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The Onion hits it square on the head

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    Its not just in the US that this story is big news. Here in the UK it is all over the papers and news channels. I was watching one news channel ( yesterday when they showed live pictures of the court appearance of the occused. To me he looked like he was going to burst in to tears when he was listening to the Judge. I wonder if he fully appreciates what he has done (or more acurately what he has been charged with doing). In the US justice system, are you assumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law?


      Originally posted by GreyGeek View Post
      So, since owning or possessing a firearm is illegal in Britain, how long will it be before the 84 year old is charged with assault, or the victim sue him, as has happened in previous cases where home owners used force to defend themselves?
      Actually owning a firearm is not illegal here in the UK its just a lot harder to get one as we have one of the most strictest gun laws in the world. I think its only Norway that is stricter.


        @ nickstonefan -- Assuming he wasn't drugged (in court), he was faking it. If he's smart enough (as the cops say) to do the explosives, he is also smart enough to do the legal research and pre-plan his court defense and media management strategy (by incompetence, insanity, whatever).
        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


          Exactly, Qqmike. I fellow who is smart enough to be accepted into a PhD program is smart enough to do everything you suggest and more. His problem wasn't his brains, it was his ability to socialize with his classmates. His mother knew that and wasn't surprised when informed about what he had done. "You have the right person", she said. Like you, I suspect that he will play the role of the "Loon" as best he can.
          "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
          – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.



            I hope you can click this link.

            What do you think about this story?


              Originally posted by Qqmike View Post
              ...Assuming he wasn't drugged (in court), he was faking it.
              How the hell do you know if that guy was faking it?


                @ nickstonefan: "How the hell do you know if that guy was faking it?"

                You mean apart from the sense that he's some sort of slimy squirrel? At this point, let's chalk it up to an educated guess. You've heard the saying, "I may have been born yesterday, but NOT last night."?
                An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                  "You've heard the saying, "I may have been born yesterday, but NOT last night."?"

                  Actually no. the saying over here is "I wasn't born yesterday" - meaning don't take me for a fool.

                  Saw the profile of the suspect (remember he has not been found guilty yet) at

                  One statement reads that he had a part-time job at McDonalds. Working for that organisation would be enough to send anyone "loopy". If he did do it, must have wanted revenge on customers on they way they treated him.


                    Another interesting article



                      Originally posted by nickstonefan View Post

                      One statement reads that he had a part-time job at McDonalds. Working for that organisation would be enough to send anyone "loopy". If he did do it, must have wanted revenge on customers on they way they treated him.
                      Well then I would been the most "successful" mass murderer in history (too soon for levity maybe?? Aw, heck who cares)


                        Originally posted by nickstonefan View Post
                        ABC has a LONG history of slanting the news. In the early 1980's, as part of my business (computer consulting, criminal forensics and satellite dish setups) I set up Scientific Atlanta commercial 12' Satellite dishes and satellite dishes used in rural areas that were outside the reach of cable. The smaller dishes were usually 6 to 8 feet in diameter because the satellites were sending a maximum of 5 watt signals, or weaker as the devices aged. (Now they are 50 watts so the dishes can be much smaller.) I usually used ABC's news feed channel. I used a portable TV to adjust the antenna as I tuned it to point at Westar B, the satellite with the strongest and largest number of usable channels. It was also contained the feed channel on which the anchors, if they weren't in the same studio, talked back and forth to each other. As a news feed channel it was a live continuous feed, no talking heads, no commercial interruptions, and when it wasn't feeding it transmitted a test bar, which is what I usually used.

                        One day I heard "Hail to the Chief". I swung the TV set around and watched as Pres Reagan strode onto the stage at the NOW convention in New Orleans. He received over a 10 minute standing ovation. He spoke for about 15 minutes and laced his speech, as he often did, with jokes and humorous anecdotals. All but one of the dozen or so jokes got a good laugh from the audience. He was given another standing ovation, for over 5 minutes, when he left the stage. Then, Frank Reynolds and Max Robinson, on the feed, not the air, started discussing how to present Raegan's visit to Now. I was stunned at what they were planning. When the news broadcast came on their lead was "Raegon gets mixed reviews at NOW", and then they showed a video snippet of him giving the one joke that no one laughed at. That took, perhaps 20 seconds. Then they gave a minute and 45 seconds to Eleanor Smeal, head of NOW, who went on a rant about how Raegan was going to grab women by the hair and drag them back into the stone age, spittle flying out of her mouth. The impression they gave bore NO resemblance to what took place in New Orleans.

                        I had taken civics classes in college where the prof required we read from six different major news media (time, life, NYT, etc..) each week and give reports in class on the article we read. All during that class and all that reading I never once suspected that reporters would be lying. It started me on a life-long habit of reading the major news outlets. People using cable or over the air TV in the cities never saw the news feeds. They never saw how the "anchors" discussed how to SPIN the stories. But, those in the country did. They saw that the news feeds of CBS and NBC were doing the same slanting, and it was all to the Left. It took a couple years for the media to figure out why the rural areas became so hostile to them and then they encrypted the transmissions. Then decryption boxes became hot items for a year or two. Then talk radio took off. Now you know why most who live in rural areas and remember the satellite news feeds have a distrust for what they call the MNM.

                        That said, Holmes graduates with a Bachlors in a scientific discipline and for a year could not find a job. He ended up having to work at McDonalds, where a high school drop out can get a job, and he was probably ridiculed by those drop outs for being "stupid enough" to even go to college. Ignorance usually hates education. When he decided to return to school he apparently found that he had lost his edge, or that his social compatibility problems were still a problem. I suspect that he was mentally unstable most of his life, and the last year of his life was more than he could absorb.
                        "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
                        – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


                          Originally posted by Qqmike View Post
                          @ nickstonefan: "How the hell do you know if that guy was faking it?"

                          You mean apart from the sense that he's some sort of slimy squirrel? At this point, let's chalk it up to an educated guess. You've heard the saying, "I may have been born yesterday, but NOT last night."?
                          round hear the saying goes "I may have been born at night but it wernt last night "

                          "slimy squirrel" ......hay I like squirrels, but ya that bout sums it up .
                          and I say again crazy is as crazy dose and that boy is crazy and kneads old sparky .

                          i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                          16GB RAM
                          Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                            Vinny: "round hear the saying goes "I may have been born at night but it wernt last night "

                            I've also heard it that way.

                            This one: "I may have been born yesterday, but NOT last night."
                            is a response when someone implies/insults that you were born yesterday. :-)

                            Sparky -- THAT is funny, a good one.
                            An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                              "I mightuv been born at night, but the lights were on" ... common around Co(w)lumbus, Ahia, when I lived there in the 80s-90s.

