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My ides for future Kubuntu releases

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    Originally posted by dancingmadrb3 View Post
    Now I may be a new user here, but I have used linux for some time now and Kubuntu has always been sort of a last resort distro for me as it never lived up to the splendor that its cousin attracts so now that canonical is no longer supporting Kubuntu I think its time for this distrbution to soar higher then its counterpart and here is what I suggest:

    First: Make the system stand out.
    Seriously Kubuntu's defaults are dull, dreary, and bland and the same thing as the KDE default.

    Second: Provide an installer for google chrome instead of firefox
    Now that Adobe has dumped us like garbage the only way to get flash in the future right now is chrome, now I am not saying to install it by default but there should be a link/button whatever to the google chrome download page along with some instructions.
    This is for more for new users here, not for those of us who hate googles guts or anything but face the fact that adobe is a bigger enemy to us then google ever will be.

    Third: Ditch KDM login manager for lightDM
    I know this is an integration thing and will add more to the image but the default KDM never worked for me, I used to replace it with GDM when GDM was actually you know... semi decent but with it being locked down like everything else in Gnome 3 LightDM is a better alternative overall.
    I really like lightDM, sure it will clash a little with KDE but I feel it works better, sorry.
    1: I disagree, to be a more appealing distro 'across the board', a gentle easy on the eyes approach is the best way to go in my opinion, this is a 'grown-ups' distro, if you want garish and bizarre, I am sure there is a distro out there for you.

    2: I hate Chrome, SPYWARE! Google has turned in to another Microsnoop, sniffing your digital underwear. User backlash will eventually fix this or even drive developers to create an open source 'flash'.

    3: I have no problem whatsoever with KDM, again, if you have severely aging hardware, may I suggest Puppy or some other 'micro' distro that would more suit your needs?


      Originally posted by tek_heretik View Post
      1: I disagree, to be a more appealing distro 'across the board', a gentle easy on the eyes approach is the best way to go in my opinion, this is a 'grown-ups' distro, if you want garish and bizarre, I am sure there is a distro out there for you.

      2: I hate Chrome, SPYWARE! Google has turned in to another Microsnoop, sniffing your digital underwear. User backlash will eventually fix this or even drive developers to create an open source 'flash'.

      3: I have no problem whatsoever with KDM, again, if you have severely aging hardware, may I suggest Puppy or some other 'micro' distro that would more suit your needs?
      1. Would you call Mint, Ubuntu, SUSE, Mandriva/Mageia garish and bizarre for paying attention to how they look? A 19. century Russian soldier had that "gentle ease on the eyes" too.

      Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.


        Originally posted by tek_heretik View Post
        1: I disagree, to be a more appealing distro 'across the board', a gentle easy on the eyes approach is the best way to go in my opinion, this is a 'grown-ups' distro, if you want garish and bizarre, I am sure there is a distro out there for you.
        Open Suse is hardly garish and bizarre and its actually very grown up, the lizard is just a mascot.
        Mint is the most popular linux distribution overall now and its slowly maturing in its own right
        Mandriva is one of the cornerstone pioneers of linux, while the company itself is in dire straights the distribution itself has always been attractive to new users in the past before Ubuntu came around.

        2: I hate Chrome, SPYWARE! Google has turned in to another Microsnoop, sniffing your digital underwear. User backlash will eventually fix this or even drive developers to create an open source 'flash'.
        There are several open source alternatives to flash, however NONE of them can fill in the gap left by adobe as both are very buggy right now and I would not recommend them to new users, I rather new users get chrome then to rely on unstable or unreliable alternatives or wait until pepper is supported on the other browsers.
        I am thinking about new users here, not the hardcore linux diehard.

        3: I have no problem whatsoever with KDM, again, if you have severely aging hardware, may I suggest Puppy or some other 'micro' distro that would more suit your needs?
        No, again my complains with KDM are from more of a aesthetic point of view.
        My hardware is still pretty new thank you, barely a year old now.
        Last edited by dancingmadrb3; May 13, 2012, 05:03 AM.


          I want to apologize for coming off as heavy handed, it's not my place to criticize suggestions, I am not part of the Kubuntu layout or code writing team. As for me, I am enjoying the fruits of others' unpaid labour and appreciate it, generally, if I don't like something, I change it myself or find a more suitable distro, but that's just me. ;-)
          Last edited by tek_heretik; May 13, 2012, 11:32 AM. Reason: Don't know how to delete a post yet


            And btw dancingmadrb3, it's spelled IDEAS, not ides, that is from ancient times to describe the middle of a month...


              Likewise, I appreciate very much the fruits of others' unpaid labour.

              KUDOS TO DEVS!!!

              But as we've been informed from a different post, the team(or was it the new sposor?) has the ambition to move Kubuntu among the top 10 of DistroWatch. I think that looks are important part of this worthy endeavour but then again, that's just me.

              Regarding recent happenings, maybe, there was not enough time to address such fine details.
              Last edited by rms; May 13, 2012, 12:10 PM.
              Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.


                Originally posted by tek_heretik View Post
                I want to apologize for coming off as heavy handed, it's not my place to criticize suggestions, I am not part of the Kubuntu layout or code writing team. As for me, I am enjoying the fruits of others' unpaid labour and appreciate it, generally, if I don't like something, I change it myself or find a more suitable distro, but that's just me. ;-)
                Thank you. Your understanding is very much appreciated.
                Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                  Originally posted by tek_heretik View Post
                  And btw dancingmadrb3, it's spelled IDEAS, not ides, that is from ancient times to describe the middle of a month...
                  It was a typo.


                    I just wish it were possible, at all, to easily print out the file structure of say.... a file of documents that would show the titles, etc.


