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The Book of Ultimate Truth

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    The Book of Ultimate Truth

    It is a thick book, made of many smaller books.
    It is usually covered at least in "leatherette" but often in leather and sometimes in paperback.
    It often has the name of the owner written or embossed in gold.
    In some versions it has "thumb holes" to facilitate the finding of a particular section.
    It often has a cloth ribbon by which one may hold one's place to return to a particular page.
    It was collated by many authors and editors ever many generations.
    It contains the wisdom going back thousands of years.
    It has been translated into almost every language in the world.
    It has been sold or made available in almost every country in the world.
    It has now been translated into digital versions.
    For the seeker of truth this is the only book.

    LOL ....and I thought it was going to be the Bible .

    i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
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      I won the 43nd edition for having the highest class average in freshman inorganic chemistry, in 1961.
      Still have it, still use it, but it's not as truthful as the newer editions are.
      "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
      – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


        vinny! lol

        GG, I still have mine 47th edition, I'm just a YOUNG whippersnapper! lol ...although I am not nearly as smart as you and had to PURCHASE mine! lol



          Oy! What are you people smoking? Has KFN become a killer cult? Are you talking about batman?


            no we are discussing GGs number of Karate belts! and ooooohhhh the last few are really raunchy! lol


