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True confessions of an iPhone developer.

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    True confessions of an iPhone developer.

    David Gewirts did not renew his iPhone developer contract. Now he spills the beans about iPhone apps.
    Frankly, Apple may claim it has more than 500,000 apps on the App Store, but the vast majority are garbage -- counterfeits, clones, and other trash Apple doesn't seem to be willing to lift a finger to clean up.

    In fact, here's my estimate. Given the 16 or so clones of my one DaysTo Christmas app, I'd guess that for every "real" app, there are something like 10-20 bad clones. Apple's 500,000 apps claim? My guess is there are probably less than 30,000 apps of anything resembling quality.
    After I was given an iPod 4th Gen for Xmas in 2010 I briefly considered writing apps for the iPod. Now, after reading this, I am glad I didn't.

    BTW, the Kubuntu repository has 59,497 free packages available for installation. The Kubuntu "app store" is the best deal on the planet!
    Last edited by GreyGeek; Aug 17, 2012, 11:17 AM.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

    Nothing in that sordid tale is really surprising. I don't know whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.

    But in the next sentence in this here post I'm typing, I'll mention an item that irritated me as I read the article. That item is the number of forward references ("coming up in a bit," "on the next page," etc.). Next, I reveal the number I counted. I counted nine. Finally, I'll ask you a question about such a writing style. Do you find it as irritating as I do?


      Yes... it was like the commercials that give a feature and then say, "Wait! There's more!"
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        Oh, Zdnet do that on purpose, it nets them an increase in page hit counts, instead of having one long page.


          My take on this article (with a newly cleaned and repaired Devil's Advocate hat firmly on my head):

          1) Apple has crummy developer support.

          2) A person who clones an app 39 times in a month then drops the ball is a "developer"?

          Other than that, a lot of this can be said about Android development, except he may have made much less money, depending on how much ads in apps pay. (Not many people will pay for such apps in Google Play.) The article is just link bait.


            Originally posted by claydoh View Post
            2) A person who clones an app 39 times in a month then drops the ball is a "developer"?
            This is an insightful comment. The entire article smells like an attempt at self-victimization.

