I applaud Blue Systems taking Kubuntu and KDE "under its wing".
However, the comment to "put Kubuntu in the top ten of DW" holds in it the implication that the present users can somehow walk across the street and get somebody to suddenly use Kubuntu.
Let me give the analog to this from my own work experience.
After I "first" retired from teaching, , I thought I would go take up with working in a "lumber company" again, like I did as a younger guy.
Whereas before I worked as a truck driver etc. this time I worked in inventory control and front counter sales.
Every once in a while a "boss" from "corporate" would come by and yell at everybody that we needed to "sell more of item "x"" Dag Nabit! and I mean NOW sell more of "x" NOW!"
And then the guy would storm off in a huff to the next store.
The problem was that lumber is not a "point of sale" (POS) item. In other words, if somebody is buying 2 x 6s ten foot it is kind of hard to get them to buy five 1 x 4s eight foot.
One cannot really walk out in the middle of the road and hail down an approaching car, drag them in and make them buy some 1 x 4s eight foot long.
A) So, what is the average "user" to do to "get Kubuntu into the top ten" of DW?
B) Now, the suggestion to make it the "best" KDE distro is more workable.
However, even that one can't just "be done"....
It would seem to require that "people" develop a set of goals to which "most" of the users can agree and then work toward that.
But, what is meant by "work"?
I will not attempt to speak to that.....BUT...I would mention that there has been a distinct silence following my request to the "users" to do the very simple thing of providing text for a Kubuntu widget that explains how to do things.
So.... I leave the items A and B hanging....
However, the comment to "put Kubuntu in the top ten of DW" holds in it the implication that the present users can somehow walk across the street and get somebody to suddenly use Kubuntu.
Let me give the analog to this from my own work experience.
After I "first" retired from teaching, , I thought I would go take up with working in a "lumber company" again, like I did as a younger guy.
Whereas before I worked as a truck driver etc. this time I worked in inventory control and front counter sales.
Every once in a while a "boss" from "corporate" would come by and yell at everybody that we needed to "sell more of item "x"" Dag Nabit! and I mean NOW sell more of "x" NOW!"
And then the guy would storm off in a huff to the next store.
The problem was that lumber is not a "point of sale" (POS) item. In other words, if somebody is buying 2 x 6s ten foot it is kind of hard to get them to buy five 1 x 4s eight foot.
One cannot really walk out in the middle of the road and hail down an approaching car, drag them in and make them buy some 1 x 4s eight foot long.
A) So, what is the average "user" to do to "get Kubuntu into the top ten" of DW?
B) Now, the suggestion to make it the "best" KDE distro is more workable.
However, even that one can't just "be done"....
It would seem to require that "people" develop a set of goals to which "most" of the users can agree and then work toward that.
But, what is meant by "work"?
I will not attempt to speak to that.....BUT...I would mention that there has been a distinct silence following my request to the "users" to do the very simple thing of providing text for a Kubuntu widget that explains how to do things.
So.... I leave the items A and B hanging....