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Snow White & the Huntsman.

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    Snow White & the Huntsman.

    I saw the movie a coupla days ago thinking that it was probably going to be a very well done "sword and sorcery" and that I would enjoy it, but, still, do we need "yet again" another sword and sorcery movie....

    well......was I surprised.

    A) great soundtrack, well worth paying full freight.
    B) Stunning but not "over the top" visuals. Really. Exactly right.

    I think that most readers in the dank dungeons of Kubuntu forums have probably seen the Lord of the Rings or read the books, but....

    en fine, to sum up LOTR. "ultimate good" beats "ultimate evil" in a vaguely Elder Edda world.

    C redeux........welllll.......

    Snow White about a third of the way through the movie is in DIRE STRAITS...(no NOT the band! lol ) .... imprisoned etc. all that stuff when.....

    i) she prays the Lord's Prayer......en toto.... as if it was something she did on a dialy basis....

    At the END of the film...

    ii) at the near end of the film, she says VERY DISCTINCTLY.... "I can defeat her!".....the evil step mother witch.
    iii) at the very end in the last scene..... Snow White has won. She, and the rest of the people are in a "vaguely" cathedral-like, castle-like, computer generated "building".....
    She is standing in the midst of some mucky mucks and the rest of the people are lined in the building before her.
    She receives the "sword" with which she defeated the evil witch and accepts being their queen.

    Now, here is the stunning part.

    In a relative close-up, showing about 6 or 8 people crowded around her, she in the middle holding the sword....


    iv) behind her one row, and to the left and right are two DISTINCTIVE...."red cap" Catholic bishops, with the "old" red cap.
    v) BESIDE the left and right are two men.....who can only be described as "Eastern Orthodox priests"......

    The camera pans back back back to the door you see the whole gathered, in lines which are normally associated with "kings" , but also, visually, is what the original Catholic cathedrals would have people arranged in....(this visual is open to interpretation to both views)...

    And......the huntsman, which a few minutes earlier, was seen moving across scene BEHIND the gathered throng and "as if heading for the door"...

    The huntsman is nowhere to be seen.

    In other words
    a) a woman defeated the "old beliefs", magic, etc. etc. with a sword- NOT WITH MAGIC.
    b) a woman who prayed the Lords Prayer, defeated "the old beliefs". The Lords Prayer can be viewed historically as 2000 years old or the main, "mainstay" of the modern "Protestant" church.
    c) a woman who evidently approves of, and is approved by, both the "early" Catholic church and the early "Eastern Orthodox church.... defeated the old beliefs.

    A rather curious set of subliminal, and not subliminal messages in a supposed sword and sorcery film.

    Last edited by woodsmoke; Jul 15, 2012, 12:43 PM.