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Samsung Galaxy S III: a smartphone designed by lawyers

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    Samsung Galaxy S III: a smartphone designed by lawyers

    Jerry, this oughtta get yer blood a-boilin'!

    I can tell just from the press shots, this thing is a Samsung lawyer's dream. I'm sure you must be thinking,"Hmm, that's a weird assumption to make." but don't worry, an explanation is forthcoming. We're going to take a trip, way, way back to the prehistoric times of April 18, 2011: The day Apple claimed ownership of the rectangle.


    So there you have it. A darn-near perfect explanation of the GSIII design. Sure, it's butt ugly, but it's also 100% (well maybe 90%) lawyer approved. An amorphous, unsymmetrical blob that doesn't come in black, with a non-permanent dock and non-square icons. There's no way Apple can add this design to their Samsung lawsuit.

    So Samsung, was it worth it? Your product won't sell as well, but you won't piss off one of your biggest component customers either. I understand the motivation, but I still feel like you've sold your soul.

    When Apple started patent trolling, they basically admitted they weren't going to win in an open market, and they decided to drag Samsung down with them. The crazy thing is, Samsung is letting them. They've ceded ownership of the rectangle and other common sense design traits to Apple, and did everything they could to bow down to their largest customer.

    The result? A phone designed by lawyers. What a scary precedent

    Good piece of journalism, but not much good as a piece of journalism.

    Apple clearly don't believe any such thing, as already Apple Seeks Ban on Samsung Galaxy S III, Note 10.1 - ABC News.
    I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


      I wonder if the "end" to this will be Google paying Apple a liscence fee? lol

      And this was enacted in California.......the very place that was so anti-microsoft is now the lap-dog of Apple.

      Of course, Apple can do no wrong.....they are so touchy feely....wouldn't do ANYthing to bother anyone....

      Any college prof that has an early MAC collecting dust under all of the other stuff in his or her office that collects dust will tell you so.

      While the IT people go merrily on their way with Windblows.

      I still think Samsung oughta go with my Calypso menu/interface! lol



        Of course, Samsung will have the last laugh. They own the LTE patents. How popular will an iPhone be if it isn't LTE? BTW, just like Apple can not be forced to cross license it's technology and designs to Samsung, neither can Samsung be forced to cross license to Apple.


          Wouldst thou care to expand upon the salient points of LTE to non-phone geeks like myself?


