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    Ok, been putting this off, mostly as I really don't have much interesting to put down here

    Here goes:

    I am 45, born in Anchorage Alaska, actually at Elmendorf Air Force Base. Being a military brat I traveled around a lot, including 18 months on the island of Menorca in the Mediterranean around the time I was 14.

    I went to a total of 11 different schools, not counting home-study when I was overseas, and including short-term stints while waiting for military housing to become available.

    I moved to Maine in 1983, my mother having moved back home after my parents divorced.

    Having grown up on the road, I decided to stay put . Over a 29 year span I graduated high school, eventually went to tech school, got married, settled on a bad career choice, had some good times and bad, culminating on my wife ditching me after almost 22 years. I have no kids but have had many dogs and a few cats along the way.

    I live in another state now, having no real family left up north. I have almost literally started over. I have at the moment a near-minimum wage job and am usually broke, but I do have a job that I do not hate

    Now as to what I like, beliefs, etc:
    I got into F/OSS the back way. I used to be warez hound, running the occasional FTP server announced over usenet, got into a group of people there who liked to give back the things they learned to newbies. Free (as in beer) stuff was obviously rampant, so the news about BeOS having a free version of that operating system did stir a buzz. I found I loved the stability and speed of it, almost took that OS as my main one until I discovered a "free" Mandrake cd in a magazine. Better hardware support and more applications despite the hard work sometimes won out over BeOS.

    After mandrake 7.1 or maybe 7.2 was such a disaster for me, I discovered a few easy-to-use distros, and fell in love with Lycoris. It became my mian OS, and I went windows-free in February of 2002. I stayed there (with many dual/triple/quad boot setups) until Lycoris folded into Mandriva and melted away. I heard about this new Ubuntu thing, and was concerned about the Borg-ness of it all. Being very KDE centic early on, I could not use Gnome for very long before giving up on it anyway, so hearing about this new spin on Ubuntu with a goofy and silly name did perk my interest. I was sold on it after my first livecd, been here ever since

    As to me personally, I like pizza, who doesn't. But I will eat anything on one, even anchovies, I have no preference on toppings

    I am a hardcore agnostic, which basically means I am about 90% atheist, while the other 10% doesn't believe in worshiping a deity.

    Politics are harder to quantify, especially in an international sense. I am neither US-conservative nor US-liberal, and I do hate the black/white yes/no this/that coin things are. Theoretically, I can be considered a Libertarian, but in the real world things can't work that way, at least not on a large scale in large-ish population. I often get peeved when international stats compare things in the US to other individual countries that are far far smaller in population than ours. Not necessarily that there is a better way to compare, but to me it is like comparing California to Maine or Alabama in a lot of ways.

    Things I want to do:
    1. Go back to school to learn something useful (and hopefully enjoyable).
    2. Get divorced, so that I can eventually....
    3. Move to a small town relatively near Canberra, Australia


      Originally posted by woodsmoke View Post
      Well, in terms of actually "doing" it, that would mean.....dropping their income since all true communists work for free for the good of the state.

      WAIT A MINUTE....if all purfessers started working for free and donated their income to pay of the national debt....hmmmmm

      wooddeserveseverydollarofmypayandain'tgivingitupsm oke
      According to the doctrine, they would also TAKE(for free also) as much as they need and whatever it is that they need.
      Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.


        Your main problem is that you actually THINK instead of just RE-spout what somebody else said in a faculty lounge!



          Originally posted by claydoh View Post
          Things I want to do:
          * Move to a small town relatively near Canberra, Australia
          Dude. Seriously? Have you ever actually been there?


            Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
            Dude. Seriously? Have you ever actually been there?
            Hey, I can have a dream, can't I? I would of course scope out the joint first.


              If the goal is to settle in Australia, just about anyplace is better than Canberra! It's purely a government town, it literally shuts down at 5:00 PM every day and is a ghost town on the weekends, because the residents all bail.

              Check out Melbourne, probably the coolest city culturally. Adelaide is also quite nice, good small-town feel but not stuck in the past. Brisbane is north, in the tropics, so it's warm and has good party scene, but Queensland is more conservative than other Australian states. Sydney is big and can keep you busy, but of all places in Australia, it feels the most American to me.

              What is it about Canberra that attracts you?


                Oh no, the town is about an hour away, and Melbourne is also a possibility. Sydney is out, for reasons you mention.

                As I am still dirt poor, this may take some time.

                And it is more of who the attraction is as opposed to where :grin:


                  Originally posted by claydoh View Post
                  And it is more of who the attraction is as opposed to where :grin:
                  Ah hah, salacious details emerge! Tell us more...are you in looooooooooove?


                    Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                    Ah hah, salacious details emerge! Tell us more...are you in looooooooooove?
                    Salacious, lol she would find that quite hilarious

                    And, yes, unexpectedly, I am. Karma is a weird beast it seems.


                      The only other person I know who voluntarily moved to Canberra also went for the same reason: a woman. Huh.


                        Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                        Ah hah, salacious details emerge! Tell us more...are you in looooooooooove?
                        Salacious, lol she would find that quite hilarious

                        And, yes, unexpectedly, I am. Karma is a weird beast it seems.


                          Originally posted by SteveRiley View Post
                          The only other person I know who voluntarily moved to Canberra also went for the same reason: a woman. Huh.
                          It would be near-ish to Canberra, in NSW


                            Originally posted by claydoh View Post
                            Salacious, lol she would find that quite hilarious

                            And, yes, unexpectedly, I am. Karma is a weird beast it seems.

                            There's nothing hilarious with love - strongest force known to mankind! I'd actually love people in love ... those bring joy to mankind and me. I'm in ave!

                            (close to) Canberra it is!!

                            with love and best regards

                            ASUS M4A87TD | AMD Ph II x6 | 12 GB ram | MSI GeForce GTX 560 Ti (448 Cuda cores)
                            Kubuntu 12.04 KDE 4.9.x (x86_64) - Debian "Squeeze" KDE 4.(5x) (x86_64)
                            Acer TimelineX 4820 TG | intel i3 | 4 GB ram| ATI Radeon HD 5600
                            Kubuntu 12.10 KDE 4.10 (x86_64) - OpenSUSE 12.3 KDE 4.10 (x86_64)
                            - Officially free from windoze since 11 dec 2009
                            >>>>>>>>>>>> Support KFN <<<<<<<<<<<<<


                              Originally posted by Jonas View Post
                              There's nothing hilarious with love - strongest force known to mankind! I'd actually love people in love ... those bring joy to mankind and me. I'm in ave!
                              +1 8)
                              Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.


                                I was thinking of going there with the Beatles' song but won't! lol


