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IDE - what do you prefer?

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    IDE - what do you prefer?

    Hello, with so many IDE's available for download and use for several computer languages I am interested in knowing what IDE you like to use (regardless of computer language) and why you use that particular IDE. Or are you a "hardcore" programmer and just use a text editor and compile your code using the CLI?

    I have just downloaded both Eclipse and Geany to use whilst I'm learning / studying how to write using Java. At the moment not sure which I will keep and which to remove, but I will be trying them both.

    Kdevelop might be of interest to you. I haven't used it extensively but like what I see. Geany is awesome you can't go wrong for quick edits ect... I doubt you'll find the need to remove it.


      Kdevelop with python plugin is unbeatable for python programming. Its that brilliant - smashes eclipse with pydev, destroys eric and the other 1000+ I have tried. I don't like gedit (kate is so much better) and I dislike Vim and Emacs but people swear by them.

      For java I've heard how incredible eclipse but I have little java experience so I can't fairly judge. For C++ kdevelop is king above all kings but qt creator is good even with no tabs. For quick bits of code I just stick to kate.

      Seriously, no matter the language give kdevelop a spin with an appropriate language plugin. This might require some compiling from source but its super easy. Best of luck...


        Really depends on what language and frameworks you are targeting. For Java Eclipse or Netbeans. If you are targeting Android then definitely Eclipse.

        C/C++ - KDevelop is very good, also QtCreator. QtCreator probably has the the edge for begginners using Qt, but KDevelop is definitely better for cmake based projects.


          I'm a Netbeans man myself. I use it for Java, C, and php. It's kind of a toss up between Netbeans and Eclipse. I like them both, but I do mostly php coding these days, and I think Netbeans has a slight edge there over Eclipse, so that's what I use. The one downside of Netbeans is that it does not have the vast amount of plugins that Eclipse does.


            I tend to flip between Kdevelop and Qt Creator for c/c++ development. For python and Java (when I have to use it), I tend to stick with plain old vim as I absolutely hate Eclipse and Netbeans and tend to only write simple short programs in python.


              QtCreator, beyond a doubt.
              I used MS VisualStudio C++ 6.0 with a Qt extension for a couple years before I got fed up with it and moved my source code to my Linux partition. There, using Kdbg and Kate, I was able to compile my homestead app, for example, in 3 to 5 minutes. It took MSVC 25 to 30 minutes. When I compiled in the Kate console window any compile errors would be listed. I could click on one and the source for that bug would appear in the editor, where I could quickly edit and recompile. I could debug the executable quickly using Kdbg. QtCreator gave me the integrated environment that MSVC had but with the speed that Kate and Kdbg had.

              There was only one problem. It was released AFTER I retired, and I got to use QtCreate only once to fix a problem they were having at work. It didn't take my replacement long to come up to speed in Qt using QtCreate. He was an eclipse man.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                Qtcreator and the Kate editor are the one I use.


                  Pretty much the same ... Eclipse for Java work; Kate for perl/bash/etc (or even joe!).

                  Sounds like I should try out QtCreator!
                  I'd rather be locked out than locked in.

