by that I mean I guess I have always been a huge KDE fan, used Gnome for a while but found it too simple and a lack of functionality. KDE is so much prettier too, that's if you have decent hardware, lol. Anyway, I am all giddy I have a shiny new install of Kubuntu 12.04 LTS on my machine (Intel quad core2, 8GBs Kingston Hyper X, 4 drive Raid 0, decent nVidia card, etc), thank God for the 5 year support, I am so tired of installing and trying different distros. There was no way I was going back to Windows (XP Home was my last and FINAL Windows), used Mint for the past year until I found this version of Kubuntu, very nice, wasn't impressed with past versions, this one is definitely world class. My only pet peeve, and it's a small one but truly annoying, when you use the Muon Software Center, install something, the program sends you back to the software list (or back to the main menu) but at the beginning again, so if you don't remember where you were at in the list, you have to scroll down again and guess where you were, this is a horrible design, probably to hide the fact the list needs refreshing to show the just installed software blue check mark. 12.04 is pretty, stable and responsive, used Netrunner for a few months, the GUI was choppy and stuttering half the time, breifly fixed by forcing "Prefer Maximum Performance" (see Powermizer in nVidia X Server Settings) by editing the xorg.conf file. Then again I have shut off some of the eye-candy, hate fading and sliding desktops, prefer the good ol' cube, lol.
