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learn from history or repeat it's mistakes

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    learn from history or repeat it's mistakes

    Sad, sad, sad.

    Whilst working on final examinations I've been watching Turner Classic Movies. They have a series of "spy" movies in the entre' act between The War to End All Wars and the second one.

    The same countries, the same groups with the exception of the Nazies, the same "actions", the same "ignoring what is happening in front of you", the same "apologists", the same "deniers" the same economics, all of it... that is going on now was going on then.

    I mean if it was in a movie and a willing suspension of disblief could be generated in most of the viewers then it had to have at least some small semblance of truth.

    And the same philosophical/political group in the U.S. now that denies anything is wrong now is the same group that denied it then.

    Much to the sorrow of many, many millions dead.

    But, what the heck, they were/are just so many blobs of useless flesh to reduce the surplus population in the true Malthusian/Eugenics/Scrooge tradition so that the people who are smarter than the rest of us can get on with their lives without being "burdened" by us.




    I couldn't agree more, only this has gone on for centuries instead of just decades. I've just finished reading "A Peoples History of the United States" by Howard Zinn and everything happening today seems just like the lead in to the revolution, which seems just like the lead in to the Civil War, which seems just like the lead in to the Spanish American War, ect ad nauseum. I've also begun reading Tuckmans "The Guns of August" and the politics and social comentary seem all too familiar. Was it Goethe who said "He who does not remember history is destined to repeat it"?

    Last edited by capt-zero; May 10, 2012, 10:34 PM. Reason: speeling


      good post capt-zero


