So I recently got a VPS to play around with, and run a minetest server. So, I logged into the VPS CP, the first OS choice is CentOS 5.6- so I try it out. After connecting with SSH to the VPS, I try compiling a few things- it's too for most of my software-- and it turns out to be 5.5, not 5.6
I go back to my CP, at the bottom of the list; I see Ubuntu64. Turns out it is 10.10, why on earth would they be keeping an old non-LTS version of ubuntu on?
BTW-- Even their old ubuntu is better than ancient CentOS 5.5
I go back to my CP, at the bottom of the list; I see Ubuntu64. Turns out it is 10.10, why on earth would they be keeping an old non-LTS version of ubuntu on?
Hello Josh,
We've been planning on updating to the latest LTS for the next rollout, however I'll go ahead and see if we can get it setup for you any sooner.
Kind Regards,
William Chambers
We've been planning on updating to the latest LTS for the next rollout, however I'll go ahead and see if we can get it setup for you any sooner.
Kind Regards,
William Chambers
BTW-- Even their old ubuntu is better than ancient CentOS 5.5
Operating System Ubuntu 64 IPv4 Address 1 IPv6 Address 0 Node Minecraft - Paris 52 Bandwidth 400 GB Disk Space 20 GB Memory 1.45 GB Virtualization Type (OpenVZ) Burst RAM 2.2 GB