So I jumped onto #kubuntu tonight because I was tasked to recovering private data on a kubuntu laptop with an encrypted harddrive without a passcode.
It took a few hours, but SteveRiley spent the entire time wiht me and patiently helped me chroot into the drive, recover the key, mount the drive, and copy the files over.
Kubuntu is freshly installed on that laptop and the data is copied back onto the laptop. Everything is sweet and fast.
Just wanted to shoutout to Steve and express my gratitude. While I've been a linux user almost exclusively since 1998, there are things I don't do every day. And as such, my knowledge goes by the wayside. In many ways, I'm a permanoob.
So, thanks again Steve.
Became a member, as you can see.
It took a few hours, but SteveRiley spent the entire time wiht me and patiently helped me chroot into the drive, recover the key, mount the drive, and copy the files over.
Kubuntu is freshly installed on that laptop and the data is copied back onto the laptop. Everything is sweet and fast.
Just wanted to shoutout to Steve and express my gratitude. While I've been a linux user almost exclusively since 1998, there are things I don't do every day. And as such, my knowledge goes by the wayside. In many ways, I'm a permanoob.
So, thanks again Steve.
Became a member, as you can see.