The alarm bells are ringing...
Concerns, straight-up:
Just what about Blue System's proposal was so enticing that it swayed the decision in Blue Systems favour so quickly?
Remember J.R was, let's just say, 'resigned' to continue working on Unity and said at the time he fully understood and accepted the reasons behind Canonical's decision.
Did I miss something?
If the above quote of David Wonderly's is in fact true, then he is at odds with his own statements. I what to know what sort of vision could;
a.) conflict with this statement, while
b.) ALSO be in violation of Canonical's trademark license?
Nice piece of evasion there David. In fact 5 days ago you gave the undertaking to provide more information on Blue System's background to the community. If I am indeed to take you at face value, and presume you too know very little of Blue Systems like the rest of us, then please explain how you could possibly be in a position to know just how this deal could effect the Kubuntu Project in the future?
Maybe explain all the secrecy David, after all it is you who quips on your blog, "In a world of change, being open is key".
Concerns, straight-up:
"When I put out the announcement that Canonical would not be be paying anymore but we would carry on as a community project and so forth, I started getting a bunch of emails from various companies and organisations and individuals who said we depend upon this, we use it, what can we do, how can we help,whats going on? We use your stuff, if it disappears then that means we're in the poo as well. So since then I have made some interesting enquiries that have been quite promissing and this particular one wanted to jump right in and sponser us straight away..." - Jonathan Riddell on ubuntu uk podcast
Remember J.R was, let's just say, 'resigned' to continue working on Unity and said at the time he fully understood and accepted the reasons behind Canonical's decision.
There is a vision for the future of Kubuntu where the TM policies might constrain things we want to do with Kubuntu.
Kubuntu will continue as a community project based on Ubuntu. There are no plans to change the LTS version. It will be supported for 5 years.
a.) conflict with this statement, while
b.) ALSO be in violation of Canonical's trademark license?
Q: Who is Blue Systems?
A: While the details of who is paying for Blue Systems is not widly known here is how it effects the Kubuntu Project. As mentioned in my post, we now have two developers who are being paid to work on KDE and in turn, Kubuntu full time.
A: While the details of who is paying for Blue Systems is not widly known here is how it effects the Kubuntu Project. As mentioned in my post, we now have two developers who are being paid to work on KDE and in turn, Kubuntu full time.
Maybe explain all the secrecy David, after all it is you who quips on your blog, "In a world of change, being open is key".