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    Whilst in New York City, I visited the Guggenheim.

    Ever since I sat in the "study hall" while in High School, and after finishing my studies, found the latest number of the New Yorker and read it, mainly for the cartoons, I must admit, I have appreciated Kandinsky.

    There was a review of the Guggenheim in the New Yorker and it basically panned the place because the "viewing distances" were "not correct".

    But they also had "art reviews" and I read them, along with reviews of Operas, etc. eschewing the politics etc.

    But, curiously, my mother, who had been moved to Chicago as a very small child, in the twenties, had told me about Kandinsky and how the schools had taken the students to the museums, etc., mainly because there was not much IN the schools! etc. .

    However, even at that small age, and later, reading magazines about "style" and "interior decoration" which discussed Kandinsky.... she had an awareness of how color affected people.

    A neighbor lady had newly painted their new house and the bedroom was all RED AND PINK.... lol....and she mentioned that she was always IRRITABLE...and my mother suggested changing to blues or greens and things were MUCHO BETTERO!! lol

    MMMMMMM HOW MANY of the modern "interior decoration" magazines discuss the prime movers such as Bauhaus, today?

    Anyway....whilst in Chicago during my navy days I dated a young lady who was studying Kandinsky with the idea of going into "art history" and so, whilst in Chicago, I became somewhat "immersed" in Kandinsky.

    And again.... my interior decorating, going back to the first house I had during my first teaching job, although I couldn't change the "paint on the walls", I did each of the rooms in a different "colour pallette" so as to be visually refreshed when moving from room to room, and still do so today. get back to Kandinsky and the Guggenheim.... I never knew, or I just forgot, that he published several books on his thories, and two original editions are on display at the Guggenheim...

    And, btw, the art critics were correct about the viewing distances, and also wrong, as critics usually are....

    The viewing distances are not "correct" for the normal big huge paintings that critics usually ooh and aaah over....

    But, it is absolutely great for "intimate viewing" of smaller paintings.

    I just LOVED the place!!

    But....again, back to Kandinsky.....

    One can download his Concerning the Spiritual in Art from project Gutenberg..

    So....after a somewhat long and rambling musing.....anyone else have comments on Kandinsky, fans?



    Big fan, need to get this in german!

    I love your posts, but i need some free time to translate them, rather interesting english you have


      English is interesting in that since we don't have a standards body like l'Académie Française or Academia Real, we Anglophones can do some interesting things with our language. We can freely borrow and modify words to fit new meanings almost at will.
      The unjust distribution of goods persists, creating a situation of social sin that cries out to Heaven and limits the possibilities of a fuller life for so many of our brothers. -- Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires (now Pope Francis)


        Thank you sumski!

        And bsn is quite correct!


