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DK Rises MTV site watch for U.S./U.K. warning

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    DK Rises MTV site watch for U.S./U.K. warning

    Looking back, every time that I have posted something like this, all the people who are soooooo much smarter than a little midwest bohunk like me have sneered and pooh poohed the old woodsmoker that "that kind of stuff will never happen"....

    Well, watch it and see the latest evidence of the razor wire fence that is being built around the U.S. strand by strand....

    and......the latest under the Obama administration......champion of freedom, advocate for openness and transparency...... sooo strident in its denunciation of every kind of "big bad biddness"....except ...... Sony, Warner Bros, any kind of film and media company al...

    One will see, if one is in the U.S......that a screen will overlay the site and it will say, at least it did for moi.....that.... are in the U.S. .....and unfortunately, you will not be able to see the "full content" that is available to people in the U.K.(and one presumes the rest of Europe).....

    yep..all those folks that are soooooo smaaarrt.....yuk it up.... and sneer all you the razor wire fence is built..... one strand at a time:


    This isn't (to the best of my limited knowledge) instigated here in the U.S., rather, in this instance, it's the U.K. that is putting up the block to 'outsiders'.
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      I agree was "instigated" by MTV in Britain.

      Ok, then why?

      The message is that "some content will not be displayed" or some such.

      Ok, what is the content?

      And why is that content "not to be shown to the U.S."?

      Is it vulgarity? If so then why was the warning not some such as "certain language or images may be offensive"?

      Is it a "file type" such as a video using a certain codec that is not allowed in the U.S.?

      Inquiring minds want to know.

      The obvious interpretation, given sans other information, is that something is going on in the U.S. that will not allow something "in" or that something is going on in Britain which Britain "is not allowed to show the U.S.".

      In either case, if the problem was "vulgarity" or "frontal nudity" then one would think that such would have been said.

      Since "MTV" is "a corporation" one would think that the people in Britain and the U.S. would have at least sent an e-mail back and forth....but since MTV is a corporation that want's to INCREASE it's income then it would probably want to have the "EXTRA" stuff that is in the British version shown in the U.S. so as to increase market share/income in the U.S..

      As it stands, the "thing" or "stuff" or whatever, is not being "shown/used" in the U.S. which "probably" decreases income in the U.S. ....

      again.....why/what? Is it vulgarity? Is it "wardrobe malfunction"? Or is it a "file type" that copyright law in the U.S. will not allow to be showed in the U.S.?

      A "fence" does not just keeps things out. A physical fence such as barbed wire keeps things "in" and things "out". However, this is a digital fence.

      Which is cheaper for the corporations in the U.S. that use copyright law as a bludgeon?

      Is it cheaper to "probe each incoming thing" and then put a firewall up to stop it, or is it cheaper to keep the offending item from ever being transmiteed? The latter is surely the cheaper case.

      So, it is really irrelevant as to "which side" "did it". There is some "thing", a wardrobe malfunction, some kind of "content", or a "file type such as a codec" which the economic powers that be such as Sony et. al, or Microsoft et. al, does not want "in" the U.S. .....and this under an administration which ballyhoos openness, and freedom and being for "the little guy"....

      Last edited by woodsmoke; Jul 19, 2012, 11:45 AM.


        It isn't just the U.S. that is 'barred' from seeing the content 'available to U.K. residents'; it's all non-U.K. connections that are being screened. Why? Ask the British Parliament.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          it's all non-U.K. connections that are being screened. Why? Ask the British Parliament.
          soooo I is that the DK outfit in the British version has red lipstick around the embossed nipple! right?

          I don't think so considering what is on you tube alone and the ubiquitous adverts that "skirt" very close to porno.

          So.... hmmmm

          Is there a reference to the Queen that the Brits don't want the world to see?

          or is it a "media file type?" Is it a "codec"? Is it something that Sony et. al do not want used in the U.S.?

          OMG.....the 'rest of the world!"....hmmmm I just wonder if there is a "U.N. protocol" that is going to be forced on the world "for the good of all those stooopid sheeple", that really just shouldn't be allowed to get anything that is "good" or "free" must be paid for...

          And, if anyone has an explanation which is benign I am the first who will retract all of my statements as to the Machiavellian shenanigans of government and big media and apologize most humbly.
          Last edited by woodsmoke; Jul 19, 2012, 11:53 AM.


            I'm afraid you guys are looking for the wrong reason some content is not available to you.
            When I access the site from my home country I get a similar statement including the suggestion that the Dutch site will give the fuller experience.
            The reason is simple, the owners of the content get only paid by MTV for consumers in the country where the site is registered, in this case the UK.
            So MTV-UK can't/ won't afford paying royalties for bloody foreigners!

            Blame the RIAA/MAFIAA etc.



              Blame the RIAA/MAFIAA etc.
              that is precisely why the owner of SOMA-FM testified on Capitol Hill, because the RIAA wanted "royalties".... and why SOMA fm is now the ONLY IN U.S. radio station.

              Shoutcast is owned by AOL/Nullsoft.... a corporation....Shoutcast decides who will be played and who will NOT be played.

              When AOL/Nullsoft/ get sufficiently desperate for filthy luchre......

              they will go back to the RIAA and get SOMA FM , AND ANY OTHER RADIO STATION IN THE U.S. shut down that does not pay the FULL demurrage demanded by the RIAA.

     SOMA FM, or ANY other independent internet radio station in the U.S.

              and this under




                I think its just a licensing issue. MTV UK can only be broadcast in the UK. Over here in the UK everyone who has TV equipment has to pay for a TV licence. I heard recently of Brits living in other parts of the world coudn't watch british programmes online simply because they are out of the country and not paying the licence fee. I also discovered that there is a way around that by connecting through a VPN to watch british programmes online through services like

                So Woodsmoke, if you really want to watch MTV UK online connect through a VPN.



                  If what you posted is correct, and I have absolutely no reason to doubt you then I owe an apology to the RIAA, U.S. copyright people etc. as I mentioned I would in an earlier post.

                  I guess that is just the old paranoiac in me! lol.

                  thanks for the information!



                    Come on Woodsmoke, admit you were just annoyed the naughty bits were seemingly reserved for the Brits


                      Originally posted by Teunis View Post
                      Come on Woodsmoke, admit you were just annoyed the naughty bits were seemingly reserved for the Brits
                      We Americans are too delicate to see boobies on TV. Just ask Janet Jackson...

                      Please Read Me


                        naughty bits reserved for Brits!

                        A poet who possibly didn't know it,

                        But his shoes might show it! lol

                        If they are LongFellows! lol


