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we do not live in a Windows centric world anymore, and kubuntu should adapt

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    Originally posted by dequire View Post
    Jerry Jerry Jerry....that sounds so...unflattering! It's also a way of life, after all. A philosophy, if you will. If it was just an "operating system" we would just use the Winblows XP, Vista, 7,8...whatever came with our system...your answer kind of surprises me
    Maybe that is the state incurred by watching the hypnotic default Precise wallpaper. Presumably, the state starts by being mildly drowsy... then it slowly advances to the ultimate phase of Buddhahood - total detachment.
    Last edited by rms; May 09, 2012, 10:02 AM.
    Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.


      Originally posted by rms View Post
      Maybe that is the state incurred by watching the hypnotic default Precise wallpaper. Presumably, the state starts by being mildly drowsy... then it slowly advances to the ultimate phase of Buddhahood - total detachment.
      lol good point! I've never been so under-whelmed with a KDE releases' defaults. Lubuntu or Xubuntu, sure, but not the poster-child of Linux bling-goodness. Lot's of talk about this around the 'Net in various Kubuntu reviews. For example:
      ​"Keep it between the ditches"
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        Originally posted by Dodoimedo
        Then, it boots into a desktop with a rather bland wallpaper, feeling rejected like an orphan just told a piece of really bad news. Like that scene in The Meaning of Life, where John Cleese tells a choir boy: Oh, Jenkins, apparently your mother died this morning. That sort of thing.
        Sorry, I can't shake off or not share this impression too.
        Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.


          I'm a little late, but I must add to this discussion.

          My main desktop is a Fall '09 iMac, my 2nd desktop is runs kubuntu. My mom uses a spring '08 MacMini, I recently replaced my Spring '08 MacBook with a GazelleProfessional,My dad uses an iPod (5.5g, not touch), I recently replaced my iTouch 3G with a samsung galaxy player 4.

          All the computers are networked: I use GMX mail, gMail, & MS Exchange mail through imap. I use SMB & SFTP for file sharring. I also have a dropbox account that I use. I use SSH and VNC. My mac and my lappy have VM's that run Win7. I use sync with google calander & the google address book.
          Registered Linux User 545823


            I began this thread and now I feel like commenting a bit on its meandering and possibly also get back to that which was my point.
            Microsoft was the evil empire that broke standards and behaved as if nobody else mattered; we hated them and we loved Apple who adopted standards and was true to them. Then the little guy grew and started behaving like an evil empire - more charming and better designed, but an evil empire nonetheless. That matters not. We may discuss it but is is beyond our capabilities to influence it.
            I run a plant molecular biology lab, and we use Mac's. I am alone in also using Linux (for particular bioinformatics jobs). My colleagues are not pedestrian computer users. They use sophisticated scientific software and we buy hardware in the higher end of the mac spectrum to do the lifting. But these rather sophisticated computer users do not know what SMB and SFTP are and they strongly resist learning anything of the kind. From their point of view it would be a digression; something that would lower their productivity.
            Assume for the sake of argument that the Mac would develop into a kind of iPad with a mouse; a piece of consumer electronics less suited for our work (Microsoft would follow suit and have their desktop systems be a Windows 8 phone-like computer). So we could move to Linux, right?! My point was and is, that no we could not because networking does not work out of the box so that the Linux computers would integrate seamlessly in the computer environment. The two evil empires will do as they please. If kubuntu shall become a more mainstream OS and not a niche OS then this integration is important. Bonjour works already, I believe. Netatalk has the functionality for one-way afp but is not understood by Dolphin. afpfs-ng worked in the other direction with earlier versions of ubuntu, but for all practical purposes not anymore. So it appears that Apple's secretive behavior is not the issue - the info is available if a programmer of sufficient physique (I know this is not trivial) would pick up the problem. Giving it priority is the issue.


              Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
              Jerry, Jerry, Jerry... Linux is the kernel. Add utilities and a DE and you get a distro.

              Back to Linux 101 for you!
              Now you understand why I retired. I dare not tilt my head. I can't afford to lose any more gray matter.
              "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
              – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

