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Dragnet T.V. show and "world unrest".

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    Dragnet T.V. show and "world unrest".

    I know this will be WAAAAYYY "out there" but it has been on my little feeble mind for some time.

    To set the context, I have the DVDs for just about every t.v. series that there was from the sixties and seventies in the U.S.

    Watching Dragnet,.......

    In HOT Los Angeles.....

    All those SHAPELESS .....and HEAVY and HOT

    Now, the big idea is that if the clothing did not seem "in context" to the viewers, then probably a "willing suspension of disbelief" would not have been created and the show would not have been as popular.

    And, also, given that they were filming under hot lights...

    But, even outside, Cannon, and people on Hawaii 5-0 SWEAT........ I mean it is running down their faces....

    We, in the U.S. and probably at least "some or most" of "Europe" can't even imagine that nowadays.... I mean almost ALL of the whole of the population of the U.S. have access in one way or another to air conditioning. the heat of the summer there are always reports on t.v. of "some" people who have heat stress etc. and also even some people who die....but what.... a few hundred people of MILLIONS? that do NOT die from heat stress or get sick from it?.... of the "rest of the world"....especially "in the Middle East" or "Indonesia".....

    President Obama is using a very "cool" predator drone fleet to kill people who are SWEATING and can do little but rail their fists against the air...... death by surgical strike and approved by the political "cover" team before it is done....and then they go off to play golf or pick up basketball....

    At least Pres. Bush used a chain saw to clear brush on the "Texas Whitehouse".....he had at least some small inkling of what it means to "sweat" as a daily occurence, as opposed to "pickup basketball"...

    Rather like Teddy Roosvelt and Rasuli..... Rasuli could "relate" to Roosvelt....Roosvelt went HUNTING...and could shoot a rifle...

    Pres. Bush, with that parachute harness, causing certain private parts to "bulge".... strode across an aircraft carrier deck after having piloted it to a landing.....

    And a lefty hard news reporter called him a MONKEY....and there ware NO repurcussions....

    At least Bin Laden could RELATE to Bush..... they both knew sweat..... they both knew what it was to be in imminent peril of one's life....

    But.... a cool President....sitting in an air conditioned Oval Office..... decides who is tactically, and politically correctly (as reported by the New Yawk Times) is going to die.... by television and joystick....and then is going to play golf.

    ..... While the targets sit in the heat....sweating.....and wait...

    And the lamestream media who wanted to impeach Bush for waterboarding three people says NOTHING and is actually APPROVING.... the KILLING....

    somewhat more extreme than would think......

    What MUST it be like for "people over there"...... who cannot even THINK....even in some small way in air conditioned comfort all their lives....

    They must truly rail their fists when watching CSI Miami..... I mean ...... the women in spike heels running an air conditioned hotel lobby with guns pointed at the bad guys....

    cool situation rooms....a cool Oval Office.....

    drones controlled by people in the middle of a cool underground bunker..... drinking a nice iced latte.....

    and pushing a button....

    while the targets....... sit, and wait.....and sweat......

    Rather like Joe Friday, Cannon, and McGarret....

    Last edited by woodsmoke; Jun 02, 2012, 11:43 PM.

    The development Air Conditioning is was an important factor that is often overlooked. Would major cities such as Las Vegas, Miami, Houston, Atlanta, Phoenix, etc exist in their present form without it? I was born and raised in the deep south, Mississippi before Air Conditioning was common. I have spent significant time in other parts of the world that were very hot and humid, Vietnam and Panama. Yes, I sweated a lot. One of the reasons I love living here in Colorado.


      lol Detonate...

      A couple of decades ago the Mother Earth News had an article on a super energy efficient house built in the Colorado "mountains" that was kind of "triangular" in shape, all glass on the front and the second < physical . floor was actually physically separated from the walls by a foot or so that there was one hundred percent natural convection air flow.

      They heated the house by putting a cup of water in a microwave to make coffee! lol

      Kinda outa my price range.. ..have you heard of it.? Or maybe it was another state, too long ago and too many rum 'n cokes!



        As for air conditioning ...
        so long to the front porch ...
        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

