Ummmm not!
From the people who make millions getting a few minutes of fame from their dunderheaded idolizers, like Michael Moore.
To the lib elites who would never actually breath OUR air, or especially the air over FlyOver Country.
To the many Democratic Politicians.
To the lefty media, PBS, NPR, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, etc.
To the untold thousands of kool-aid drinking libs/dems who believe whatever the above tell them to believe...
They were ALL WRONG.
UK experts to help Iraq destroy chemical residues
BAGHDAD (AP) — Britain will help the Iraqi government dispose of what's left of deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons, still stored in two bunkers in north of Baghdad, the British embassy in Baghdad announced Monday.
The British Defense Ministry will start training Iraqi technical and medical workers this year, an embassy statement said. The teams will work to safely destroy remnants of munitions and chemical warfare agents left over from Saddam's regime. He was overthrown in 2003 following an American-led invasion.
Saddam stored the chemical weapons near population centers so that he could access them quickly, despite the danger to his civilian population.
Most of Iraq's chemical weapons were destroyed by military forces in 1991 during the first Gulf War or by U.N. inspectors after the fighting. The inspections halted just before the invasion.
yada yada yada can be read in the linky
Dollars to donuts that not one word of this is mentioned on:
etc. etc. etc. ad boredom.
The FindLaw Article, after the AP article:
I wouldn't want to provide a link to the article on Fox News or the forum would probably overheat.
From the people who make millions getting a few minutes of fame from their dunderheaded idolizers, like Michael Moore.
To the lib elites who would never actually breath OUR air, or especially the air over FlyOver Country.
To the many Democratic Politicians.
To the lefty media, PBS, NPR, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, etc.
To the untold thousands of kool-aid drinking libs/dems who believe whatever the above tell them to believe...
They were ALL WRONG.
UK experts to help Iraq destroy chemical residues
BAGHDAD (AP) — Britain will help the Iraqi government dispose of what's left of deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's chemical weapons, still stored in two bunkers in north of Baghdad, the British embassy in Baghdad announced Monday.
The British Defense Ministry will start training Iraqi technical and medical workers this year, an embassy statement said. The teams will work to safely destroy remnants of munitions and chemical warfare agents left over from Saddam's regime. He was overthrown in 2003 following an American-led invasion.
Saddam stored the chemical weapons near population centers so that he could access them quickly, despite the danger to his civilian population.
Most of Iraq's chemical weapons were destroyed by military forces in 1991 during the first Gulf War or by U.N. inspectors after the fighting. The inspections halted just before the invasion.
yada yada yada can be read in the linky
etc. etc. etc. ad boredom.
The FindLaw Article, after the AP article:
I wouldn't want to provide a link to the article on Fox News or the forum would probably overheat.