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Sopa, pipa...

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    Sopa, pipa...

    ... and now CISPA. Gestapo never gives in...
    Ok, got it: Ashes come from burning.

    IF they pass that bill they might as well gather up all the copies of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and have a bonfire on the steps of the capital, lighting the pile and their cigars with the corporate money sticking out of all of their pockets. It has been slow in coming, but with the appearance of the RICO Act, the PATRIOT Act, the NSA letters, FEMA and the TSA, they might as well stop the hypocrisy and just destroy those documents in a single act.

    Is there any doubt why CONGRESS has an approval rating below 9% > The SCOTUS and POTUS are not far behind. They've all sold out to corporate bribe money.
    "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
    – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.


      Hi rms

      Thanks for the linky.

      As a sidelight in my continuing effort to educate my students:

      Just today I indicated to my classes, in the five minutes before class, how neither MS Media player or the IE browser will play a streaming radio station from within Germany.

      The same with Real Player and Quicktime.

      The stream is a simple mp3.

      However, the exact, self-same stream channeled through ShoutCast which has ADVERTISINGS.... surrounding the stream, plays just fine in IE.

      I segued to how, within a relatively short period of time, the average person in the U.S. will have NO CLUE about what kind of music is going on in the rest of the world unless one downloads it through Itunes, which now includes Shoutcast or a form of it.

      Ten years ago I was thoroughly derided for warning about this and now it is coming true.

      The article SAYS that the people doing the bill are going to "address concerns" but the addressing of the concerns includes this highly pregnant sentence:

      Relevant provisions were also clarified to "focus on the fact that the bill is designed to protect against unauthorized access to networks or systems, including unauthorized access aimed at stealing private or government[b/ information.[/b]"
      While just above it said it was going to LIMIT the meaning of the term to "research" information.

      To thoroughly BORE the longer time readers but it may be NEW to the new readers.

      If a company goes to court and says that "such and such music stream" from Europe is a threat to our business, such as Sony, then the "terrorism" act can be used to stop the stream with a mouse click.

      Thus negating the need to use the COMMERCE CLAUSE......which is one of the arguments at the Supreme Court NOW.....that since health care is an "interstate" operation. paragraph appears to "give"....

      The next para taketh away.

      Last edited by woodsmoke; Apr 25, 2012, 12:19 PM.

