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Tell Them Willie Boy is Here.

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    Tell Them Willie Boy is Here.

    This will be an "odd" post.

    The post was originally to be about "there really is a unique look" to the films made in the U.S. circa late 60s very early 70's in both the style of clothing/hair and also the particular coloration of the film.


    There is a theory of education that the only "real" education that "sticks in the mind" is.... "serendiptous".

    I mostly agree with that, but the problem is that it is not "quantifieable" with today's "standardized testing" etc. in the U.S. (We will PLEASE leave the merits or de-merits of U.S. eddication aside ...ok? )

    But, sequeing to serendipity.

    I thought I'd give a linky to the film at Wikipedia and ran across two rather fascinating sub-links.

    a) The "ghost shirt". Basically, that wearing it would make Willie impervious to gunfire. Sadly, it is typical of one person taking what another said and twisting it. The original idea, from the Wikipedia article, was derived from an early Mormon belief that some such shirt would "ward off" evil.

    That brings to mind, the Thibetans who fought against the Communists who took over Thibet, thinking that their training would also ward off bullets. And other like beliefs, going back to the Boxer Rebellion ( the Chineese did NOT want to be selling Opium to their people which the U.S.(and others) were forcing them to do. (and no....let us PLEEZE not get into that the lefties only want the people to have the option to do drugs). STAY FOCUSED!! lol

    b) GeoCaching, There is a fascinating link to the geocach for Willie Boy's REAL monument, and this to what was found in the cache. We, at our Elks, have a geocache with a very mundane prize in it. Also very hard to find, because of the "manner" in which it is hidden. And BTW the college also has a geocache.

    But.....anywho...... serendipitous learning ...


    PPS if there was an open source thingy for geocaching I would do it with my Android, but the only thing is a paid service, and I don't have the time to do it very much, so only generally did it when the coordinates were local.