached about.

                  And, yes, somebody will come back with all the terms that the righties have called "him" and

                  the danse macabre will continue.



                    I think that Tea "Bagger" is a not-so slight inference to them as "Carpet" Baggers.
                    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                      just a thought or 2 .....two humm 2+2 is 4 .....fore ...sounds like door ,,,,I half to go out the door in the morning to go make the drawers ,,,drawers that reminds me I only have 3 pare of drawers left for work ,,,,ya work I just got a new job with a company that makes drawers but you cant ware them ,their the kind that go in dressers,,,,,,dressers now who works as a dresser ,,,who pays some one to dress them ,,some people have to much money ,,,money, funny ,,I like to laff ,,,I started laffing this evening at supper as I was eating linguine in tomato sauce with hot sausage and thought of the flesh of his nudely appendages as manna blessing me with the divine gift of a full belly ,,,now I'm starting to get a belly I think from all that Budweiser ,,,,well my bud's rely don't seem any wiser but wise dose make a good chip and I like chips ,,,,,which is a good thing since I'v been making a lot of them splitting wood for winter ,,,,splitting ,,people seem to be splitting a lot of hares hear ,,is the left right ,,,or the right right ,,,well the left is left ,,,,and the right is right ,,,,but is right right or is left right ,,,the left cant be right ,it's left ,,,,right,,,,and in who's opinion ,,and what makes that opinion right for me ,,,,,right we all want to do whats right (I think) but what's right for you may not be right for me so who decides,,you for me,,me for you us for ourselves ,,,,,,,O it's so hard to figure out ,,,,,out I think I'm out of time ,,,,time for bead ,,,bead a place to rest my head ,,,,head ,is it time to head out the door ?

                      well this one long crazy rambling sentence is kinda how this thread reads to me my humble opinion .
                      and this was my attempt at some levity in it .......sorry I guess I just proved why I work with my hands and am not a comedian ...LOL

                      i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                      16GB RAM
                      Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                        Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
                        So, if I might, I'd ask a question.

                        Some few posts ago I opined that it would be interesting to see the refutation of his Grey Geekness' post about the associations of Pres. Obama with avowed, liberals, hyper-liberals, self stated socialists, and self-stated communists and self-stated people who want to overthrow the U.S. government.

                        No such refutation so far.
                        Answer to what? It made no sense then to answer that hes views and ideas are the same just because he can be associated to these people sometime during his lifetime. The logic was invalid - so that was the only comment I could make.

                        Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
                        So, I would like to ask a question.

                        a) Other posts stated that "just because Pres. Obama spent decades with these people, it does not make him like them."

                        In other words there is no "guilt by association" with Pres. Obama and these people.


                        b) So why is it that just because I have mentioned that I seldom watch any of the lame stream media and sometimes watch O'Reilly, that I am then labled a right wing nut extremist?

               hoisted on guilt by association with a television personality that I have possibly watched for a total of maybe... fifty hours or so.

                        One might think that:

                        a) what was NOT sauce for President Obama

                        b) would also NOT be sauce for the old woodsmoker, or ANY OTHER person who says he has happned to watch O'Reilly.

                        So, again why is that?

                        just askin'.

                        Fair question Woodsmoke.
                        I didn't actually say that everyone who watch O'Rilley agree with him. He is a right-wing nut extremist - not that all who watch his show are. I watch parts of hes show out of sheer amusement, just because he's a media clown. He's at best a reporter that angle every fact, and at worst a simple liar.

                        I tend to think that it's sad that he and Fox news have so many viewers, if, that's where people gain most of their information. I have equal respect for Fox News and O'Rilley as I have for Chinese and Iranian state TV news.

                        So no, I didn't say that you had the same ideas as O'Rilley.

                        I get astonished how my thoughts about the people I meet on the net and their views usually prove to be too inaccurate. I have more or less stopped trying to make any judgement on anyone I haven't met IRL (unless they are a public figure like O'Rilley and Obama etc).



                        PS; regarding the discussion that this don't belong here - I enjoy these discussions, and I feel that there is equally respect for everyone to have their opinion. Maybe put up a note that discussions here go craaaazzy
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                          That was good (and funny), Vinny. Got me loosened up here this morning.

                          Correct, right ... made me remember a gal I picked up for a few years in my barfly days, working the dart bars. She was quick with one-liners (a necessary survival tool in her ways of her world), and one was, "It may not be right, but it's correct." Now that one will drive ya nuts if you let it. And there's some truth in it at times. As there may be truth in its converse--it may not be correct, but it's right. What is politics about, being right, or being correct? Everyone wants to be correct by claiming they are right, or doing the right thing.

                          Claydoh's got a point about labeling, stereotyping. One has to be careful. OTOH, we can only go by what people say, how they act. I mean, if someone says they are against all taxes/increases, or they are against all federal spending for arts, education, food stamps, and social programs, I conclude that they are far right; not moderate right, but far right. And chances are that they are also pro-life, pro-NRA, etc. "Chances are," the probabilities are there, but not for certain. For convenience, we use a label such as "far right" to sum them up.

                          I'm quite "left," woody, by I never heard of alternate meanings of "tea bagging" (until googling it just now). Now YOU have over-generalized about liberals! Heck, honestly, I thought a tea partier was someone without a brain ...
                          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                            Overgeneralizing about liberals and the teabagging thing.

                            Since the "liberals" tend to watch "liberal" commentary and the term is use a lot,

                            AND, since there has been no outrage on the left that enlightented people like the liberal commentators would stoop to such a low...

                            then one must assume that the "liberals" who watch liberal commentators, they certainly do not watch conservative commentators, must then agree with the use of the term as a disparaging term, and this...

                            in a time when the Pres. said in no uncertain terms that he wanted to rise above all this name calling.

                            One "should" want, one would think, to rise to the lofty ideals of such a well wishing person, one would think.

                            just some thoughts.


                              Sounds like you guys need to chill out.


                                Actually, he's good. With, basically, one liners, and keeps you laughing for the 8 minutes. Following that clip are some more, e.g., Jim Carry & co.
                                An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

